Chapter 1


Kyuhyun POV

What a bad day. I got punishment from that annoying teacher, my car is broken without me know what happened inside, my little cousin came and made a mess in my bedroom. Kring..


"Oppa? It's me Fany..." OMG. My little cousin. She's still 12 years old. She often comes to my house and look for all of my things. She's really annoying and noisy but sometimes she can be so matured and give you advices.

"Wae Fany?"

"Today is mommy's birthday. Can you join us for dinner?"

"What time is it?"

"Its 7pm. Make sure you have no schedule so you can join! Bye oppa! I have to go!" I stared blankly at my phone. I'm too lazy to go out but I can't refuse dinner treatment. Its free and you let it go? Oh no, you're stupid if you do that.


"Umma, I'm home!" I shouted in living room, calling my parents to go downstare. I'm a bad boy, isn't me?

"Don't have to shouting Kyuhyun!" Appa said.

"Mianhae. Fany just called me and she said, auntie wants to treat us for dinner at 7pm." I told them.

"What? It will be great! Use your best tuxedo, Kyuhyun!"

Umma seems so excited for tonight. I just nodded and go to my bedroom. I check my watch. 5pm already. Better if I wash up and prepare now. I took a bath and wear my best tuxedo, as what umma said to me. I look myself in mirror. Handsome enough. I combed my hair for a better look and, PERFECT! I go downstair and watch tv. My favorite singer, BoA, is performing in Music Bank. She's so cool!

"Kyuhyun? Ready? Let's go now." Appa said. Appa drove us to the restaurant that Fany just texted me earlier. When we arrived, I saw they're already waiting for us. I look at my annoying cousin, Tiffany. She wears a simple dress without make up. She looks stunning tonight. Nobody will think she's a real princess, but who knows, she's so damn annoying and evil. She likes to bully me and I'll ended up with bully her again, but what I got? Scolded from my umma.

"Happy birthday auntie," I said to auntie. I took a seat beside Tiffany, who's busy texting with her friends. She smiles like an idiot whenever she got text.

"Kyuhyun, what do you want to eat?" Uncle said.

"Its up to you." I said.

"He just want to eat salad, daddy. He's on diet, don't ruin his diet." Tiffany said to her appa, look at me and smirk. Aish, why I have to have her as my little cousin. Seriously, actually I can bully her right now but I'm to tired for doing a revenge.

"Oh really? You're on diet? You're thin enough, why have to?" Umma said while looking at me. She stared at my eyes.

I shook my head and look at Tiffany, "She's lying! I'm not on diet!"

Tiffany continues to bully me, "Seriously daddy, mommy, uncle, auntie, he's diet! Don't you see, he became thinier! And aunt, he ate porridge right yesterday for breakfast? Its because he's on diet!" Tiffany said evilly to my mom.

"Umma, don't believe her! She just wants to bully me as usual!"

"If you don't believe me its okay. Just look at his body. Its not gentle." Tiffany continues texting again.

Appa looked at me. "Is it true Kyuhyun?! You're on diet? Common, you're boy! Boy no needs for diet!"




Finally home. I changed my tuxedo to my pajamas. I forgot to do my homeworks! Oh my gosh, its physic and math! I'm really bad at this lesson! Huh, I should bring this to dinner, I can ask Tiffany about it -.- she loves math and physic so damn much and I'm pretty sure she can do it easily. I call my best friend, Changmin.


"Changmin! Sorry calling. I don't understand our homeworks. What we have to do with that?"

"You're calling in wrong time. I just want to call Sooyoung!"

"Common, does your girlfriend more than our friendship? Tell me..."

"Why you don't call your cute cousin? She can do it!"

"I forgot. I had dinner with her, but I forgot to bring that. Hell yeah,"

"That's a pity. Go away, I want to call Sooyoung. Call Fany!"

"Aish, you!"

I end the call. Huh should I call Fany?! She will feel if she wins! But this is important... I ended up with calling her.


"What's up? You want do a revenge? You can do your revenge by phone? Oh good..."

"Ya!!! Stop about the revenge! I want you to teach me about my homework."

"What? You ask about 17's yo homework to a 12's yo girl?!"


"You have to ask me in polite way with soooo much aegyo!" Evil Tiffany is began.

"You! Just wait until the right time and you'll cry in front of me!"

"Do you want me to teach you? If you just wanna to angry, better I sleep. I'm sooooo sleepy"

"Heeey! Teach me first!"




A/N : annyeonghaseyo. I started it with a lil bit of Kyuhyun's daily life. How he's often got bully by his little cousin, but whenever he wants do a revenge, he knows his parents will scold him. Hahah XD sorry for all fanytastic, I made her evil in my fanfic :) but she's kind though :D lets read chapter 2~ I give you a hint ;) its about Seohyun's life!

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shinChae_9124 #1
Chapter 1: yeahh, update soon author-nim :) very interisting :)
Chapter 1: updte soon