
Phone Calls

I actually finally got some surge of inspiration :D and I am now gonna post it. I didn't write it yet, but soon I will, 'cause I'm being a lazy butthole and I'll only be able to write on the weekends. So the least you can you for me is subscribe to the story. :) Otherwise, you're going to have to be patient for a while. Once again.

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This story will be on hiatus until I finish my two other chaptered stories. Thanks fir waiting tihough guys. :))


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Chapter 3: D i want both xD Greedy reader here
althealorin04 #2
kyyaaa!! i want happy ending pleaassseeee
Chapter 3: B. HAPPY!! I WANT A HAPPY ENDING! I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED AT THE 9/11 ATTACK! Anyways. Hope you could a sequel! Update soon! Daebak author-ssi! U scared the ShiBrows out of me!
Chapter 3: D. Sequel please... I really want to know what will happen.
Chapter 3: c.I don't care..Just follow the flow
jibraillajane #6
Chapter 3: Of course happy ... But a bit touching ... hehe ...
EunHae_KyuMin #7
Chapter 3: B.happy..=)
MyeolchiHyuk #8
Chapter 3: B.. Happy..
MyeolchiHyuk #9
omg.. wat is gg to happen. is hyukkie save...