It's totally not what you think

What you shouldn't do during a concert break

            Nothing could be heard from outside. True the door wasn’t sound-proof, just a simple polished wooden entrance with perfect seal and joint, thus, not even a voice could flow through it.


            - Ah…


            - Uh…


            Smoldering air surrounded us. The heat was hardly bearable.


            - Hnn… ugh…


            - Amh… uh… uh…


             Both of us were sweating. Our skins stuck to each other, like we were glued together, but meanwhile one of my legs always kept slipping down from his waist.


            - Uh… harder – I heard, but I wasn’t sure whose mouth the command came from. I was sinking in my own little world, not paying full attention to the reality is was in.


            I can’t remember how I ended up in a situation like this. Everything happened so fast – actually, slow, but I couldn’t realise it in time – and I couldn’t do a thing about it. I didn’t have the chance to fight against. The flow got hold of me, and the fact that when I had looked into Hyukjae’s eyes, I couldn’t resist.


            - Yah, I’ve asked noona before you! – Hyukjae stomped annoyed, and though I wasn’t older than him, he just didn’t know my name and therefore he called me noona, I wasn’t angry at him this time for calling me that. I was way younger than him, almost by four years, but he has never termed me as his dongsaeng.


            - You don’t even remember her name! – Heechul-ssi pointed a finger at me, while he was arguing with the dancer. Uhh… I groaned to myself. Eunhyuk became silent, looking at me nervously, and I saw in his eyes that he was aking for forgiveness but I just shook my head.


            - Well? – the second oldest member turned to me, his folded arms infront of the chest were telling me that I’d better not mess with him and just play his game, but I had doubts. Instead of answering with words, I grabbed the younger’s wrist and gave it a strong pull to make him follow me. Leaving the door open, we could hear some comments on this action, however, turning down another corridor, I pushed him into a dark room, and I immediately closed the way in after I also stepped inside. We couldn’t see each other until I switched the lights on.


            - Take your shirt off - I commanded him, as I walked past by some vitrines. The doctor’s office may be not the best choice for doing what we planned to do, but nothing better came across my mind at that moment and I hoped that I would be able to find the thing I had forgotten to bring with me.


            When I glanced at the couch to make sure nothing was lying on it’s surface so that I could send Hyukjae there, he already knew what I wanted him to do, and now he was sitting on the sofa, without a shirt, in a completely relaxed way.


            - What are you looking for? – he asked, lying down on his side, supporting his head with his palm. I didn’t answer this question, just gave up on searching for the tool and stepped next to the man to get the things started sooner. We only had half an hour for ourselves as the concert’s longest break, and I wanted this procedure to long as much as I could manage. Eunhyuk was so tired and worn out, I thought I could give him a little energy that he would endure the event with, and then we’d continue later what we’ve started here.


            I pushed his shoulder making him not to lay on his sides, because it wouldn’t be good for neither of us, then I slid down to his stiff legs. With my fingers, I his musclar calves which he tensed when I passed the skin there, then I took my time on his thighs. Sometimes, his legs flinched, I guess he was ticklish at some spots where I touched him, and as he opened his eyes and steered his glance to me, I thought he had enough of the fore-play, I should do him.


            And that’s how we got to this point.


            - Some more… Deeper… ahh – Hyukjae moaned shutting his eyes. – This… yeah… uhhh – he tried to breathe out in relief, but he couldn’t manage to do so. He was too busy with something else. It wasn’t intended, but my nails dug into the skin of his back, making him let out an inhuman sound through his throat. It was more like a whimper, but I’ve never heard anything like this from anybody, though I was rather at home in this profession.


            - You’re good… - he praised my skills, and I couldn’t help but smile. I blushed a little, but I didn’t stop, carrying on my task the way I’ve been doing it. I supported my body with my legs a little, with every push, I lifted myself up, then lowered my waist.


            - Loosen… up – I forced out through clenched teeth. I also started to get tired and now I had to pant. For a mere second, I took my hand off his back, and I swept all my hair to my right shoulder, because it was in the way, and I couldn’t see Hyukjae’s face.


            - Uh… - I heard a deep grunt coming from his mouth when I reached a certain spot. And then, it didn’t matter how many times I pushed it, he always let out the same sound. – How… comes… uh, that… you are… hnnn… so… ughh… good, noona?


            I became angry because of the way he called me again, so I changed to a more violent method, making Eunhyuk growl. I thought that he didn’t like it, hearing the tone, and I smiled at it, thinking that he won’t call me noona next time, but then he spoke up.


            - This… was… hmm, good – a gring played on his glistening lips, it to keep his mouth wet, making me think about hunderds of inappropriate things at the very moment. I wanted to teach him a lesson, but I realized, it would be more of an award than a punishment.


            - Answering your… question – I breathed out hoarsely – it’s in my veins. – After this, I loosened myself up to take a little rest. I was totally exhausted, while Hyukjase seemed he was rather enjoying my activity, and he didn’t even looked that fatigued he did earlier. This meant one thing, that I did a good job, because it was my original plan.


            His slim body writhed underneath of me like the way I made him to do, and the feeling that I dominated a person whom nobody could control sent raw electricity down my spine. My heart skipped a beat when Hyukjae moved simultaneously with me, taking up my pace. Shivers ran through my body hearing his voice, but still, heat drowned my inner self. The kind of sound you couldn’t bear with senses. Not just his, but my muscles tensed as well.


            I looked around a little, and I found the thing I was looking for earlier on a counter that I haven’t noticed before, because it got into my sight while sitting on the couch.


            - Eunhyuk-ssi, can you reach that tube? – I questioned and waited for Hyukjae to look up at me, one eyes closed, whilst the other was blinking due to a lamp that was located above my head on the ceiling, and I wasn’t really a shadow to him. I pointed at the counter with my chin, and he turned his head. I hoped that he would be able to grab the tube with his longer arms because it’s liquid content would stand in good stead for us. It’d eased a lot of things for me. Eunhyuk streched out a little, and for a mere second, I pondered over his shining skin.


              He was all of a sweat, because as soon as we stepped inside, the heater automatically, since it was only February, and the cold weather was still lingering here, however after this time, the heating became unnecessary for us. Our temperatures were enough. His skin almost glittered like they had sprinkled glitter-powder all over his body, and it was a beautiful and breath-taking and intoxicating sight. I was starting to think that I didn’t deserve to see him like that.


            I flipped open the tube’s green top and I forced out an amount of a walnut onto my palm. I spread the stuff with little bubbles on my hand and then I waited. What should have I said in a situation like this? Sith I’ve never been with a famous person, and this was a whole new experience for me in my life. I only knew that I was supposed to treat him in a different way, but I wasn’t sure about how I supposed to behave in his presence. However hearing him I realized I could be a little more intimate with him.


            - Are you ready? – I asked furrowing my brow, voice in a tone even if he wasn’t that ready, he should expect the cool feeling his heated skin had already started to absorb, as I smoothed it in. Hyukjae hissed, painfully, with tightly closed eyes, clenched fists and teeth, so I immediately took my hands away from him, and I was wondering what have I done wrong if he reacted like this.


            - You sure this is the right tube? – he asked irritated. I ignored his voice and looked at the coffee table on which I could see the tube I have rolled onto the table’s glass surface. I was sure it wasn’t something else I always use when I’m working.


            I leaned down a little bit deeper as I carried on my task applying more strenght. I had my hands roam all over his body stopping at his shoulders and upper arms since these parts are also needed to be touched. On his every bit – if I had the time for that. Minutes later, moans appeared once again, this time louder, and the energy I get from my little rest suddenly vanished into thin air. I could barley move my fingers.


            - Eunhyuk-ssi, I… huhhh… - I breathed deeply – can’t… take… haa… it—


            The door we thought kept all the weird, dubious noises in this room suddenly sprang open, two people tumbled into the room, others stood behind them at the door-step with wide eyes, and they were looking at us like we have been doing something forbidden in a break of a concert.


            - I’m the next! – Heechul complained from the floor, trying to push Donghae’s head away from his face.


            - But I want to try it too! – Donghae whined with the same tone, while I was sitting on the top of Hyukjae’s back, my fingers digging into his skin.


            - You guys were eavesdropping? – Eunhyuk questioned from under me and he risened his torso with the help of his elbows. I had to move back a little with his movements, dropping my hands to my side, shaking them not to be that sore from massaging.


            Heechul ignored the dancer’s remark. - Yah, I’m older than you, and my back aches – Chul retorted back, turning to Hae. Then he accepted Jungsoo’s helping hand and stood up, dusting off his pants from any possible, invisible dust-bunnies.


            - Because you’re an old fart that’s why – the younger stuck his tongue out, and moments later, he jumped on the other Super Junior member, who was still laying on the couch, in order to escape from Cinderella’s wrath. With that, Eunhyuk grunted at the impact of course not the kind when we were alone, it was more like a painful groan. Donghae turned to me, and smiled cutely showing his white teeth.


            - Will you massage me for my two pretty eyes? – he flashed an adorable look fluttering his eyelashes. I grinned at him, not answering just pointing at the clock that was hanging above the door. It was telling us that we didn’t even have like ten minutes until the break comes to an end, and so, I didn’t have the time to carry out a massage that he deserved after a long, tiring week with packed schedule. The oldest member clapped his hands to send everyone out, then he closed the door after he also stepped out, and we were left alone again, though I didn’t quite understand his actions. Why leaving us alone?


            Glancing back down I noticed a pleasant smile playing on Hyukjae’s lips with a sweet expression, as he was resting, his eyes closed. The left side of his face laid on his crossed arms, and he didn’t seem to mind me sitting on his waist. Holding onto the couch’s back-rest, I lifted myself up, and put my legs down without disturbing the dancer’s short peace. I flipped back the spearmint massage-oil’s top, then I tapped Hyukjae’s forehead to wake him up, because the concert was due in few minutes and he needed to be on-stage.


            - We’ll continue in the hotel – he whispered into my ear, and left me infront of the doctor’s office, and while walking, he stretched towards the ceiling.

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Chapter 1: *face palm* *face slap* *double face slap* >///< dammit. I ACTUALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE DOING IT!
Chapter 1: Lol I got confused with the massaging part cuz I thought it was something else that they were doing. But I kept remembering the title so I was like wait they aren't doing it right??? Then I found out she was giving him a massage. Hahaha
13aszerencseszamom #3
No wonder we are erts because of these boys~ n_n
Omg I was seriously thinking of something else!!!!! XD hahahahahahahah I'm such a ert!! XP
13aszerencseszamom #5
We are all erted.:D <br />
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Thank you for commenting ♥
I was thinking the wrong way!<br />
OMG! >.<
LOL that was awesome!! and i now realize, i have a erted mind ><<br />
i really liked it, so funny~ ^^
13aszerencseszamom #8
Aw, thank you very much for commenting :) <br />
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Yeah, it's ambiguous. It was my plan.
If you don't read the title you would completely think in the wrong way! XD<br />
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I love ur story, it was funny to read how the members stood outside with wide eyes :D