
To Be, Or Not To Be


A few weeks later…


Sekyung’s P.O.V

*mwah* I gave my Jonghyun a loving kiss on his cheekbone.

“ I’ll just go to that little mart down the street to buy the eggs. I’ll be back soon.”

I slipped on my shoes as I began to exit our apartment. As I slowly closed the door, I could see that Jonghyun had pulled out his phone again.

“That .” For the past few weeks, I’ve been able to keep Jonghyun by my side. We've spent more time together. We went shopping together, prepared more things for our wedding, and we went to reaquire Jonghyun’s ownership of one of his parent's hotels. I thought keeping him by my side would ensure his full attention but unfortunatly, I think he’s been paying even less attention to me.

“Must be that gay Key guy.” Jonghyun is always texting or calling someone and he has to leave the room to talk. What’s so secretive that I can’t hear about? He thinks I don’t know about him staying up until 2 or 3 a.m texting that person, whoever it is.

“I’m going to find that Key guy one day and have a talk with him.” I stomped my way down the steps of our apartment to coincidently see that familiar person walking out. The blonde boy, wait, there’s two of them… I’m guessing the one on the phone is Key.

“ better not be texting my Jonghyun.” Doesn't Jonghyun have that same or similar shirt? what does he think, he has this couple wear thing going on?


The one I assume is Key grabbed the other boy’s hand as they walked towards the gate.

“Gross, he is gay. That’s probably his boyfriend... Then why the hell does he keep bothering my Jonghyun?!” Instead of going towards my left where our car was parked, I walked straight ahead towards the two blondies.

“Hurry” I heard Key say to the other blonde. I picked up my pace to catch up with them.

“Key!” As expected, the one I suspected to be Key turned around to the sound of his name.

“So you’re the who has been bothering my husband.” I was taken aback by my own courageousness.

“Excuse me? Do I know you? Don’t be going around calling people you don’t know a . I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

’s got an attitude.

“I don’t like you bothering my husband. If you’re gay, go bother some other men, leave my husband alone.” I don’t believe it either, but I just started this so there’s no going back.

“Key-hyung, do you know her?” I heard the other blonde who was standing behind Key’s shoulder whisper.

He scoffed. “I don’t even know who the hell you are. Why don’t you ask your husband why he doesn’t find satisfaction in you?”

“Key-hyung! A taxi!” The younger boy dragged Key away from me out the gate as they went towards the taxi.

“I’m not done with her!” I heard him scream as he was being dragged along. His phone rang apparently from what I can see. He put the phone up to his ear. Damn it, that better not be Jonghyun. My eyelids flickered in the abruptness of the argument and its ending. I clenched my fists in anger but didn’t follow after them. I breathed deeply.

“Bastard, I’m not done with you either.”


Key’s P.O.V

“Hello?... Jjong,…yea, I’m just taking Taemin to get his checkup, but some crazy just came out of nowhere screaming at me…yea, I’m okay, I don’t know what was wrong with her…ok, Jjong, I’ll call you later…Bye.”

“Who was that? Did you know her?” Taemin asked as the taxi drove off.

“I don’t know who the that was. Some crazy . How am I supposed to know who her husband is? She didn’t even tell me. I’ve never even seen her in my entire life.”

Taemin has always felt awkward talking to me about my job since he never liked what I did for money. “Are you sure it’s not one of your…your acquaintance’s wife?”

“Taemin, I don’t even know. She probably stalks me. What a creeper. I’ll find out who she is.”






Jonghyun’s P.O.V

I heard the keys jingle outside my apartment door. After a few jingles and turns, the door opened.

“Jonghyun-ah, I have something to…” Sekyung had just opened the door when she stopped mid-sentence.

“Ahh!” All three girls squealed in unison. Two of Sekyung’s bridesmaids had come back up to Seoul to visit her again. One of them even brought a baby. I didn’t know how to deal with those little humans.

“Oh my gosh, he’s so cute! How old is he?”

“9 months.”

I walked up to help Sekyung with the groceries. She said she was only out to buy eggs, and she comes home with two grocery bags.

“Can I hold him?” Dropping the bags off in the kitchen, I saw Sekyung gently grab hold of the small boy and placed him against her chest where his flailing arms wrapped around her neck, playing with her hair and earrings.

“Aaw, he’s so adorable!...Hello, aigoo..” she started making baby noises and cute facial expressions at the boy.

“Don’t worry, once you get married, you can have your own bundle of joy, maybe even two or three of them.” Sekyung laughed and turned to me smiling.

I faked a smile and scratched the back of my head. Kids? I don’t know about that. They were making me really awkward in this situation.

All three girls went over and sat down on the couch. I took the single seated couch, invading in their conversation. Sekyung was fairly distant with my friends (who left somewhere without even telling me) and I wasn’t really sociable and acquainted with hers.

“When did you guys get here?” Sekyung playfully let the baby jump up and down in her lap.

“They got here not long after you left. I told them they just missed you leaving.” I tried joining the conversation.

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“We told him not to. We wanted to surprise you when you got back” the other friend said.

 I got up and went into the kitchen to unpack the groceries as the living room was occupied with laughter and girly talk.

“Yea! Let’s go then!”


“We can take him too!”

I awkwardly came back. “We’re going where?”

“Not you oppa.”

“We meant the baby. But it’s just us girls who are going.”

“Wait, babe, did you want to come?”

“No it’s okay, have fun…”

“Let me hold him…” Sekyung made her way out the door again with her friends and I was left alone in the now eerily silent room. I was finally alone after these past few weeks under Sekyung’s constant watch. She seems to have gone back to her old jealous self. I thought she would be more relaxed after I proposed to her but she’s still the same. Am I doing anything to cause her to be this way? Is it because of Key? It can’t be. There’s nothing going on, I’m not cheating on her or ignoring her. She’s just over-reacting. And plus, I’m straight! I don’t have any feelings towards Key... But why am I always getting that diminutive feeling? That feeling of doubt in myself?




“No, I’m surprised she hasn’t called me. That probably means she’s still not back yet.”

“Then you must be happy her friends came.” Minho acclaimed.

“I am. She’s just been so watchful and suspicious of me lately and I’m not even doing anything.”

“Dinner’s ready!” Key softly shouted from his kitchen. All four of us got up from Key’s rather cramped living room and made our way into the kitchen where I found Key cutely dressed in an apron. I couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“Is there something funny?” Key crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Nothing, it’s just I’ve never seen you in an apron… or a guy in an apron.”

“But I look good,” Key made one of those knowing smiles that I couldn’t help but agree that he looked good…like a chef or something.

We all crowded at the small round table. Key took the seat next to me, with Taemin on his other side.

Onew, without a word, was the first to pick up his chopsticks.

“Jjong…” I looked up from my small bowl of rice at the sound of his voice.

“I know you’ve been avoiding me.”

“What? No. Who said?”

“You have a nickname for him? When did he start calling you Jjong?” Minho interrupted but was ignored.

“I haven’t seen you for a while. All of a sudden, you decide to come over today.”

“I was busy. But I did call you. Why did you miss me?” Key scoffed at my sarcasm.

“Can you guys not? I’m trying to eat.” We fell silent again after Onew spoke. “Mmm,  this is so good.”

Through my peripheral vision, I saw a white figure slowly drift to the ground. On instinct, my first reaction was to reach down to pick it up. Unknowingly, both hands went down at the same time. Instead of reaching for the napkin, I grabbed something rather soft and smooth. It lasted a mere second when I jolted back up to my original sitting position.

Key cleared his throat. “Taeminnie, here eat some vegetables.” He put food into Taemin’s bowl in a very caring way.

“Ah, Key-hyung, did you ever find out who that lady was?” I looked up in interest.

“No. Don’t even remind me about that .” I choked on my rice and coughed. “Oh, Jjong, that’s who I was talking about on the phone with you.”

“What happened?” Onew’s curiosity brought his attention as well.

“So it happened outside in the parking lot this morning. I was taking Taemin to the doctor’s and some crazy lady came up to me and called me a .”

“She knew your name too.” Taemin added.

“That’s creepy.”

I suddenly felt uneasy about Key’s story.

“I know I have to flirt with a lot of people at my work so it will be pretty hard for me to know who her husband is.”

Husband? I felt a little relieved, I think.

“She came up to me and told me to stop bothering her husband.”

“Really? And you didn’t even know her?” Minho inquired.

“No! I was thinking why she had to come to me when it is her husband she needs to talk to. Her husband is the unfaithful one. I hope she knows that pretty much means her husband is gay. Their relationship isn’t going to work out. It’s not my fault I’m so good-looking that I turn straight guys gay.”

Taemin, Minho, and Onew laughed at his supposed joke but I felt left out because I found no humor in the joke. I felt somewhat indifferent, kind of insulted? No. How?

“I’m just wondering how the guy ended up marrying her if he had no feelings towards her. She looked really young too so I suppose they’re a young couple.”

“Wow, and their beginning is already a disastrous start.” Minho and Onew seemed more engaged in the conversation as I kept quiet.

“Well he’s going to be stuck with a girl he doesn’t like and she will be stuck with a guy that doesn’t like her.”

“But Taemin-ah, he might like her but he’s just a little gay for me.” They all joked together, this time I wasn't interested.

We finished the conversation throughout dinner, but I ended up feeling sorrier for the girl. Feelings can’t be forced. If the girls’ husband has to find entertainment and satisfaction from people like Key or where he works, it’s a failed marriage she got herself into. I still felt uneasy.






Sekyung’s P.O.V

I slowly opened the door of our apartment to find it dark. I wasn’t home that late am I? I looked at the watch Jonghyun had given me. 10:28 p.m.

I was surprised that the boys aren’t still awake.

I quietly crept into my bedroom and as expected, Jonghyun was sound asleep. I went to change and brush my teeth.

I slowly laid myself down on my side of the bed facing Jonghyun. He breathed out into my face.

I pulled my face back. He was drinking? No wonder he went to sleep early.

I settled down in the sheets and laid there.

Sorry Jonghyun, I don’t like that gay friend of yours so I had a little talk with him. I’ll tell you about it in the morning. Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t get a chance to tell him who I was talking about but I’ll make sure he knows and I’ll make sure you stop communicating with him.









*sigh* So much crammed into one chapter. I hate long chapters thoughXD

Thank you all my subbies and readers<33 I love you all:))

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Chapter 47: Ahhhh, the emotional ups & downs you had me going through! Well done.
Chapter 36: YaSSssSsSssSSssS
Chapter 30: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 25: hgnhhhhhhhhhhh this hurts T_T
Shawol365 #5
Chapter 47: This. Was. So. ing. Good*^*
KatyNeko #6
Chapter 3: Waa hi! I'm - new reader, also new in this page haha I love your history.
Chapter 47: Awww how sweet! It's finally done ㅠㅠ I remember when I was giving you pointers and title suggestions on this like it was yesterday XD well done.
Chapter 1: SO CUTE OMO~~~
rastnic #9
Chapter 45: Author please don't leave us waiting on this cliffhanger anymore!!!