A Girl Who Adore the Piano

A Girl Who Adore the Piano
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She walks on the grey, hard pavement and looks everywhere around her.  It is nice, being here and being friendly with the society, which is something that is quite rare for her to do.  After her high school year, she has hardly gone out of her house, and her parents don’t even give a about it.  They let her be in her own way, carry out her life with her own style.  Even when there’s invitation for her high school reunion or any invitation of wedding ceremony from her parents’ friends, she chooses to only say thank you and not to go.  People can call her anti-social, she won’t even care.

                She prefers being in her room, in front of her laptop and writes.  She writes and writes a lot of things.  From a short poem to a novel, and post it up online, through her blog, and make just enough money for her to live a simple life.  Not just enough, but plenty, more than enough to feed herself and to buy her daily basic need.  She doesn’t work, nor goes to college, but her parents keep quiet, because they know she lives pretty well with her job in blogging.  She never asks for their money either.

                She writes for her own leisure and she writes for people.  Some even makes request, wanting her to write poems and stories for them, or to be dedicated to their loved ones.  She never experienced a real social life, especially in relationship, but she learns it through the others, that often blogwalking to her blog.  Through that she writes a lot of amazing love poems and love stories.  All her masterpieces are posted online and lucky enough for her, she is well-known for that and nobody dares to plagiarise her work.  She is popular though, only with the name Angevil.

                However, that day she seems dries out of ideas.  She tries to squeezes her brain and finds out that her attempt is useless.  She goes down to the kitchen to drink water.

                “You know...sometimes human needs to go out to refresh their brains.  Go out to get fresh air, and you’ll feel better after that.  Go for a walk daughter, you hardly go out and I think it is time for your brain to experience something different,” her mother says, being so understanding.

                She knows her mother is right, but somehow her legs feel so heavy.  She doesn’t hate going out, just that she is not used to it.  Half of her life is spent inside her lovely bedroom.  Nonetheless, thinking it is quite a good idea for brainstorming, she dresses up and walks towards the door, unbolts it.

                “Eun Suh-ah, experience is the best teacher for us.  I’m sure you’ll gain some ideas after your evening walk,” says her mother.  She smiles and goes out from her house.

                And yet, she is walking on the pavement, looking at the block of shops at her right and left.  The path she takes is only for pedestrian.  No vehicles are allowed on the concrete pavement.  She walks freely and enjoying the fresh air, which she admits better than her own room.  Perhaps she doesn’t realise it all this while but it is quite stuffy in her room.  She goes to a cafe and orders a cup of white coffee.  She takes out her notebook and starts to write a poem.


Nowhere else but here

You and I

Be together as always


                A couple takes place opposite her own table.  They are enjoying and treasuring their time together.  She closes her notebook and decides to ‘experience’ their love.  They leave after a while and an old man takes the table next to her.  He brings along the newspaper and reads it.  Eun Suh stares at the headline and sighs.  There are a lot of things about life that she doesn’t know; she doesn’t even have the slightest idea on who is their current Prime Minister.  She decides to walk again.  She pays for her wonderful drink and goes out on the street again.

                That is when she hears an amazingly beautiful sound.  She closes her eyes and enjoys the music, which makes her calm, and relaxing her exhausted brain.  She opens her eyes the moment the music stops and tries to find the source of the beautiful music.  Her eyes wander from one shop to another until they land on music store, no, a piano store to be specific.

                She walks in with awe, and happiness radiated through her face.  She may not know about life or the value behind it, but she does know this music instrument.  A piano, a chordophone instrument, which can tune a magic jingle that can melt her heart.  She never touched one, or played one either, but in high school, she did listen to some piano recitation by a few students.  They are amateurs though, thus the sound is not as angelic as the song just now.

                Something triggers her mind, and she quickly takes out her notebook.


Love filled our days

With you

I gain contentment of life

The ecstasy that never end


“Looking for something, Miss?” a guy asks him.  Eun Suh looks at him and needs to double-take as to confirm the guy in front of her.  He is amazingly beautiful with his dark brown silk-shining hair, with his fringe touching his eyebrows, and his big, double-lid eyes, a nose that perfectly lies on his face, such a nice combination with his sharp jaws, completing the angelic carved-by-God face of him.  She even asks herself, “Is he real?”.

“Miss, can I help you?” asks him again.

She shakes her head, making it obvious to the guy that she is out of the world just now.  She looks again at him and actually treasures such a beautiful face after so long locks herself up in her own bedroom.

“N-no!  I just want to look at the piano,” she says, a bit stuttering.  The guy smiles, avoiding humiliation towards her, and being so friendly.  Perhaps he is one of the salesperson of the shop.  He looks young anyway.

“You want me to show around?” he asks.  Out of her own conscious, she nods and follows the guy.

She enjoys her time seeing the piano, from upright pia

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omo unnie, i love this story!^^<br />
'He is amazingly beautiful with his dark brown silk-shining hair, with his fringe touching his eyebrows, and his big, double-lid eyes, a nose that perfectly lies on his face, such a nice combination with his sharp jaws, completing the angelic carved-by-God face of him.'<br />
*sighs dreamily* jjong is so handsome~ *drools* <br />
haha XD am looking forward to unnie's next stories!<br />
unnie, hwaiting~
LittleDes #2
nice story. love it.
<br />
jonghyun was over confidence at all, yet he is still warm and sweet at the same time..<br />
aww love jonghyun so much in the story! ♥<br />
thank you for writing such a good story!^^