
Just the end of a start

~ Come back inside this space,Awaken once more from that loneliness,So that I, who was once frozen, can breathe again,So that you, from that time, can breathe again (breathe)~

He called me a month before the incident, telling me to look after her, see if anyone was tailing her.

I asked him why, he told me to ask no questions and just do as he has asked.
Since i had promised him before, i agreed and looked after her when he was not around.
Nobody was tailing her and she seemed happy and bright all the time. I could see why my brother loved her deeply.
She was kind-hearted, innocent, pure and bright. She was his sunshine in the pitch black world he lived in.
Everything was fine and normal until the day of his death.
It was 2 in the morning when i got a phone call from him.
"Dearest brother, i know you love me a lot but you really didnt need to call me 2 in the morning to profess you love"  i grumbled.
"Minwoo yah. You asked me before...what was my dream" he said softly.
His words suddenly woke me up.
"My dream was to marry Sandara and start a family with her. I did not need to live in 2 different worlds and could give her all my attention and live
with her forever."
I could hear him sniff and take a drink. Was he crying?
"We would migrate to Korea because she loves it there and we would live by the sea which I love. 
In a house that is just decent because i never want to be too far away from her, with a huge garden that faces the sea.
At night,I would embrace her as we sit by the sea looking at the stars that shines above usand whisper 'i love you'and 'your beautiful' 
until she gets sick of it..haha, i will still continue even if she was sick of it.  
We would grow together until our hair turn white and look at our grandchildren running around 
in the huge garden that faces the sea. We will be away from harm and i can finally be happy"
"Eric, what are you talking about?" i asked worriedly.
"Minwoo. i want you to keep living righteously. Follow what your heart tells you to do and i never told you this before but
you were the best brother i could ever ask for...and..if anything happens to me, don't tell sandara what happened..Dont tell her about my other world
 i hope that you will look over sandra.
See to it that she meets a good man and live a good life."
"Eric where are you? Are you at home? I'm coming over" i asked while shuffling out my bed and stumbling over my jeans as i 
changed hurriedly.
"My time is short and I'm as i have told you.Goodbye my brother." 
With that the line went dead. 
I quickly got into my car and drove towards Eric's place. What did he mean? Why would he suddenly speak so earnstly?
Thunder roared around me as i waited for the traffic to turn green.
"AISH!" I cursed silently as it was not changing.
It took me a good 30minutes to get to his place when i saw 3 cars driving away. Without regarding it i went up to Eric's apartment. 
As i approached his apartment i saw a trace made by boots. With my built in intuition, i guessed that there were 2 people. 
I followed the trace and realised it came from Eric's apartment.
I ran in and saw the house in a mess.
As i walked further into his house, i saw my brother slumped against the sofa.
I walked up to him steadily. Hands on my waist where i kept my gun, i slowly took it out and checked around his house making
sure no one else was around. After making sure i was the only one there,i ran to my brother and checked his pulse. He was dead. 
"No...Eric...Hyung....wake up!! No this is not happening. Yah! Don't fool around with me! YAH!" i screamed shaking his body.
I grabbed his hand and bowed my head trying to refrain myself from crying..but i couldn't. Tear drops formed around my eyes and 
fell silently down my face. 
I called the police and waited until they came. I took a look at him. A beer and cigarette in his right hand. They were his faverite.
He used to tell me how he could not smoke and drink on the nights he stayed at sandra's house because once he hinted about it in front 
her and she said she would leave him if it did.It probably killed him to not be able to have both but sandra said so and he had 
to obey it. I smiled as i thought about his childish remark. 
Opposite him on a table was a framed picture that layed broken. It was a picture of him and Sandara. He was hugging her from behind and was smiling widely as he placed his head on her shoulder.
This was the side of Eric no one knew. Not me, not our father,not his henchmen, no one.
The happiness and freedom he felt with her we can never know nor guess. 
I looked at his left hand and saw it clenched tightly. i went over to look at it. I knew it was a rule in the book to not destroyany evidence and that meant to not touch the person, but i had to. 
I opened his hand to reveal a red box. i re-clenched his hand back and opened the box. It was his dream. 
I sighed and placed it in my pocket when i heard the siren of the police cars. 
Not long after i made a phone call to Sandara telling her what happened.
I could tell she was shocked and like me just now, was rushing to get to the hospital as fast as she could.
As i sat outside the room my brother was placed in, i thought about how i was going to tell sandara.
"if anything happens to me, don't tell sandra what happened..Dont tell her about my other world..."
Just then i heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I look up to see Sandra.
She asked of course. I only replied.
"The maid who cleaned his house every morning found him unconscious on the sofa and called the ambulance.He seemed to have been dead on arrival"
She broke down. I tried to comfort her but i know it would not help. Nothing can help us heal this pain now. It hurt so much
that no words nor action can allow us to heal from the wound that has opened in our hearts.
Now, here i am standing beside Eric as he layed peacefully. When his henchmen heard that i was handling the funeral they dared not
come near the service, that i was thankful for because it meant less explanation to sandra.
I looked at eric. His face has lost its colour and he looked in peace. He was not tired anymore and he was somewhere where he could
live his dream.
As i walked out  of the service, i saw sandara sitting by a bench.She sat there blankly, eyes staring at the surroundings letting her hair
dance with the wind that blew around her. I walked up to her with two cup in hand.
"Hey. Here you go, some coffee to warm you up" i said smiling.
She gave me a small smile and accepted the cup then went back to stare at the scenary.
"You know, my brother talked about you so much to me that we would end up talking just about you until dusk when we were young?"
She looked up to me as i spoke.
"Oh i was damn annoyed then. I mean, we had school the next day and had to wake up at 7 yet he was blabbering about how he saw you that day
and how you were kind and really, he just didn't know how to shut up . Then when i was almost asleep, he would throw a pillow at me to keep me awake so that he could finish his story. When i said i don't know  what he saw in you like him, he called me Stupid and been calling me that ever since. Everytime we met, he was like 'Hey stupid Mstyle!' "
i said stifling a laugh remembering those days.I saw her blush as i said those words.I continued.
"When we are in love, it gives us the will to live on. It gives us a purpose to cling and fight anything that
stands between you and your love. That was just what he did. He clinged onto the thoughts of you.
 You were the reason he managed to fight for so long, so don't blame yourself." i said.
She turned back to look at the scenary again.
I shuffled and dug in my pocket and took out the red box, the picture and an envelope.
"Here, something he wanted me to give you."
She took it into her own hands and stared at it. 
"Well see you around then, you know how Eric dosen't like us to be sad." i said smiling and i got up and walked away from her.
I promised Eric and i will keep my promise, i will take care of her for you.
Song for this chapter:
Wherever you are- One Ok Rock
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Elishaje #1
Chapter 4: I absolutely loved sad, yet comforting at the end. Great work!!!!:)