Chapter 3

Guitar Boy [EDITING]

Your POV

You wake up to the annoying tolling of your alarm and slap the snooze button with a groan, sitting up in your bed like a zombie. You launch yourself into the bathroom and hop in the shower, scrubbing relentlessly at your sensitive skin so as to wash away all of the exhaustion and stress. Once you’re all washed, shaved, and smelling glorious you turn off the water and step out.

With your pink towel still wrapped around you, you venture out into the open apartment and search through the fridge in the kitchen for something to satisfy the roaring beast that is your stomach. You take banana milk for now, not seeing anything appetizing.

“Unnie, you have to go food shopping!” you scream through the apartment, hoping she hears you.

“Yah, I’m right here.”

You spin around to see Hwayoung rubbing her ears, a frown on her face. She's completely dressed for work already. Your mouth forms an ‘O’ shape when you realize she won’t be going shopping.

“How late do you have to work today, unnie?” you ask.

She gives you an apologetic look and pats your shoulder. “I told you, ____-ah, I have a business trip that’ll last a few days. I should be back before your break ends, though.”

You nod your head slowly but feel that all too familiar sense of loneliness rising within you. You shove it back down and force a smile. “Well, good luck! See you in a few days!" you say, giving her a quick hug.

She makes a ‘tsk’ sound and rubs at a wet spot your hair made on her blouse, but looks back at you with a smile. “Bye, ____-ah! Don't miss me too much!" With that, she leaves the apartment.

And you’re alone.

“It’s all good, ____, you’re going to the park,” you tell yourself as you sulk your way back to your bedroom to get dressed.

Realization hits you as you search your closet: you promised yourself you would talk to Guitar Boy today!

“AISH! I can’t wear just anything today, I have to look good!”

You pull every hanger from the rack and toss everything on your bed, eyeing the mountain of clothes in just your underwear, your hair wrapped tightly in your towel.

After half an hour, you finally settle on an outfit. You sport your pastel pink, high-waist shorts and a sheer blouse with a white camisole underneath. The, you lace up your boots and throw on a light green cardigan. You complete the look by putting on a pink headband with a flower glued to it.

By the time you're done primping and running around, the clock reads eleven thirty.

“It’s already this late?!” you shout. You throw on some lip gloss and snatch your art supplies from the bean-bag chair underneath the living room window before darting out the door.


You arrive at the park an hour later than usual. You rush to your usual spot and let out a sigh of relief when you see that it’s been left empty.

“So you did come,” an unfamiliar, male voice says from behind you.

You furrow your brows, turning around to see who’s addressing you, and have to stop your jaw from dropping to the pavement. Guitar Boy stands before you, a shy smile on his lips and his guitar case slung over his shoulder.

Your cheeks turn a light pink as you study him from up close. He’s very tall, rather lanky, and has soft brown hair that fall just below his chin. You will yourself not to reach out and touch the shimmering strands and instead study his face. His features are very long and he has big, puppy-like eyes. His long lashes cast shadows on his high cheekbones and his ears stick out from his hair cutely. Your eyes come to rest on his plush, pink lips and you force yourself to look back into his eyes. You're a little freaked out by how nervous this boy makes you feel, and the things he makes you think.

It finally registers that he said something, but you can’t bring yourself to form a coherent sentence. You manage to squeak out a pathetic, “Yes.”

His smile widens and his eyes crinkle into adorable half-moons. “I was scared you weren’t going to show up,” he admits.

“R-really?” You mentally face palm yourself at your lackluster response. Your words, _____, use your words! you scream inside your head.

He nods his head, the sweet smile never leaving his lips, and holds his long hand out to you. “I'm Gongchan,” he says brightly.

So Gongchan is his name. It’s a strange name, but somehow fits him. You take his hand shyly and look up at him through your lashes, too nervous to look at him directly. “_____. Nice to m-meet you.” You grimace when your voice falters, annoyed that your vocal chords seem to be failing you. “Is that your r-real name?” you ask.

He an eyebrow and tilts his head curiously. “What, is it weird?”

You shake your head furiously and wave your free hand crazily, not realizing your still holding his with your other hand. “Ah, I'm sorry! It’s not w-weird at all! It’s a cool name, Gongchan-ssi, very cool! N-not weird!”

He stares at you for a moment before bursting out in a fit of laughter. “I’m just kidding,” he wheezes between cackles, “it’s not my real name.”

You frown at your own stupidity and look at the ground out of embarrassment.

“It’s Gong Chansik, but I like when people call me Gongchan,” he says shyly, collecting himself.

An awkward silence ensues and you both go to break it at the same time, but each insist the other go first.

He finally convinces you to speak first and you gesture toward his guitar with a shy smile. “You’re really good. I like your music.” 

Proud of yourself for not stuttering, you look up to see him blushing furiously. Your eyes widen but you don’t look away.

He grabs your shoulders firmly and a dorky grin stretches across his face. He looks like a child who just won a lifetime supply of ice cream. “Do you really like my music?!”

You giggle at his cuteness and nod your head.

He pulls back with a satisfied grin, still blushing a bit. He scratches the back of his neck and avoids your eyes. “I like watching you paint.”

Now it’s your turn to blush. Your cheeks turn a bright crimson and your whole body feels hot. He’s been watching me?!

“I swear, I’m not a creep!" he blurts. "I just think it’s cool when people get so into their work. I can tell you really love art.”

You smile widely and nod your head. “Yes, I really love art! I want to major in it in university. There’s no better way to capture the beauty that’s all around us than by putting in down on paper! At least, that’s what I think. I mean, I guess you can do the same with photography but-” you stop talking abruptly when you realize you’re rambling. You tend to do that when you start talking about things you love.

Instead of being weirded out, Gongchan actually seems to enjoy hearing you so excited about something you love. It reminds him of how he gets with his music.

The two of you don’t realize that while you’ve been standing there chatting, an elderly couple has been patiently waiting to get their portrait painted. Apparently incapable of waiting any longer, the old man clears his throat obnoxiously, only to receive a smack from his wife in return.

You snap back into reality and turn towards the couple, bowing and apologizing profusely. “I’ll be with you in just a minute!” you say, clasping your hands together and giving a 90 degree bow. The couple smiles at you and you turn back to face Gongchan.

He points to his guitar case with a cheesy smile. “It’s not going to play itself.”

You giggle at this. “Right. It was nice talking to you Gongchan-ssi!”

The other wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Just Gongchan is fine, _____-ah. I-I can call you ____-ah, right?”

A light blush captures your cheeks and you nod your head slowly. “Yes… Gongchan.” You blush harder when you say his name.

He smiles cheekily and waves to you before strolling over to his usual spot by the fountain, whistling a pleasant tune the whole way there. As soon as his back is turned, you place the palms of your hands on your burning cheeks and finally release all the air you’ve been holding in. It’s a surprise you didn’t explode.

“Ahem,” the old man clears his throat impatiently.

“Ah, I'm so sorry!” You bow respectfully and return to your easel to finally paint the couple’s portrait.


The day passes by quickly, with you and Gongchan stealing quick glances at one another, only to look away with a blush every time.

He hadn’t noticed how pretty you were until he was talking you face-to-face. Not that he didn't already find you pretty, but, from close up, you’re even prettier than he imagined. He especially likes the big, innocent orbs you have for eyes. He could stare into them all day… if it wasn’t really weird to think so.

The sun sets behind the tree line and you finish up the last painting of the day. The man pays you kindly and you begin to pack up your things. You place everything in your large tote and sling the folding chair over your shoulder.

You stretch your arms out in front of you and grunt loudly, relieving the tension from your stiff muscles. Sneakily, you glance over at Gongchan to see that he’s actually walking towards you. OMO, what do I do?!

“Annyeong,” the other greets cheerfully as soon as he's in front of you.

“A-annyeong…” you stutter. Damn your nerves.

He gives you a smug grin and nudges your shoulder playfully. “Do I make you nervous, _____-ah?”

Surprised by his playfulness and skinship, your eyes widen and your pulse quickens. Hesitantly, you copy his movements and shove him back lightly with a shy smile. “Not at all, Gongchan.”

He smirks. "Good."

Silence falls on the two of you, but it’s a comfortable silence. It isn’t awkward like the last time.

“Well, I have to go now,” you sigh, knowing you still have to go to the store and buy food for yourself so you don’t starve.

“Yeah…” the other scuffs his shoes on the hard sidewalk and chews at his cheek, trying to think of how he's going to word his next statement. “_____-ah, I-”

Right then, his phone rings loudly, interrupting his thought. You motion for him to answer it. He gives you an apologetic look before accepting the call.

“Hello? Ah, hyung! Yeah…”

You stand around awkwardly for a few minutes but, not wanting to intrude on his conversation, you give a small wave and whisper, “See you tomorrow.” You turn around and make your way towards the exit with thoughts of dinner filling your head.


Gongchan’s POV

What the- why is she leaving? I can’t exactly yell for her to stop with hyung on the other line. I’m about to chase after her when I see headlights and a familiar car pull up on the other side of the park. Hyung’s head pops out from the sun roof and he gestures for me to get into the car. I look between _____ and the vehicle, not wanting to let her get away.

“Get. In. The. Car.” he commands over the phone.

“Yes, hyung…” I hang up the phone and take a last, long look at _____ before sulking to the car and climbing inside. I don’t tear my eyes away from where she was walking, even after she is completely out of sight.

This is really it? I’m such an idiot. I should have talked to her a long time ago. But I’m too much of a chicken.

I didn’t even say goodbye. 



(A/N:) holy chiz, this is a really long update... sorry!

What do you think Gongchan means by he didn't get to say goodbye? HMMMM, drama!

But yeah, I worked for a long time on this one because I don't know when I'll be updating this fic again ^^;

I'm completely swamped with schoolwork and my other fic and tests and finding a job. It's all just uGH.

But I'll try to get another update up this weekend, and if I don't, please don't unsubscribe! I'll get another chappie up ASAP D':

Please COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE! Comments inspire me to write better chapters and update more often~

Until next time!

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Going through and editing&updating; this week~


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seouljaboy #1
I'm from the Cut Up Review Shop~
Your requested reviewer deactivated and the co-author built a new shop and took over the requests. I will be your reviewer as of now, and I will (hopefully) finish it in a couple of days!
Please inform me If you want to cancel your request!
jennifer1801 #2
Chapter 17: Im happy this is updated ..i really love this story!!
-fakelove #3
Chapter 16: Yay! I'm glad your back! I screamed with joy when I saw this was updated! XD Why do you do this to me though... I don't know who to root for! Gongchan and Myungsoo are both just too adorable! >.<
Chapter 16: Myungsoo is so ADORABLE~!!!!!
Chapter 16: MYUNG-FREAKING-SOO IS ADORABLE!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! i can't wait for the next update, don't get discouraged, this was really good!! (^-^)
Chapter 16: Oh no... Lol I can so imagine Hwa Young and B1A4 walking in and see ____ and Myungsoo sleeping Go gchan will get jealous! And Hwa Young will get pissed! But update soon!
Please!! Update soon!! I beg you!
ParkChae #8
Chapter 15: It's Soo! And the blonde guy is her normal guy! Gurae? Aigoo! I'm excited! ^^
Chapter 15: YAAAAY Gongchan is really cute..!
And I think the mystery person is Soo and she wants to go to the karaoke bar..maybe..I DONT KNOW ;______; I love this story!
Chapter 15: wooww...who's that girl ???
update soon !