
A Day In The Life of JongKey

Still Key POV


It was around 12:00 noon. I looked inside the fridge and marked what I needed to buy, cause well, I'm going shopping today. Duh. I figured out that I had to buy more chicken cause apparently Onew hyung ate all of it. I was checking if I needed to buy more eggs when someone decided to surprise me from behind. I let out a scream and whacked the person with the fridge door, thinking that it was Minho trying to prank me again. After hitting the person about 30 times, I realized that I accidently hit my boyfriend again. Sadly.

"Yeobo if you're going to keep hitting me on the head by accident I'm going to turn stupid 'cause of brain damage," Jonghyun said, clutching a spot on his head where it was a nasty purple bruise.

"Ehh hehe. Sorry honey," I apologized, scratching the back of my head. "I thought you were Minho trying to prank me again."

"It's ok. But next time, can you at least turn around before you try and hit someone again? Oww, my head."

"Ok. I'll go get the first aid kit."

After treating Jonghyun's injuries (and choosing what clothes I'm wearing today, of course) I was finally able to go shopping. Until I tripped over someone, that is. I looked down and saw Onew hyung on the ground with a giant chicken plushy he was hugging and he was, sleeping?

I'm not gonna ask what was happening last night, I thought to myself, and walked out the door.

Time Skip

After buying the groceries, I decided to do a bit of shopping around the area, cause I need to update my wardrobe to the newest fashion design. I was walking along choosing which stores I wanted to go in when I bumped into someone.

"Whoops. Sorry."

"It's ok."

The person seemed strangely familiar. Then it clicked in my mind who that person was.

"Kyuhyun hyung?" I asked.

"Key?! I thought you were some stranger. What are you doing here?" Kyuhyun said, a bit surprised.

"What are You doing HERE?" I counterattacked back.

"I wanted to buy a present for Minnie hyung since it's his birthday today," he explained.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! And disturbing at the same time since you're the evil maknae of SuJu and you rarely do anything nice. Do you need any help?" 

"Umm sure?"

I then proceeded to drag him to the nearest pink store I could find and we went browsing through the collection of pink bunnies and shirts.

"Do you guys need any help- OMG IT"S KYUHYUN AND KEY OPPA! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPHS?! YOU'RE MY ULTIMATE BIASES!" one of the workers at the store yelled out.

"SHUT UP!" we both tried to shut her up at the same. After doing so, she finally calmed down from the spazz attack.

"What are you doing here though oppas?" she asked.

"I'm buying a present for a friend's birthday," explained Kyuhyun.

"Is it Sungmin?"

"Eh?! How did you know?!"

"I KNEW IT! KYUMIN IS REAL!" she shouted. "NOW YOU OWE ME 50 BUCKS!" she pointed at her friends, who were getting their wallets out. I could hear some "Damn it"s from them. After the strange situation (and more browsing) we finally decided on a pair of pink couple tees that for some weird reason said,"Kyu" on of the shirts and "Min" on the other one. It's like it was made for KyuMin. Weird. After paying for it, we said our "good bye"s and parted ways.

When I got home I was met by a glomping Jonghyun and an excited Onew, who kept pestering me if I bought chicken.

"I missed you," Jonghyun murmured, resting in the crook of my neck.

"You pabo, I was only out for two hours."

We were in this position for a while, until Onew decided to break the peaceful silence.


"YES I DID YOU FATASS! IT'S IN THE BAG!" I yelled, getting pissed off.

"YAY! COME TO PAPA CHICKEN!" Onew cheered, suddenly switching emotions, and he grabbed the bag of chicken and ran off to whoever knows where he went.

"Is our leader bi-polar or something?" I asked to Jonghyun.

"Well, no one's normal in our dorm," he replied back.

"You have a point," I said, thinking about it.

~YAY I UPDATED! *throws random confetti everywhere* I'm feeling better now if anyone asks. So enjoy teh update! \( ^3^)/ Or I'll KILL U! >:D 8U

Just joking. ( ^_^ ) *sighs* Me and my random mind. (^_^ ;)

Oh! And Happy Belated Birthday Key! (Even though you're not my bias.)


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Chapter 2: "YES I DID YOU FATASS!" Omo. I'm trying to laugh quietly so that I don't wake up my sister...I. Can't. Control....What. Is. This. Madness...
shineeshipper #2
Chapter 3: LMFAO the equations like killed me XD. And so did the pan flying through the room, kekekekeke.
Jongkey's the best! :) Daebak! Keep writing awesome stories!
iamyourjuliette #4
Chapter 3: This is all waaayy too funny LOL! Siwon suddenly pops out of nowhere and gives a lecture about sins, Donghae's complaint about his fish relatives, Onew's chicken obsession, The JongKey math LOL too much funny shiz!! Please make more fanfics like these!
Chapter 3: OMG Donghae is so cute there~
And that equation in the end was so funny :)) DAEBAK!
eunhaeshipper15 #6
Chapter 3: "YOU KILLED NEMO!" That's okay Hae there are plenty of other fish is the sea. Frickin' love your writing xDD
eunhaeshipper15 #7
Chapter 2: I enjoyed the update ^^ So I'm not dying right? LOL That's a weird question...
Chapter 1: Lollllllll~ this fic is damn funny!!!!><
eunhaeshipper15 #9

Frickin' died. xDDD Loved this story *glomp* so I'm gonna go read your other ones. ^^