Chapter 9: Don't know how...

Chosen to protect

“Umm…Hyung… Is she alive?” Ren looked at an unconscious Erica.

“…..” She was pale as a ghost.

“Yea, she’s fine… at least I that’s what Breezy said.” JR turned to the younger female who had switched her sit with him, so she could sit next to Minhyun. They had been getting along to a point that they would text each other every minute it looked like.

“Hmm…” Ren poked her cheek.

“…” No response. JR could only sigh at them as he looked out the window.


“What…!? Aren’t we taking the train? Or a bus…?” Erica tilted her head in confusion.

“No, were taking a plane~” Manager Hyung moved his arms to act like a plane. Erica turned pale after hearing that ‘Ah-Ah huh…” Ren and Baekho finished putting everyone’s bags into the car and went up to them to see what they were talking about.

“Hey wh-“Erica passed out and landed in Baekho arms.

“MANAGER HYUNG WHAT DID YOU DO TO ERICA!?” Ren shouted while shaking her to get up.

“… I… umm… I only told her we’ll be taking a plane instead of a train or bus” he scratched his cheek.

Flashback end

There are still so many things I have to learn about her…” JR thought as he watched a cloud.

It had only been three hours since they left D.C, still had 7 more to go. Everyone else was preoccupying themselves expect for JR. Aron was watching a movie, something boring it appeared to be. Baekho was next to him working on some lyrics to ‘Not over you’. It’s a good thing Aron was wearing headphones. Minhyun and Breezy were talking up a storm. Now and then Minhyun would blush, it appeared that he liked her, or so it seems. Ren was on his laptop, sometimes he would check on Erica’s condition. Whenever she would get worse he’d panic and try to get Breezy to do something. But she just said ‘She doesn’t like heights, that’s all.’ Then he would pout and sit back down before the flight attendant said something.

When night came around, JR asked the attendant for a warm towel, and placed it on Erica’s head. She had slept for 8 hours straight. Now and then she would stir, but she was still pale.

“Hmmm…” he her hair gently not trying to wake her up. Ren was asleep on her neck with one arm wrapped around her waist. Lately, he had been more affectionate towards her. Each time JR saw him he would wince and wish he could do the same. ‘Maybe… I could try just this once…” He moved the arm rest up, and slid closer to her. He blushed when he laid his head on top of hers and entwined there fingers.

‘She’s so warm.’  He started to nod off.

“Warm…” Erica muttered in her sleep.

“Chaa~” Erica rubbed her eyes after taking a nap.

“Afternoon, my cute lil pika” he held her closer in his embrace.

“Hey… you’re so warm…” she yawned still tired from the bike ride they just had finished. Afterwards, they found a big tree and rested there.

“If your still tired you can go back to sleep, I don’t mind” he kissed her forehead.

“But we have to… get back home… before…dark…” she slowly nodded back to sleep.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered and Erica…” his embraced became looser.


“I’m sorry…” those words echoed in her head for multiple times. Everything around her went black and she found herself alone, in the darkness.

“W-w-why…. NO! I don’t wanna l-let go….” Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she pounded the ground.

Erica’s eyes quickly blinked open, her breathing started to get heavy.

“Just a bad dream…again… urgh” she placed her hand on her forehead to find a towel.

“Hmm?” she looked over and saw Ren sleeping on her neck and hugging her tightly. JR was resting his head on top of her’s and their fingers where untwined. She could only blush at the situation she was in.

“*Sigh*” she took the towel off her head. “I really don’t like heights”

“I’ll say, you never did even when you were young.” Erica looked over to see Breezy wide awake with Minhyun sleeping on her lap.

“How long have you been up?”

“Long enough to see how everyone fell asleep~” she teased.

“As I can see, how much longer until we land?”

“20 minutes it looks like.” She glanced at her watch.

“Hmm…” Erica looked out the window still thinking of the dream she just had.

“Was it that dream again?” Breezy asked worriedly. She only nodded carefully not to wake up JR, even though he wasn’t asleep.

“Yea… It just keeps coming back to haunt me” she sighed.

“You know… this might be a chance for you to get over that pain” Breezy rubbed Minhyun’s cheek.

“How so…?” she glanced at her.

“One is sleeping on your neck; he was worried all day and didn’t want to leave your side not even once. The other is holding you hand and resting on you head; he made sure your condition didn’t get any worse and watched you sleep the whole time until now.”

“…” Erica was clueless about what she was talking about. Breezy could only sigh at the fact that she was older than her and still so naïve.

“JR and Ren like you Erica; this could be your chance to have that pain healed that others had placed upon you. Well that is only if you give one a chance.” Erica looked at her with sadness in her eyes. Breezy could only reply back with pleading eyes understanding what the older female meant.

“A chance…?” Erica placed a hand over her heart. ‘I don’t know if I can do that…”

We will be landing in 8 minutes; please passengers put on your seat belts we’ll be landing in a few minutes.

2 hours later~~

“OK everyone, we’re given 2 rooms.” The manager held up two room keys.

“One is for me of course and the other is for you seven. It’s a pretty big room. It has 3 rooms that have two queen beds and one king bed.” He gave the key to JR and walked to his room next door.

“Good luck~” he quickly closed his door. Breezy had an ‘are you serious’ look on her face.

“You guys hurry… before the fans come I can’t hold them back anymore…” Erica was holding an elevator door closed. There we a lot of screaming and violent fans.

“WHO’S THAT OTHER GUIDE THERE?!” “IS IT A GIRL OR A GUY?” “I DON’T CARE, DON’T TOUCH MY ARON!?” They kept punching and kicking the doors. JR quickly opened the hotel door and pushed everyone in. Erica ran as fast as she could into the room closing the door behind them and locking it. The fans pound and knocked hard on the door screaming ‘I love you guys’ over and over.

“T-that was fun right…?’ Baekho joked.

“WOW THIS PLACE IS HUGE~” Breezy ran around the hotel room in excitement. Erica and her had never been in a hotel room before, even when they would go to conventions. They would drive back each night and then drive back early in the morning.

“*huff* so *huff* many fan girls…” Erica lay on her back exhausted from holding the door open. Ren placed her head on his lap.

“Hmm?” she looked at him. He only smiled and played with her hair. She hummed in response.

JR and Aron went to look at the rooms trying to figure out who would sleep with whom. Obliviously Erica and Breezy would sleep together, but where.

“Hey you guys look a couch” Erica jumped on it and stretched out. “Breezy! We can sleep on this and give the guys the beds since there big.” Breezy shook her head.

“B-but we always sleep on the couch it’s not soft or anything” she pouted and sat next to Erica with her arms closed. Erica sighed and leaned on her shoulder.

It’s my job to protect and make their stay as comfortable as possible. If that means we have to sleep on the couch we have to sleep on the couch understood?” she whispered in Breezy’s ear. She only nodded looking annoyed.

“A queen size bed can only fit 2 of us with comfort.” Aron explained.

“Since there are two of them; you and Baekho will sleep in one of them. Then I, Ren, and Minhyun will share the other.” Aron looked at him with a confused expression.

“That won’t work because of Minhyun’s Height. Why don’t you guys take the king and give them the queen.”

“But they always sleep on the couch, so I thought…” JR trailed off.

Aron started to laugh at his cuteness. “Aren’t we the gentleman~” Aron nudged his arm.

“Shut up” they started to walk back to the others in the living room (a/n: it’s a big hotel room\ *0*)

“Ok, we’ve set the rooming arrangements~!” Aron said excitedly thinking of a plan at the last minute.

“Aron and Baekho you get the room at the left with the queen bed. Ren, Minhyun, and –“Aron interrupted him

“Nope, only Ren and Minhyun will be sharing that one. JR, Erica, and Breezy will be sharing the king bed.” JR blushed at his idea of him and Erica sleeping together in one bed.

“AYE-YAH, I OBJECT TO THAT IDEA. I WANNA SLEEP WITH ERICA AND BREEZY!” Ren complained with anger in his eyes.

“Hmmm~ someone’s jealous I see~” Aron teased the maknea. Baekho went to his room and went to sleep ignoring all of the mess that Aron caused. He was soon followed by Minhyun and then by Breezy. She was happy that she got to sleep on such a big bed. It only took her 4 minutes to get into her sleeping clothes and lay down. While Erica watched the three of them argue back and forth. She yawned now and then very tired from her first plane trip. JR took note of her exhaustion and ended the argument.

“Fine… then how about this, since there bed can fit three people, me and Ren will take turns sharing the bed…” JR blushed at his own words.

“Hmmm… Ok I’m good with that so today JR then Ren tomorrow perfect~ Good night~” Aron pulled the angry maknea to his room with Minhyun and then went to his own.

“*yawn* is it over yet?” Erica rubbed her eyes looking at JR with tired eyes. He nodded an she gave a weak smile and went to change for bed. JR went to do the same thing until he saw a white fluffy stuff animal on the couch. He went to go see what it was up close.

“…” he poked it and the ears moved. ‘Don’t tell me…” he poked it again and it turned around fast.

“*taptaptap TAP*” (WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP?!?) Terry thumbed his foot hard and hopped to the room where Breezy was sleeping. ‘How did he get here I didn’t even see her put him with the other animals unless…” He remembered that she showed them that her hoodie had another compartment that could hold Terry and her other small animals. He shook his head and went to go back to what he was doing before.

T-this is awkward…’ JR turned his back towards the other two girls who were deep in sleep. Erica was sleeping in the middle; Breezy was sleeping at the other side pushing Erica away so she could make more room for herself, even though the bed was huge enough to fit all three of them.

“Sigh….” He turned to face Erica who was sleeping peacefully. ‘How can you sleep when she’s pushing you like that…?’ Breezy pushed Erica into his arms and without any thought he embraced her. ‘T-this isn’t too bad’ he lightly blushed when she nuzzled her face into his chest to be more comfortable. He slowly nodded off with Erica in his arms. Breezy finally had enough space so she stopped kick and pushing.

 In the Morning

‘Hellloooo~ K-CON!” Aron readied the crowd for their Q and A. There were tons of fans including Erica and Breezy.

“Awww…. Why can’t we ask questions like the rest of them…?” Breezy whined because they had to stay back stage.

“P-plus I dressed us up for the K-pop idol contest…” Erica only sighed because she was dressed as the guy again.

“Don’t worry I’ll ask manager hyung for a break then we can do what we want ok. Plus…I HEARD B.A.P IS HERE EEEEE” They both jumped up in down squealing.


“YES, now all we have to do is wait until this is over then off to B.A.P, I hope they’re not going to be mad at us.” Erica put her hand on her cheek but Breezy slapped it away.


“Sorry” Erica laughed.

20 fans were chosen at random from the crowd for questions. They lined up at the microphone waiting for their turn to ask their questions. If they pushed or shoved they would be replaced with someone else. The first fan was a tall female.

“I’ve been wondering… Have you guys learnt English from Aron Oppa yet?”

“Why yes we have actually, so now we can communicate with all of our English speaking loves~” Baekho said with his famous smile. The girls just cheered when they saw him grin.

“Ummm… Minhyun, do you have a girlfriend?” the next fan blushed at her own question.

He shook his head. “No I don’t, but I do have someone in mind~” he winked at her.

“I wanted to ask you guys something but there not here…” the guys looked at each other.

“Yes we are but which person are you talking about?” JR asked innocently. She blushed and started to stutter.

“Y-y-your guide for America…. I was wondering if their boy or girl…?”

JR pondered if they should answer the question. He looked at everyone else to see what to say. They all had confused faces as well. He turned to Erica who just shrugged in response. Breezy was wording ‘I don’t know’.

“What would happen if our guide was a girl…?” he asked the crowd. Some cheered and other’s booed.

“Ouch that hurts my feelings…” Erica sat with her knees close to her chest. Breezy patted her on her back. JR didn’t like the response given back, but before he could respond Ren stood up.

“Hey, that’s not right, just because she’s a female or a male doesn’t matter. The true L.O.V.E.S would accept them. Since we’ve been in America they have been taking care of us like family. Now I hear your booing my family, Renee is not happy.” He pouted and soon many people started to apologize.

All of a sudden, the crowd started to cheer ‘bring ‘em out, bring ‘em out. Erica really didn’t want to go out on stage. Breezy kept pushing her to go onto the stage over and over until she did. The cheers started to get louder: some thought she was a guy because of her outfit, others thought she was a girl cosplaying. JR gave her the microphone.

“Umm… Hi…I’m Chu… ”she sat down in one of the chairs; Terry jumped out of the jacket and sat on her lap.

“Awwwww! Is that your bunny?” the next fan asked. Erica nodded.

“So, are you a girl or a boy?”  The fan that asked this question looked extremely angry.

“Ummm… I’m not answering that one o-o-ok” She started to turn pale because she didn’t want people to know she was a girl.

“Is it that bad that you don’t wanna tell us?” she had an evil smile on her face.

“Ummm… I-I just don’t want to… I’m sorry” she picked up Terry and bowed to the crowd and walked off stage. Before she could get off the stage Ren grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him. The crowd once again got loud and noisy. ‘Are you ok?’ Ren whispered. She nodded and he let her go. Even though she said she was ok, Ren knew that she wasn’t.


“What? You want a break? Are you tired of us already?” The manager scratched his head.

“No we just wanna go and see some other booths and enter the ‘K-pop’ contest. See we dressed up as Bang for B.A.P” Breezy pointed to Erica. “And I’m dressed as~ BOA~” she twirled around in her flat shoes.

“Why you no dress as one of us?” Ren pouted.

“Hmmm… I didn’t think of that.” Breezy and Erica said at the same time.

“Anyway, sure you can. You guys earned it. Just be back before the next photo shoot.” The manager pushed the boys out to the photo with the fans.

“OFF TO K-CON” they both cheered.

20 minutes later 

“Ok you guys take a break for now.” The manager left them and went off to plan the next event.

“I wonder what Erica’s doing?” Ren thought out loud.

“Hmmm…. Oh I have an idea how about you and JR go see what they’re doing~” before they could say yes or no, Aron had already put their disguises on them and pushed them out of the meeting room. JR and Ren stared at each other wondering what to do.

“So… I guess…” JR started walking to a booth.

“Yep.” Ren followed as their search had begun.

“Erica, Erica! It’s our turn!” Breezy shook her to wake her up. They had been waiting in line to meet B.A.P for 30 minutes. Breezy rushed to get next to Himchan. Erica stretched and started to walk up the stairs. Not watching where she was going she slipped and fell going up the stairs.

“Ooowwwwy” tears started to form in her eyes because she landed on her face.

“Are you ok?” Their leader rushed to help his fan up.

“Are you ok?” he asked helping her stand. She nodded and started to rub her forehead.

“Wah!” he pointed to her forehead, it was bleeding a lot.

“DANG IT ERICA! NOW WE HAVE TO GO TO THE FIRST AID. AND AFTER I DID ALL THAT MAKE UP ON YOU!” Breezy ran to get her and started to walk to the first aid tent. The she ran back and took a quick picture with a confused Himchan and went back to Erica.

Ummm… Are they going to be alright?” Himchan asked Bang.

Well visit her after this~” Himchan tilted his head.

That was a guy and a girl?”

Would a guy be name ‘Erica’ in America?” Bang said with a smart tone. Himchan nodded and Bang just face palmed himself.


“Ow…OW…I THINK I SAID OW?!?” Erica yelled at Breezy for being so rough with the alcohol on her face.  With all her whining she just received glares from her.

“Sigh… I’m sorry Breezy is there any way I can repay you for this…?” Erica kept wincing in pain.

“*sigh* No there isn’t I just get really worried when your hurt.” She gave the first aid kit back to the medics. When she walked back to Erica someone tapped her shoulder. She nearly screamed from excitement, but quickly covered . It was no other than B.A.P, Himchan waved at her almost making her faint.

“Umm… Is your friend here?” Bang struggled to say. Breezy nodded and pointed towards Erica who was swinging her feet on the stool. Bang and Zelo approached her from behind.

“Hello?” Bang said making her turn around in surprise.

“Oh, Hi there” she gave them a smile.

“We came to see if ok.” Bang continued to struggle with his English.

Hyung, speaking in English is it really that hard” Zelo laughed at his leader.

It’s not that easy plus I’m not that good.” He scratched the back of his neck.

Its ok you guys can speak in Korean I can understand it.” Bang and Zelo were both shocked to hear her speak Korean. She just nodded at them.

Noona you can speak Korean. Ha you had Hyung struggle this whole time.” Zelo continued to giggle. Bang just hit his shoulder.

Actually I have no idea what he was talking about at first but now I do. Thanks for checking on me, I’m fine just a bit sad that I didn’t get my picture…” Erica looked down is depression. Terry came out her jacket again and sat in her lap.

Whoa! A bunny!” Terry turned to face the two tall men. He wiggled he’s left ear to say hi.

You can pet him if you want he doesn’t bite.” She patted a seat next to her. Bang sat down and Terry hopped into his lap. He laughed at the bunny’s cuteness and his manager took pictures of this.

“So, since you know I’m ok now. Are you going to leave for you next event.” Erica wondered trying to keep her blush from showing. She was a huge fan of Yongguk and he was sitting right next to her.

Oh, ummm… we also came to take a picture with you.” Bang gave Zelo his phone. “Who did you want to take it with?” He patted Terry. Erica pointed to him with a small blush making Bang laugh. He placed his arm around her and put up a peace sign. Terry stood up a little so his face would be in the picture and Erica gave a small smile. ‘She smells like a cherry blossom.’ After Zelo took the picture he showed it to them. Erica was extremely excited, but all she did was blush at the picture.

That’s so cute hyung; can we keep her please. She even has a bunny.” Zelo hugged her causing her to go ‘chu’ and made her blush visible. Bang sighed at the young ones cuteness. ‘Hmmm… She is very odd. Most girls would have had a fan girl attack. Interesting~’ Bang thought of an idea.

How about we keep in contact? Can I have your number?” Bang handed her the phone. She shrugged and gave it to him. Breezy ran over with Himchan.

“LOOK~ LOOK~ ERICA I GOT HIS NUMBER!” she jumped up and down, Erica just smiled she loved her little sister when she was happy. -Bezzz Bezz- Erica looked at her phone’s text message. ‘Save my number please so we can keep in contact~ Bang.’ Erica looked at him with a shocked expression. He only nodded and motioned everyone to leave. “Bye-bye! Thank you” they both waved.


“Umm… Breezy I have a feeling that we have to get back….” Breezy tilted her head. “Because I can hear JR and Ren’s screams from here…” she opened the tent to see JR and Ren running from a crowd of fan girls and boys. “Sigh… I’ll meet you back at the room ok…” Erica jumped in the air and onto a tent.

“Ok…. be careful” she walked back to the meeting room.

“REN I BLAME YOU FOR THIS *huff*” their running started to slow down.

“I JUST WONDERED WHAT ERICA WAS DOING” they both stopped, waiting to be crushed by a ton of fans. As the crowd got closer and closer they braced themselves for the contact. Erica jumped in front of them and picked them up. ’Urgh heavy…’ she started to run and jumped onto a nearby tent. The fans stopped in a daze trying to figure out what had just happened.

“Mm mm~?” Ren opened his eyes to see that they were back at the meeting room. He looked around to see that he was being carried by Erica bridal style and JR was on her back.

“Next….*pant* time *pant* you wanna go out to the convention tell me…*pant* so I can protect you from crazy fans” she placed Ren on his feet and let JR off. They both scratched their heads and apologized. JR glared at Ren for making him go out with him.

“D-did you have fun at the booth you guys went to?” Ren asked nervously. Erica nodded still tired from the running and jumping. Aron came in from the booth; he looked over at JR wondering why Erica was bent down panting so hard.

“Don’t ask… Just know I blame Ren for this” JR sat on the chair. Ren continued to pat Erica’s back.


‘What’s that noise?’ Ren looked at Erica and saw that her forehead was bleeding.

“FIRST AID FIRST AID” Ren ran off to look for a kit. Aron went over to look at her face. “It doesn’t look too bad” he turned her face to examine it. She gave him a blank stare wondering what was going on. Then she felt her cheek.

“Oh…” she wiped it with her sleeve. Aron slapped her hand away she hissed.

“Yea, Did you fall or something.” Aron started to clean her head with the kit Ren brought back. She nodded.


“At the B.A.P picture thing, I was sleeping in line then slipped on the steps.”

“I see~ did you get the picture you wanted.” He finished and placed a band aid on her forehead. She took out her phone and showed her them the picture. It was set as her home screen, Ren wanted to delete it, but he knew she was a big fan. She was smiling when she showed them the picture.

“Breezy got one with Himch-“she turned to see that she was sleep in a chair.

“Must be tired from staying up all night preparing for you for the ‘Kpop’ contest.” JR walked over to see the picture. ‘Even if she’s cosplaying she’s still cute’ he smirked and walked off. Baekho rushed in accidently pushing JR to the side.


“Sorry but Erica they called you to the stage for a contest!” He dragged her to the stage.

“Huh?” they all blinked.

At the stage

‘Ladies and gentlemen today the finalists have been chosen for the KPOP look-a-like contest!’

The crowd cheered as they started to walk onto the stage. Nu’est, B.A.P, and EXO-M were disguised in the back. They were all amazed at how much the fans tried to look like them. “Oh, Bang isn’t that that fan you gave your number to!” Himchan pointed at Erica as she walked onto the stage. Bang grinned and nodded. ‘How do they know Erica?’ JR listened to them carefully.

I’m kind of shocked that she was a finalist…” Himchan crossed his arms.

“Mm mmm… I kind of expected her to be one because she looked alt like me. She even got my hair the same as hers’.” He placed his hands in his pockets. Ren and Breezy cheered loudly for Erica ‘Go Go Chu Go.’ Everyone just laughed at their cuteness.

‘For the first round, you must do a dance, song, or rap that your person does. Then the judges will decide which two will stay.

When it was Erica’s turn 5 other people came on stage and the song ‘No mercy by B.A.P’ came on. “OH SHE’S GOING TO WHEN THIS” Breezy yelled making JR and Ren jump. Himchan turned and went over to her.

“Hey, I know you, your Breezy right.” She nodded happily.

Oh, so she’s going to win this~?”Bang came over and greeted himself to Ren and JR.

Yah, she knows your part inside and out.” She laughed and watched Erica do the dance in sync with the others. Bang could only ‘Ah’ at what he saw. Ren pouted mumbling that’ she should have done ‘Nu’est action instead.’ Aron laughed and ruffled his hair.

‘Wow didn’t they all dance GREAT!” the crowd cheered louder.

‘It’s such a shame but only two will be picked and they are……. Chu and Cin!’ both of them walked out on stage waving at the crowd. Erica waved a little then blushed making a lot of people go ‘Awww’ causing her blush to get redder.

Now I know your reason for giving her your number. She’s cute” Himchan nudged Bang only making him laugh. JR glared at them. Himchan didn’t notice, but Bang only smiled back.

‘For the last round, they only thing you have to do is say you’re your idols quote.’

Cin looked extremely confused while Erica just asked for the microphone. She cleared and started to mimic Bang.

“Do what you love, and love what you do.” The crowd got louder than before when the MC named her as the winner. The boys laughed at the fact that she could mimic his deep voice. Bang blushed and joined them.

‘Congrats, you win a dinner at a Japanese streak house in downtown. You can bring any number of friends or family with you~’ he gave her the gift card and a check for $550. She smiled and shook his hand. When she tried to get off stage people started to crowd her asking for pictures. She didn’t say no and did as they wished.


“Aye Erica your popular~” Baekho mentioned as they walked to the hotel. The street lights were starting to come on and Erica didn’t like the dark.

“No, it’s just Breezy’s famous make-up that did it” she joked. Breezy just blushed and continued walking.

“Whatever, I’m hungry can we eat at that Japanese streak house~” Breezy pouted. Erica sighed and nodded yes.

“But I have to go back to the room to change.” She went back to pouting.

“Get off me!” everyone looked across the street to see someone getting mugged. Erica was the first to run over and help.

“Give the-AHHH” Erica’s jump sick kick made him fly into a brick wall. The next person swung a board at her. She dodged it by an inch and quickly swept his leg making him land on the ground and axis kick him in the groan. He was in pain. The last guy tried to run, but she threw her knives and he fell to the ground.

“Erica!” JR yelled as they got closer. She quickly pulled the knife and hide back into its place.

“Hyung!” Zelo came running towards them from the opposite direction with the police behind him.

“Is anyone hurt?” the police looked at the muggers on the ground. Aron laughed at them while Baekho and Ren poked the one bleeding.

“Yea officer they are.” Erica walked over to the victim. “Are you…” she paused and found out it was Bang.

“Ha-ha… this is embarrassing, but yes I’m ok Erica thank you.” Bang stood up a little dizzy from all the hits he took. Erica helped him to stand and walked over to the Zelo. Zelo took over from there and thanked her.

“Erica… How did you” JR wanted to know if she was ok.

“I’m ok, it’s fun beating up bad guys tee-hee~” they watched the police put the criminals into the back seat and drive off.

Hello boss… Yea we found them” the policemen didn’t notice that one of the muggers had his phone out.

“Thank you thank you thank you, we were just getting water for our manager then attack. Bang told me to go help but I had hard time explain.” Zelo looked down knowing his English was bad.

“It’s ok it’s ok, where hotel?” Breezy asked back in bad English.

“That one” he pointed to the same hotel as they were staying. Minhyun laughed “Oh the irony~” and started to walk back and was soon followed by the rest. They dropped off the other members while JR and Erica helped them to the room. When they reached the floor Bang and Zelo were staying at Erica noticed that Bang had been holding onto her very tightly. She shrugged it off while JR was starting to get angry.

“Ok, bye get well and so on and so on” he started to pushed Erica back to the elevator.

“Oh I’ll text your later Erica” Bang yelled before the doors closed on them. JR was speechless and turned to her with a shocked look.

“Hmm?” she tilted her head.

“W-when did he get your number?”

“Today when I was at the medic for my forehead.” She showed him her bandage. He shook his head and sighed. ‘She’s so careless…” he didn’t realize that he pulled her into a hug.

“JR… Is… comfy” JR quickly pulled her away quickly.

“S-sorry…” he ruffled his hair as he blushed.

“JR your cute when you blush” she grabbed his hand and started to run so she could change.

“Y-you think I’m c-cute?” they stopped at the front of the door. She nodded and went to change leaving a flustered JR in the doorway. Aron threw a book at him yelling close the door.

“Aye be patient I am I am” JR closed the door and sat next to Aron, who gave him a sly smile.

“What?” JR closed his eyes and laid his head back.

“It took you guys a long time to get back~ did you try any of the signs I showed you” He went back to reading his book.


“She didn’t catch any of them did she” Aron gave him a side glance.

“Ani, she just called me comfy and cute when I blush.” Aron laughed

“Well, if this doesn’t work I don’t know what will. She’s seems to be the oblivious type so you have to be more straight forward. It’s kind of a win or lose thing.” He wrote down some instructions for him to follow.

“And if these don’t work?” JR asked. Aron shrugged “I got nothing.” He went back to his book. JR could only sigh. “Why are women so complicated?”


“EEEEE~ ERICA THE FAN SITE HAS SOME STUFF ABOUT YOU.” Breezy dragged Erica over to the computer while she was getting dressed.

“Hmmmm ‘Who is this Chu is she a girl or is it a man in drag.’ Breezy this doesn’t he-“

“Shhhhh keep reading!” Erica sighed and continued.

“Let’s see… ‘Omg I hope Chu is a nice girl because she takes care of our loves. You go girl. No Chu is a guy just like Ren <3 No Chu is a girl no man can be that cute when they blush expect Ren~’” Erica gave a half smile at the comments about her until she saw a really disbursing one.

“’Chu I hope you die and rot in the ground. Your gender doesn’t even matter to me. Don’t even think about stealing one of the members for yourself if you do you have another thing coming.’ She doesn’t seem to like me on bit and that one has the most likes.” Erica looked at Breezy with sad eyes.

“It’s ok…. Just go finish and I’ll meet you in the living room.” Erica nodded and went back to finishing.

“Hmmm… I think I saw this fan earlier…” Breezy whispered to herself as she checked out the profile page of her. She grasped when she saw the picture.

“It’s that , Haaa this is going to get fun sooner or later.” Erica was confused but didn’t care. ‘I feel sorry for her…’

After Dinner

After having a delicious dinner, the gang went back to the hotel room. JR and Ren still argued about the sleeping arrangements but Baekho fixed it by telling JR it was his turn tonight. Ren waved goodbye to his hyung as he was dragged by a sleepy Baekho to his room. Ren couldn’t be happier that he got to sleep next to Erica tonight. ‘The one person that can make my hear-‘ Ren entered the room. He looked around to see if she was there. Only Breezy was on the bed sleeping in one position for once. There was a bright light coming from the left of the room. He slowly went towards it and to his surprise found Erica siting on the rail swinging her feet. He quickly ran to her and picked her up bridal style and sat on the balcony. He let out a worry filled sigh in relief that she didn’t fall.

“Ren, where did you come from?” she looked at him with her eyes half open.

Great, she was sitting on the rail half asleep to…” he shook his head as he stood up with her still in his arms and laid her in the bed.

“Why where you out on the rail?” he sat on the edge of the bed so he could lay her head in his lap.

“Cha~ I thought the moonlight was pretty so I went to see it… It brings back memories…” her eyes started to get heavy.

“Were they good or bad~?” he started to rub his fingers threw her hair. She purred in reponswe.

“They were… really…” she started to drift.

“Really?” he started to position them both so he could lay in the bed with her sleeping on his chest.

“Bad memories…that won’t go away…ever…” she fell asleep. Ren tried to wake her up so she could explain what she meant but it was no use. He knew that if she was warm enough she would fall asleep in an instance. Ren slowly stoked her cheek and pulled her closer; ignoring the fact his heart was beating a mile a minute.

“I… I want to help you.... forget those memories.”




A/N: Hey everyone *coughs* yea im sick thats why i late a lot *laughs then coughs* I'll be doing a B.A.P story next ok wish me luck and comment please i would like to improve ^///w///^ (i have a fever lol) *cough cough cough* x,x urghhh......

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i should really work on the other story ok.....


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pikachu omg so cuuuute~~~
Chapter 10: love this please keep going this is one of the best story i have ever read and you used my bias from B.A.P-Zelo <3 you
FinJee #3
Chapter 9: Woah woah woaaaaahxD
So its about JR and Ren? Ok keep update x3