Don't go away and stay with me


Chapter One:

Junhyung was sitting on a bench, crying his heart out continuously.Kikwang was nowhise to be found. He needed a lot of comfort; Kikwang didn't even know what has happened.


Junhyung looked up, a boy with red hair was looking at him in sympathy.

"Oh, hi hyung." Junhyung said while wiping his tears.

Hyunseung sat beside him, still looking at Junhyung.

"Junhyung? What happened?" he asked.

"Well, we broke up." Junhyung said with a weak smile and watery eyes. "I should be happy since I was the one who broke up with him." Junhyung continued to cry. "I had enough."


"Doojoon-hyung! You burned my notebook again!" Junhyung shouted.

"Shut up, idiot. You're too noisy." Doojoon said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up! You expect me to shut up! For Godsakes,hyung, this is the 3rd time you burned my notebook!”Junhyung shouted.

Doojoon laughed at him loudly.

"It's not funny…" Junhyung said.

"Yeah, it is. I just had to burn something." Doojoon laughed.

"I want to kill you,hyung, I mean it. You've done too much. I hate you. I really do." Junhyung said softly. He started to cry. "You told me you love me, but do you? No. I told you I love you but I guess it meant nothing to you. I hate your guts. It's over."

Junhyung opened the door of his room.

"Get out, hyung." He said. He was mad and he was crying.

"B-but Junhyung…"

"No,hyung. Just go. It's over between us." Junhyung said while looking at the ground, tears falling from his eyes. Doojoon started to walk out of the room.

"I'm sorry, Junhyung." Was the last thing he said.


"It's okay, Junhyung. Everything's going to be fine." Hyunseung said. He smiled at Junhyung and handed him his handkerchief. Junhyung took it.

"Thanks, hyung." He said and smiled back at him. Hyunseung turned pink but Junhyung was too busy wiping his tears. He looked at Hyunseung, who was looking at him.

"You know, hyung, you're very different from Doojoon." Junhyung said as he smiled at Hyunseung. "You're really nice to me."

Hyunseung bluhed for the 2nd time. Junhyung sighed as a few more tears fell from his eyes. He laid his head onto Hyunseung's left shoulder.

"Thank you for being here,hyung." He said.

Hyunseung didn't say anything. He doesn't know if he should be happy because the boy he loves broke up with his best friend or if he should be sad for his best friend.

'He's still beautiful even if he's crying.' Hyunseung thought. 'Maybe I can make him happy.'

Hyunseung accepted the fact that Junhyung loves Doojoon,his bestfriend even though he loves the boy as much as Doojoon does. Now that they broke up, Hyunseung has a chance.



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haniz4Dprincess #1
Chapter 5: nice story. you make me tears. i know it is weird but,it hurts me when it hurts Seungi. BTW,nice.
Chapter 5: yay...they are together again!!
Chapter 5: hmm cute soo lovely but i feel sad for seungi and seobi
bohyemi #4
Chapter 5: I feel bad for Hyunseung and Yoseob
Chapter 5: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......yay 2jun back together....luv 2jun <3
2jun so cute..
Chapter 5: Aww~ The ending was cuteeeeee. <3
sugfan #7
Chapter 4: just read this all in one go, i hope Hyunseung and Junhyung can fall in love.
Chapter 4: Update soon :D