Part III

Kindergarten Tales


The next morning when Hangeng was dropped off, he ran into the classroom and quickly looked around but found that he was pretty early and that Yesung and Leeteuk were the only ones there. Leeteuk grinned and waved him over to where she sat talking with Yesung. “Hello Nuna, Yesung-Ah”. Yesung grinned at him and said “Heyya hyung!” “So are you part of the breakfast club too Geng-ah?” asked Leeteuk smiling at him with her dimpled smile. He blinked at her and asked “What’s that Nuna?” “We don’t know” responded Yesung before Leeteuk could and continued “Yang sonsaengnim calls us that”.

Hangeng nodded to show that he had understood when Yunho called him “Geng! I didn’t see you. Did you just get here?” He nodded and said “My Ba brought me today”. Yunho nodded and said “Well I better get to the doorway to great the rest of you kiddies”. Hangeng quickly ran to his side “Can I come too?” he asked. Yunho smiled and nodded and said “Sure thing. Why don’t you leave your back pack in your cubby and meet me in the door way.

Hangeng joined Yunho just in time for a large black car to pull up at the entrance of the school. From the driver’s side popped out a woman who looked at them and called out “Yunho-oppa!” Hangeng looked up at Yunho who suddenly seemed to be seeping happiness as the tall pretty woman helped a flustered looking Kyuhyun out of the car. Kyuhyun was having trouble carrying her teddy bear as it was almost her own height. Once they were near them Yunho smiled and said “Changmin-ah, looking beautiful as ever I see”. She smiled at him and said with a playful wink “You’re not doing so bad yourself”.

Yunho chuckled and continued to talk with Changmin while Kyuhyun greeted Hangeng “Hello Oppa” she said adjusting her bag and the bear at the same time. “Hi Kyuhyun-ah, why did you bring such a big teddy?” he replied. Clutching the bear around the waist she grinned at him and said “This is Kyubear, I couldn’t leave my baby home with my umma twice! That would be irri…ire…iresp…uh wrong” Hangeng blinked and questioned “Your baby?” Nodding happily she replied “It’s mine and Yesung-oppa’s.” Suddenly her eyes shone brightly“Is Yesung-oppa here yet?” Hangeng nodded slowly and pointed to where Yesung stood next to Leeteuk acting silly while she laughed. With a gasp Kyuhyun ran into the room instantly pulling Yesung into hold as she greeted Leeteuk.

A soft chuckle reached his ear before Changmin spoke “I bet anything that, that little boy is Kim Yesung”. Yunho nodded and said “Kyuhyun is very attached to him”. Changmin grinned and said “Oh she is attached. She says that he is her husband and that her teddy is their baby. She invited him to her birthday a couple months ago and he gave her that teddy, and she ignored every other gift, even my gift; a state of the art computer for children.” Yunho laughed and said “It’s surprising; most people don’t like Yesung at first because he is a little strange but she doesn’t care, and she is always the first person to defend him”. A Cheshire cat type grin formed on Changmin’s face “Remind you of anybody?” Yunho blushed and said “That uh….you see…that is…I just liked keeping you safe”. Changmin smiled softly and said “We’ll I have to go now. But we should have diner sometime…I’m free this evening…” Yunho grinned and said “Sounds like a plan”. Changmin giggled and said “It’s a date then. Bye Oppa”, before walking off.

Focused on his teacher’s exchange with the pretty lady Hangeng didn’t notice a little pigtailed girl creeping up on him until he found himself being glomped. “Hannie! Did you wait for me?” giggled Heechul her arms still about him, and instantly Hangeng  turned to her and grinned nodding happily “I brought the fan”. Heechul burst into a grin and said showing him her red umbrella he hadn’t seen before “I brought my umbrella too see.” She opened it resting it against her shoulder as she childishly modeled for him “Isn’t it pretty?” As soon as he nodded she grabbed his hand and began to tug him into the room “Come show me your fan”.

While Hangeng grabbed his bag from the cubby Heechul talked to Leeteuk and Ryeowook who had just arrived. “Hannie, did you find it?” questioned Heechul as she left the two girls when Sungmin showed up to play with Ryeowook before class started. With a nod Hangeng unveiled the beautiful Chinese fan. Heechul gasped at the image of beautifully painted flower blossoms and perfect Chinese characters. “It’s so pretty” She whispered as if her voice could hurt the fan “Can I hold it?” she asked still whispering. Hangeng nodded and said with a blush “Actually, you can have it. My Ba said it was okay”. She cradled the fan in her hand softly and said “Wow, really? Omo! Thank you so much Hannie!” before she rewarded him a quick peck on the cheek. This left Hangeng a blushing stuttering mess, while she held the fan as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

Soon the whole class was assembled and in their seats even Zhoumi was there that day, who greeted Hangeng with a hug and a ramble of excited Korean and Mandarin words. Yunho stood in front of the class and said “okay class, I have big news!” “You’re getting married!” gasped Eunhyuk. “You got called by the army to serve your country!” cried out Kangin excitedly. “We have an all play day, day today!” cried Donghae jumping on his seat ecstatically. “Settle down class” called out Yunho until the class did sit and he continued “No I’m not getting married. Not anytime soon at least Eunhyukkie. And Kangin I already served. And no Donghae you have to do at least a little bit of work. Today though, we’re going to spend a large part of the day painting and coloring for Open House.”

Leeteuk’s hand instantly shot up in the air “What’s Open House sonsaengnim?” Yunho smiled and replied “Good question. Does anybody know what an open house is?” Kangin immediately raised his hand crying out “Ooo I saw this on TV. An Open House is when somebody goes on vacation and they have no alarms so it’s easy to break into, and that’s why it’s an open house. It’s open, so that anybody could break in”. Yunho blinked and said “Er…no that’s not it. Does anybody else think they know?” Siwon raised his hand before settling it back down neatly in front of him “it’s when you let our parents come to our classroom and look at all the things we’re doing, and how we do them…right?” Yunho nodded “Exactly! Now I’m going to make your groups today since it will be much easier than if we do it tomorrow okay?”

He waited until fifteen heads nodded back at him and he said “Okay first get into groups of two, except one group will have 3 okay”. Slowly the children got their partners: Leeteuk with Kangin, Heechul with Hangeng, Yesung with Kyuhyun, Sungmin with Ryeowook, Siwon and Eunhyuk, Shindong and Donghae, And Kibum, Zhoumi, and Henry. “Okay” nodded Yunho “now I will make group of four. Group one will be Leeteuk, Kangin, Heechul and Hangeng. Group 2 will be Yesung, Sungmin, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun. Group 3 will be Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon, and Shindong. And Group 4 will be Kibum, Zhou Mi and Henry.” Clapping his hands to show he’d finished Yunho gave his class an eye smile before saying “Alrighty then. Let’s get to working!”

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Goemas12 #2
Chapter 3: love it this story is just so adorable cant wait for the next update
Chapter 3: I can't stop smiling. This was so adorable. Update soon please~ ^_^
longlivetheclouds13 #4
Chapter 2: omg..its like..the cutest thing eveeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr~~~~ gosh..kid!suju is the cutest thing ever...>3< uuugh...i loove this..and but i thought yeye will be the girl and kyu will be the boy, so i kinda surprised here ^^; but nevermind..they are all adorable~~lemme take 'em one please~~lol XDD aiih thx for this..cant wait for next ;3
Chapter 1: can't wait to see how the story gos it remind of the rugrats :D