Chapter 3

***Melody Of The Soul***


You haven’t come to see him at all, to bring his usual breakfast, lunch, dinner and mid night snacks, not even to talk to him, not even to say ‘’Hi’’, not even a phone call or text messages, nothing, it was like you never existed.

Tackey was sitting in his couch, while Yamapi was sitting in front of the TV, playing video games.

He was thinking about you, and Yamapi was pretending not to know what was on his mind.

‘’It’s like she never existed…’’ Tackey said and was answered with


‘’Hey are you listening?’’ Tackey asked mad

‘’Yup’’ Yamapi simply said not even bothering to look at him

‘’Then why aren’t you saying anything?’’

‘’I’m not __________ that is always 100% here for you to listen to you talking , besides, I’m waiting for you to think more about it’’ Yamapi said still playing the game

Tackey started to think about you, and everything you guys have done together, everything you have done for him, how cute, funny, sweet and caring you were to everyone around you, especially……him.

‘’I miss her’’ He whispered

‘’No, I think……I love her’’ he said thinking out loud

‘’You do, huh?’’ Yamapi said with sarcasm on his voice

‘’What was that tone for?’’

‘’You miss her, huh? You love her?’’ Yamapi said still calm

‘’I think I do’’

‘’You want to see her, don’t you?’’

‘’I do….No, I will’’ Tackey said getting up to leave

‘’NO NEED’’ Yamapi said loud enough

‘’What? Why not?’’ he asked confused

Yamapi for the first time since the beginning of their conversation took his eyes off the TV and looked at his watch

‘’She’s probably getting on a plane right *Pause* Now!’’ he said

‘’What? To where?’’

‘’I don’t know’’ Yamapi said pretending not to know, even though Tackey is his friend, he knew that you would be happier away from him, and about that, he was sure of, he wasn’t going to say where you went to, Tackey is his friend, but you are his BEST friend, and he loves you a lot, he is doing what he think he should have done a long time ago, protect you.

‘’No I can’t let her leave, not like this’’ Tackey said touching the door knob to leave

‘’Wasn’t this what you wanted?’’ Yamapi said getting up


‘’Wasn’t this what you always wanted huh? Her away from you?

‘’No why would I…..*remembers what he did*…. !’’ he said running his hand through his hair in despair

‘’I can’t let her go, I just can’t, I have to stop her!’’ he said determined

‘’Why? Because you miss her doing everything for you?’’

‘’No That’s not it….’’ he said almost whispering

‘’Then why huh? Haven’t you done enough to hurt her?’’ Yamapi said angry

‘’She did everything for you, she took care of you, she did it all because she loved you, but even so, she never asked anything in return, even heartbroken seeing you with a different girl every week, she never said or did a thing, and she was always there to pat your back when you were sad or hurt, all she wanted was to see you happy, even if that meant her suffering for the rest of her life!’’Yamapi screamed

Tackey was silent, Yamapi lost it and punched him on the face, he fell back on his touching his bruised face

‘’I should have done this a long time ago, but it doesn’t matter, because I’m doing it right now, I won’t let you hurt her again!’’ Yamapi said and left

From that day on, Yamapi never saw Tackey again, not as a friend at least, they still met because of work.


You were in Korea now, you had settle down, you were living in a small apartment you rented, and you found a job as a waitress, in a nearby coffee shop, you were going to college now, since young you have loved music, and you are an expert in the guitar, you love playing it and composing, it makes you happy and it helped you a lot, to let all the feelings you always bottled up go, so you decided to study music, you didn’t dream of anything, you just liked music too much to careless let that feeling go.

Today was the first day of class, after all the moving and stuff you were tired, but kind of happy, it was like a great amount of weight left your body, part of the burden lessened and you could actually feel a little bit stronger, when you got to the class you stopped by the door and waited for the teacher

‘’You are the new student?’’ someone asked and when you looked back you saw the teacher, you nodded and bowed.

‘’Then come, the class will start’’ he said getting in

‘’Silence’’ He said to the loud class, the class was silent now

‘’We have a new student today, come in’’ he motioned you over, you slowly walked in.


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Jahsa4 #1
Chapter 8: Love this story to the very end
OMFG Yamapi and Jaejoong in the same story <3333333333 This is totally for me love it ^__^
guiwanglove #3
Chapter 9: OMG! this story is so cute. i wish it was longer but hope you write more jaejoong fanfic:)
nar12345 #4
Chapter 9: everyone deserved a true love ... at least once..once wasted..then they deserve to suffer..
Kris_Paulene #5
Chapter 9: Wow! I just found it 2 hours ago.. Finished!!! haha!! Love it sooo much!
Jellyfish101 #6
Chapter 9: This was DAEBAK. I feel like this should have been overly popular, and so on behalf of all the fans you SHOULD have for this story. KAMSAHAMNIDA EONNI ^^