When you have a nightmare

Block B Scenarios (Request closed)


When you have a nightmare


“Why are you- Stop! Dumb alien-like fish-“ you mumbled as you thrashed around in the bed causing Taeil to wake up due to all the noise and movement, groaning from being so rudely awakened. Suddenly, you threw a fist in Taeil’s direction successfully punching him in the shoulder. He shouted in pain as you jolted awake.

Groggy from sleep, you were unaware of what happened until the sounds of groaning registered in your head. You turned around and spotted a ball of cutie Taeil grabbing his shoulders. Confused, you asked, “What’s wrong, oppa?”

“You…punched my shoulder…ugh,” he forced out before rolling to and fro, hoping it would relieve the pain.

Now that he’d mentioned it, you could feel a tingle on your knuckles, remanant of the pain when you punched his shoulder. He might seem chubby but mind you, he has one of the best bodies in Block B. This also meant that you had punched him pretty hard to be still feeling the pain.

“Ah! Sorry Taeillie oppa, it’s just that I was dreaming of this weird alien-like fish grabbing my arm and I had to punch it off.” You said sheepishly, scratching your head.

“Aish chincha… Why would you even dream of such weird things?” He asked, shaking his head.

“Oppa! It’s all your fault! Why would you buy such ugly looking fishes yesterday then? I told you I would have nightmares when I see it! Aish and I thought you were going to keep exotic fishes…” you retorted.

“Those are exotic fishes! They’re really rare and I bought it for a pretty hefty sum of money!”

“What kind of fishes would look so ugly? That’s it oppa, you’re getting rid of those fishes tomorrow! If I see them tomorrow night, I’m going to throw them away whether you like it or not!” you said turning around and crossing your arms.

“Yah! How can I just release those fishes? They’re exotic, I can’t just release them anywhere!” he said exasperatedly.

“Just give them to Zico or something, he looks just as weird as those fishes. They might even be long lost brothers! We’re doing a good deed, trust me. Now go to sleep before I punch you again, nightmare or not.”


You tossed and turn in bed muttering incoherent things. Zico sighed, he was rudely awakened from his beauty sleep muttering under his breath about you having another nightmare. You gave a shout and sat up in bed, eyes wide open.

“Baby, are you okay?” Zico asked, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. He wasn’t surprised though, it wasn’t the first time it happened and most of your nightmares had him rolling in the bed with laughter.

You assured him that you were okay before turning and giving him a little chaste kiss.

“What was your dream about, sweetie?” Zico asked, curious about what kind of weird dreams you might have again.

You blushed and shook your head, refusing to tell him the ridiculous dream you had. However, after being pestered non-stop by a noisy Zico, you finally decided to tell him.

“Oppa, please don’t laugh like you did the last time I told you my dream okay?” you frowned, remembering the situation where you were blushing while he was literally rolling all over the bed laughing like a maniac.

He nodded and mimicked the action of zipping up his mouth, locking it then throwing the key away. You giggled at his childish actions.

“Well, I was dreaming that Taeil decided to bring all of us to see what he calls “cute and cuddly” animals but it turned out to be frogs. You know how much I hate frogs don’t you! So I started freaking out and Kwonnie oppa managed to let out a gigantic frog that started to chase me around, destroying buildings at the same time. So I ran and ran until I reached a dead end and the frog was about to pounce on me then I woke up…” you finished, fiddling with your fingers, embarassed by your childish dream.

Zico stared at you for a minute, with absolutely no expression on his face. He then took you into his arms and cooed, “Oh you poor baby. It must have been so terrifying for you!”

You had a feeling that he was mocking you but it was definitely better than him laughing at you. You thought it was the end when you felt Zico vibrating.

“…Yah are you laughing at me,” you said as you tried struggling out of his grasp. Needless to say, you had absolutely no reply. When you successfully got out of his death grip, he was sitting there laughing silently with tears nearly falling out of his eyes.

“Yah oppa! You promised you wouldn’t laugh! You liar!” you pouted.

“Sorry baby, but are you watching too much Powerpuff Girls because that only happens in the show.” Zico said, trying to silence his laughter.


“…Sorry baby. Let’s go back to sleep alright?” He says, kissing your forehead. You shook your head, crossing your arms.

“Yah, before I tell Taeil to bring us all to the frog farm and I’ll have U-Kwon release a gigantic frog!”

You immediately laid down and curled yourself into a ball, with Zico giving a silent chuckle before settling down himself.


“N-no! Don’t please! Leave me alone!” you tossed and turned restlessly, shouting in your sleep.

B-Bomb woke up after hearing your shouts. “Jagiya, wake up.” He shook you, trying to get you out of your nightmare. You whimpered as tears fell from your closed eyes.

“Jagi, it’s okay. I’m here, Minhyuk oppa is here.” He said a little louder as he shook you again.

You woke up with tears streaming down your cheeks, shaking from the terrible dream you’ve had.

“Oppa…” you sobbed as you turned and clung onto him, sobbing into his chest. He rubbed soothing circles onto your back as he let you calm down before telling letting you tell him what happened, although he already knew a gist of what had happened. It wasn’t the first time after all.

You were born into an abusive family, your mom died when giving birth to you and your father was an alcoholic. He often beat you up when he was drunk and you were often hiding in your room, crying with no one to confide to.

You were a loner in school too. You were known as ‘the one without a mother’ and ‘the abandoned one’. That was until you met B-Bomb and the rest of Block B. A complete coincidence to have met them, but they ever since became a huge part of your life. You eventually fell in love with B-Bomb and here you are.

Once you were calm, B-Bomb asked if you were okay. You nodded and told him what you dreamt about.

You dreamt that you were back in your old house when your father came home drunk and started beating you up. This managed to bring up fresh memories of your painful past.

B-Bomb your hair as he listened to you speak, wiping away your tears when they fall. You felt comfortable and safe in his arms, knowing that with him, your abusive and painful past would eventually disappear and these nightmares would never happen again.

After a few minutes of B-Bomb comforting you, both of you were getting sleepy. You both laid down, with you on his chest and his arms around your waist. He kisses you on your forehead before you drifted away to sleep.


After a night of horror movie marathon with the boys of Block B, you and Kyung collapsed onto the bed, falling asleep almost immedately.

In the middle of the night, you started swinging your arms randomly, muttering stuff like, “take this!” and “Stay away from me!”.

The swingings then started becoming more violent and your mutters eventually escalated into shouts. You managed to hit Kyung’s nose while swinging your arms, causing him to jump out of bed and grab his nose.

“Yah!” he shouted, shocked from being sudddenly whacked in the middle of his sleep. He was dreaming a rather nice dream too.

He shook you violently, trying to wake you up as he dodged one of your kicks. He reminded himself never to anger you as your hit really hurt. It was sure to bruise tomorrow morning.

You woke up, confused by the sudden earthquake, only to find out that it was just Kyung shaking you. Irritated, you pushed him away and tried to fall back asleep again.

“Yah, you punched bai dose! Why are you going back do sdeep again!”

You switched on the lights, turned around and started examining Kyung’s nose with one eye open. After deciding that nothing was wrong, you switched off the lights and turned back saying, “There is no bruise. Stop making a fuss and get back to sleep. We have to get up early to get groceries for us and the boys too.”

Kyung sat on the bed in disbelief. How could you just not care about him when you were the one who had hit him. He started throwing a temper tantrum, kicking his legs like a little kid. You sighed and turned around.

“What do you want me to do then?”

“Kiss my oo,” he pointed to his nose and pouted.

You pecked his nose and was about to go back to sleep when he pointed to his lips and said, “Here too.”

“But I didn’t hit you there. Let me go to sleep now!”

“B-but I want to kiss my pretty girlfriend before I go to sleep…” he whined.

“Greasy Kyung,” you muttered under your breathe before kissing him on the lips.

“One more time,” he grinned.

“Don’t push you luck, Kyung.” You said as you switched off the lights and laid down, leaving a pouting Kyung in the dark. Knowing that he won’t be getting anymore kisses, he too, laid down on the bed to go back to sleep.


“-“ you jolted up, eyes wide open, waking Jaehyo up at the same time. You started shivering as tears fell. Jaehyo, who was shocked to see you cry, immediately pulled you towards him, careful not to touch your broken arm.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, worry written all over his beautiful features.

You sobbed as you buried your face into his neck, tears dripping down like a water tap. He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back, trying to soothe you.

After you had calmed down and stopped crying, Jaehyo asked you what had happened that made you cry all of a sudden.

Turns out, you were dreaming of the traumatic accident you had gotten into nearly two months ago. A car had crashed into your side of the car, causing you to be seriously injured while the driver of the car that crashed into you, passed away.

You were so badly injured that you were in a coma for three weeks. Jaehyo was definitely scared half to death when the received the news. He was a wreck as he waited by your bedside day by day, waiting for you to wake up.

When you woke up, you heard that the driver of the car that crashed into yours died, and  in addition to your serious injuries, the bits and pieces of the incident were still clearly etched into your memory. Needless to say, you were traumatised. So much to the point where you would have nightmares of the event frequently, even a month after the accident.

Just by telling him that you had a nightmare regarding the accident, Jaehyo immediately understood. He your hair and hugged you for as long as you needed. After five minutes of hugging, you released him and weakly smiled up at him, glad that your boyfriend was so understanding and would even sacrifice his sleep for you.

“Thanks,” you whispered as you leaned up and kissed him on the lips, expressing your gratitude and love through that little action. He deepened the kiss as he held on to your waist. When he broke the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours as you both stared into each other’s eyes.

He then laid you down on the bed and told you to sleep, hugging you close to him, whispering that he was there to protect you.

You definitely had a good sleep for the rest of the night.


You were dreaming that you were at the beach with Block B. The boys decided to play a prank on you and threw you into the sea. Little did you know that the sea was filled with giant octopuses and they started grabbing your legs, arms and waist.

At the same time, P.O decided to drape and arm over your waist while you were in dreamland. In your dream, you felt an extra large and heavy tentacle wrap around your waist. You screamed for help but the whole of Block B weren’t there anymore. To save your own life, you started kicking around, trying to dislodge the tentacles wrapped around you.

“Ouch! St-!” the octopus cried.

You were puzzled, octopuses can talk? Somehow, the octopus sounded like P.O but you paid no heed as you were busy trying to get the tentacles off you. Suddenly, a huge tsunami came towards you and washed you away.

You thrashed and finally opened your eyes, finding yourself in the safe comforts of your shared bedroom with P.O, but with P.O nowhere to be found.

“Jihoon oppa…” you called out, hoping for an answer. His hands suddenly shot out, grabbing the edge of the bed, pulling himself up.

You raised an eyebrow, “Jihoon oppa, what are you doing on the floor?” you asked.

“You kicked me off the bed!” he cried, rubbing his cheek, you assumed he knock himself there.

“…Ah, sorry oppa. I was just dreaming of octopuses. Haha…” you apologised, giving an embarassed chuckle.

You switched on the lights to check on him and found a bruise there. You panicked as you remembered he had a performance with Block B tomorrow.

You turned pale as you pointed to his cheek, “B-b-b-bruise!”

“Ah! Really? Damn, I’m going to get scolded tomorrow…” P.O sighed. However there was nothing he could do. He might have to use extra makeup tomorrow.

You felt guilty so you kissed his bruise and gave him a peck on his lips before telling him to go back to sleep.

Let’s just say that the makeup artist was not pleased.


“Hehehe what a cute kitty! Come here to oppa! I look like you, see?” U-Kwon muttered in his sleep smiling his cat-like smile.

You, on the other hand, was shaking your head to and fro, mumbling things like “Why” and “Don’t leave me”. While mumbling, one of your hands accidentally hit U-Kwon on his stomach and he woke up with a little yelp.

Turning his head, he saw you looking distressed, mumbling while shaking your head so he decided to wake you up. When you opened your eyes, you saw U-Kwon right in front of you and you immediately grabbed and hugged him as if your life depended on it. U-Kwon, although confused, hugged you back.

You released him and started kissing him everywhere on his face before going back to his lips and kissing him passionately. U-Kwon, still confused, kissed you back hesistantly.

When you broke away from the kiss, you blushed and apologised, confessing that you had a nightmare where U-Kwon left you…for a cat.

U-Kwon chuckled and pecked you on the lips saying that he would never leave you, even if it was for a cat.

You smiled, you felt pretty immature for thinking that U-Kwon would leave you. U-Kwon, as though he was reading your mind said, “Baby, you’re not stupid or childish to think that I will leave you. Even if you’re stupid or childish I would still love you and won’t ever leave you, okay?”

“Greasy Kwonnie oppa. I should ban you from learning how to be greasy from Kyung oppa.”

“But you love it, don’t you?” U-Kwon winked, causing him to be smacked by you. He has really gotten so much greasier hanging out with Kyung.

“Go to sleep, oppa,” you said, pushing him back down. We’ll continue this when you don’t have a performance the next day.

The kitty became a panda the next day from the lack of sleep.

A/N: Finally done typing this up! Sorry for the long wait! I’ve been really busy with studies… Sigh. I’ve written some serious and some cute stuff for the scenarios ‘cause I’m not sure what kind you guys would like, haha. Subcribe and comment for more scenarios~ I’m still accepting requests!

P.S: What did you think about Block B’s comeback? I loved it, teehee. Comment!!

Until the next chapter,


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neglected this for so long!


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KoalasRULE25 #1
Chapter 3: The Zico one was freaking hilarious
'Zico sleeps ugly with his mouth open and drool stains art just a mess' and the 'that's how I woke up across zico in some superman position'
In tears over here
Chapter 5: I think a good scenario would be 'When he's acting like a / being greasy' (Btw I really love the scenarios! Keep up the amazing writting author-nim~)
Lovelovelie #3
Chapter 4: This is sooo cute! I think a good scenario would be jealousy (of bandmate)
Chapter 4: Aaaaaaaa...may I request about "Doing a School Project"????
I wish I am their classmate LOL
syriondethvow #5
Can I request another one? :3

Because I want to request At Your Wedding :D
syriondethvow #6
Chapter 1: I would like to request A Day At An Amusement Park :3 love all of these!!! :D
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 is my favorite~ I don't know why but it's kind of nice to sometimes be the boss over our boyfriends. It's also kind of sweet for them to obey our orders and just nod to whatever we say. Nyaaar *^*
Kendall #8
Chapter 2: Aaah, I loved everything u wrote seriously :DD <3
Chapter 2: haha i loved taeils and zicos!!!haha thats soo good!!update soon