Don't go away and stay with me


Chapter Three:

Junhyung wasn't listening in class. He's too caught up with his feelings towards Doojoon and Hyunseung.

'I miss Doojoon. I miss his warmth, his smile, his eyes, his hugs, his kisses.' Junhyung shook his head. 'No, Doojoon's gone.' tears fell from his eyes again.


Junhyung wasn't listening.

" Yong Junhyung!"

Junhyung was surprised and stood up.


"Pay attention!" The teacher said.


Junhyung wasn't as cheerful as he was before. He was walking alone.


Dongwoon and Kikwang came walking towards Junhyung.

"Junhyung, you haven't been talking much. Are you alright?" asked Dongwoon.

Junhyung gave them a big fake smile.

"You don't have to worry guys, I feel great!" he said then continued walking.

"Of course he's not okay. Let's leave him alone. He needs some time." Kikwang told Dongwoon as they walked away from Junhyung.

Junhyung was all bothered. He thought about Doojoon and Yoseob.

'I hate you, Doojoon. Just after a day, there you are hanging out with Yoseob. Is he the one you really love?' He thought.

He was too busy walking and thinking that he bumped into someone.

"Doojoonie hyung!"

Doojoon didn't say anything.

"You're with Yoseob now?" Junhyung asked.

"My life is not your business... anymore." Doojoon said and left Junhyung.

Junhyung merely frowned and continued walking.

'It's even worse than when we first met.' Junhyung thought. He continued walking.


Junhyung saw Hyunseung, he was smiling at him.

"Hi Hyung!" Junhyung greeted. Hyunseung's smile seemed to make him feel better.

"Do you want to go to Central Town?" Hyunseung asked him.

"Sure, why not?" Junhyung said while smiling.

Together, they left for Central Town. They just went to coffee shop.

"Are you okay now?" Hyunseung asked.

"I sure am, thanks to you." Junhyung said with a big smile on his face. "Thanks again." He repeated as he took his hand, still with a smile on his face. Hyunseung blushed, so did Junhyung, so they quickly let go of each others' hand. After a few minutes, both of them left the coffee shop. They took a few minutes to walk in the park. They were quiet, just walking together.

"You know, you're so nice to me." Junhyung spoke to break the silence.

Hyunseung smiled but didn't say anything, he blushed again.

"Hey Junhyung, I want to tell you something." Hyunseung started.

Junhyung looked at him.

"I... I just want you to know that I... I will always be here for you." Hyunseung said.

'I can't, I can't tell him, what about Doojoon?' He thought. 'But they're not together anymore. But Doojoon hates me.'

Junhyung smiled. "Same here." he said.


Heloo guys!!Sorry again!!It's a short chapter!

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haniz4Dprincess #1
Chapter 5: nice story. you make me tears. i know it is weird but,it hurts me when it hurts Seungi. BTW,nice.
Chapter 5: yay...they are together again!!
Chapter 5: hmm cute soo lovely but i feel sad for seungi and seobi
bohyemi #4
Chapter 5: I feel bad for Hyunseung and Yoseob
Chapter 5: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......yay 2jun back together....luv 2jun <3
2jun so cute..
Chapter 5: Aww~ The ending was cuteeeeee. <3
sugfan #7
Chapter 4: just read this all in one go, i hope Hyunseung and Junhyung can fall in love.
Chapter 4: Update soon :D