The Trainee and The 4D Singer

Slave-Contract Love

                "Not only has her songs been on the #1 spot for four weeks straight---"

                "Wow, Jinyeong-sunbae is really good."

                "I wish I could learn from her."

                "Yeah, but Jonghyun-hyung got her, that lucky bastard."

                "Whatchu call me Taemin?"

                "Oh hyung! You're here!"

The younger trainees looked up at the light brown hair boy as he set down his guitar case and took off his jacket. The younger trainees knew that their studio time was up and had to leave for the boy as he began to stretch. Today, he was going to get some more lessons from his mentor and he needed all of the teaching he can get.

                "Let's get cracking Kim Jonghyun, you can do it."

Kim Jonghyun was an average 20 year-old guy who dreamed of becoming a singer. He's always had a passion for music and wanted to share that with the world. Despite his responsibilities as the provider, Jonghyun wants to strive as an artist. So, he auditioned for one of the best companies, MS Entertainment, where he was accepted into and now trained for three years. Jonghyun wished that he could debut soon so that he could make his dreams come true and provide more for his family, but, patience is key. The double doors to the dance studio opened and in came a familiar face.

                "Luhan hyung!"

                "Oh Jonghyun-ah," the elder spoke, "You're here this late?"

                "Yeah, Jinyeong-noona is giving me some more training."

                "Wow. What happened to the Jonghyun that used to whine and complain?"

                "Hyung, stop teasing me."

Jonghyun smiled at the person in front of him. Xi Luhan was three years older than him and he was a singer - Luhan was apart of a group, Action, with three other members. Luhan was one of the many respected idols here at MS Entertainment and he was considered one of the best looking males in the entire continent. Not only was he a singer, but he was a great teacher as well; right now, he was training a few of Jonghyun's trainee friends: Kim Jongdae, Lee Taemin, Kim Jongin, Oh Sehun, and Huang Zitao.

                "So, where is Jinyeong?" Luhan asked, "When did she say she'll be here?"

                "You're so obsessed with her hyung, seriously."

                "Shut up Kim Jonghyun."

Jonghyun knew Luhan's deepest secret and that was: Luhan was in love with Jinyeong. Well, it seemed understandable because the two were best friends and they were really close. To everyone else, Luhan was calm and mature, but, whenever he was with Jinyeong, Luhan turned into a whole new person. If a fan saw him, it would be on the news for weeks probably.

                "But seriously, did Jinyeong say when she was coming? I want to meet up with her before I have to head back."

                "Hyung, you're 23 years-old, how can you still have a curfew?"

                "Well, that's what happens when you become an idol, Jong. You get a lot of restrictions and a lot of your freedom is taken away."

                "Good for you then. Besides, if you love her so much, why don't you just call her?" Jonghyun bent down to tie his shoes, "You act like I'm some kind of messanger for your love life or something."

                "You're really funny for a guy who has a hole right on his ."

                "And you would look there hyung, wouldn't you?"

After changing out of his jeans, which he did find a large hole on the back, Jonghyun wore a green crew neck tee with gray sweats and a pair of white Reeboks. Time slowly passed and the two got bored. It came down to the point where Jonghyun begged Luhan to show him some choreo.

                "Okay, now you bend your right leg like this and move your hand up into the right corner. Then you wave your hand up into a rainbow and land it to towards the left. Finally, you pull yourself towards the left and wa-lah, there you go."

                "This was stupid."

                "Well, I---"

The double doors opened again and in came the original wanted figure. Jonghyun groaned in relief and annoyance as Luhan brightened up and ran over to swallow the figure in his arms.

                "Jinyeong! You're finally here! Thank God!"

                "Nice seeing you too Luhan oppa," the girl pulled away from his embrace, "What brings you here?"

                "I wanted to see you before my curfew. You know, you've been so busy with your schedules lately that you barely even text me."

                "Sorry Luhan oppa," Jinyeong chuckled, "Your curfew isn't until midnight right? I'll train Jonghyun and if we have time after, we can both go eat."

                "Yay! I won't go to sleep then!"

Jonghyun scoffed at the "new" Luhan and Jinyeong gave him a quick wave before setting her stuff down. Luhan grabbed Jinyeong's hand and noticed that her hands were covered in bandages. He looked up at her and Jinyeong shot him a smile.

                "I just got some blisters while moving some stuff. Don't worry about it."

                "Be careful more, okay?"

                "Of course."

Jonghyun went to play the music and Luhan watched as mentor and student danced to the hip hop song as one. Luhan began some random topic about perfume while Jonghyun saw blood drip from her hand, but, he didn't say anything.

                "I wonder what happened to Jinyeong-noona. Maybe I should ask later."

Update. Sorry that it took so long! :"D

Hope you like it~~~

Just a few more chapters and the real story will start!!

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OMG!!!! Myungsoo! So sad!