Chapter 10

We Meet Again

THIS CHAPTER WAS CREATED BY Sounretro! Please thank her :)

Edited by amieemarie!

~ Chapter10 ~

~ Narrator  ~

you walks into school. As she walks to her locker girls stare and laughs at her. She sighed ignoring them. When she turns the corner she accidentally bumps into a group of girls. Their leader gasped and then glares at her. “Watch where you're going,” She said smacking you's books onto the floor. you glares at her. “And you stepped on my shoes with your big as feet. What are you waiting for? Pick up your books. You don't think I'm going to pick them up?”

Just ignore them you. She was going to bend down and pick her books up but she saw that the girl was moving her foot. If she was going to pick them up that wench would have kicked her in the face. I'm too smart to fall for something like that. “Watch where I'm going? You bumped into me and knocked my books down you ing plastic reject.”

“What did you call me you ing loser?” The leader and her followers surround her in a circle. you glares at them then balls her fingers into a fist. One of the girls pulls her hair. yougrabs her hand then twist it then push her away.

“Let's get her.” you looks around at all of them waiting for one of them to make the first move.

There was no way I'm going to back out like a punk. If these girls wanted to fight then she would have no choice but to fight them all at the same time. you drops her backpack getting ready to brawl.

The leader looks her up and down then backs away. “Enough. You know I would fight you. But I'm not even in the mood today. Consider yourself lucky. For now.” Before she left she shoulder bump her the leave with her group. you glares at them. She sighs, picks up her bag and book then continue walking to class.

“I hate this ing school.”

After math class you walks to her locker. When she open it she glace down the hall seeing the same group of girls from this morning. “There go that right there.” you saw that they were pointing to her. “She's the one that stepped on my shoes,” The leader said telling her boyfriend. They walk closer to her.

“,” you said dropping her backpack on the floor.
“Really? You have a problem with this ing nobody?” The guy said.
“Kick her . I would have done it but I don't feel like it. You do it.”
“The only person who's going to get their kick you guys,” you told them.

“I doubt that,” He said pushing her against the locker. He grabs her shirt then push her against another guy. He held her arms behind her back. When he was getting ready to punch her she kicked him in the nut making him fall to the floor. The guy behind her yanks her hair then throws her to the floor. The girl walks up to her and grabs her by the shirt.

“I make you wish you never cross paths with me.” She was getting to smack her but not moving fast enough you punch her in the face before she could. Before she could get her stuff and leave the guy grabs her by the hair pulling her on her feet. He balls his finger into a fist.

“You're dead you .” you gasp as she got ready to get her lights knocked out.
“YAH!” you and the guy look towards their right seeing JR walking up to them. “What goes on here?” He asked him.
“Mind your ing business. This got nothing to do with you JR.”
“If it's about her. Then it is my business.” The guy drops you on the floor. She backs up against the lockers.
“I said this got nothing to do with you,” He said pushing him. JR stares at him.

“You know what. I hate repeating myself. If I told Jongup to leave her alone. That goes for you to!” Moving quickly JR balls his fingers into a fist and punch the guy in the face. The guy back up then held his face. He got really angry then charged at JR pushing him against lockers. JR moves his elbow hitting the guy in the back two times. He fell to the floor whining in pain. The other guy that was with him ran up to him and punch JR in the mouth. JR didn't flinch or stumble a little. He stares at the guy then check to see was he bleeding. There was blood on the corner of his mouth. He hit the guy in the face with his elbow making him hit the back of his head against the lockers. His nose starts to bleed as he fell to the ground. The girl that was with them saw what happen then ran off.


JR looks at you. “Are you okay?” He asked her. you nodded.
“Y-yeah.” JR glared at her.
“You're always getting into fights!”
“What? Me?”
“What's going on out here?” The principle asked. He looks around seeing two students on the floor. He sighs looking at JR. “Fighting again mister Jonghyun?” JR didn't say anything. “That's it you got detention, again.” you stood up.
“No wait. He was only trying to protect me. This was my fight, not his,” you told him.
“I wasn't protecting you. I just did what I felt like doing,” JR told her. you look at him with her eyebrow raised.

“Then the both you delinquent's can spend detention together after school. When I mean no fighting, I mean it.” you sigh while JR glares at her.
“I'm not a delinquent," you sighed... "This day is just getting worst.”
After school JR and you sat in the library with other students who got detention. They were sitting at a different table across from each other. The two student's they were fighting were sitting in detention in another room. you sigh. “I can't believe I got detention. This .” JR glance at her then looks away. She looks at him. When he felt her staring he looks her way.

“You got a problem?” He asked her.
“No,” She mumbled looking down. “Hey, thanks for helping me.” JR glares at her then looks away. What's his problem? I only said thanks. “JR, I know you don't want to talk to me but. Why did you help me back there?”
“We're in detention. So be quiet. Meaning don't talk to me.” you glared at him.
“You don't have to be mean about it. I only asked a question.”
“So?” Ugh... This guy and his attitude. “Look, just tell me why you helped me? That's all I need to know.”
“I helped you because I felt it like. Don't take it personally. I didn't do it to be a good student.”
“So why did you do it then?” JR his teeth at her then looks away.

“Forget you too,” She mumbled. you wonder what was his problem. After helping her she see's now he's just a quiet, confusing jerk. The library double door slams open. His gang walks in scanning the room for their leader.
“Yo JR! Let's go,” Aron said.
“Finally,” JR said standing up getting ready to leave.
“But detention isn't over,” you told him.
“I don't care. I got better things to do. You can stay and waste your time here. Not me, I'm out.” you looks at him. “And oh yeah. Next time. Don't get me trouble.”
“Don't get you in trouble? No one told you to-Hey!” Ignoring her JR walks away then leaves the library with his crew. you sigh. “The nerve of this guy.”

A big special thanks to Sounretro for helping me writing this chapter :)

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Chapter 14: So essentially he's telling her that they're either half siblings or almost step-siblings...but he wants to be with her, interesting.
Iluvhotboyz #2
Chapter 14: Is it a vampire?!?! Scary....
Chapter 14: 0-o who's the guy?????
Chapter 13: Oh my god.... this is really getting good. You need to update soon..
Chapter 12: cant wait for more UPDATE
Random-reader #6
Chapter 12: Wow can't wait update as soon as you ing can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehe12345 #7
Can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you whoever wrote this XD
HanLuNa #8
Chapter 11: Can't wait for next chapter!!!!!!