Chapter 7: Restful day...?

Chosen to protect

-Clash Clash-

“Erica! We got the item! Let’s go quick, leave him!” Christopher jumped to the exit.

“No! You already know my morals!”

They were just escaping a dangerous encounter with the guards. One was able to throw a knife at Chris before he pressed the self-destruction switch, but Erica protected him from it. The knife that was now in her side; was starting to get deeper and deeper the higher she jumped to the exit. She could have used Dave, but it wasn’t right to have injured any more than he already was.

She was carrying him because during the last fight he fell out. The reason was because he was badly hurt, to the point he would need medical care to wake up. Christopher did not like him or even cared for him: he honestly thought he was dead weight, but he was right, all he could do was defend against fighters with weapons. Although, he was very skilled he was unable to dodge the last attack that did the most damage.

“ERICA! LEAVE HIM! WE NEED TO GET THIS TO MASTER JOHN!” Christopher held out his hand for her to grab.

Erica jumped on the last ledge to the exit, but it broke from all the weight.


“ERICAAAAA!” she started to fall deeper and deeper, to the point he could no longer see or hear her.

“E-E-ERICA!” he received no response. “Why….”

-Rumble Rumble-

 “Ahhhhhh…I’m thirsty…” JR rubbed his eyes when he heard the door open. He laid back down to seem like he was asleep.

Erica closed the door softly as she limped towards the bathroom. JR could smell a strong scent of blood coming from her as she pasted him. ‘w-what was she doing…’ he checked the clock ‘at least she got home before 3 AM ‘

“Ow…ow… I really hope I did well this time. I promised never to fail a mission no matter what it is or the cost.’ Erica washed off; cleaning every cut and wound she received from the fight. Next she had to apply the homemade ointment that Master John made. ‘Whatever is in this stuff; it hurts but it works really well.” Once she was done she put on some yellow pajamas and snuck out the bathroom to go to the kitchen. She got a lot of paper towels and started to wipe up all the rain and blood she dripped inside the house.

JR watched her every move with his eyes half open. He jumped when he felt something soft and warm being placed over him. ‘When did she get this blanket’ he felt his eyes get heavier and his eyesight got fuzzy. Erica placed a separate cover on everyone before getting her huge Pikachu pillow.

“Goodnight everyone” she slept on the floor lying in front of the couch with only a blanket and Pikachu pillow.

Erica… just….what were you doing tonight?” after this last thought JR faded into his unconsciousness.

She continues to worry me… to a point that I don’t even understand myself…’  Ren slide off the couch and laid next to her. His heart started to beat rapidly as he parted her messy hair to one side. ‘What am I going to do…?” His eyes started to feel heavy. “Go to sleep Chu…” she whispered in her sleep. Ren got underneath the blanket and did as he was told and drifted off.


-Beep Beep-

“How do I check if this thing is…? Oh! It is… Ok… Umm….?” Erica fixed her disguise.

“Hey, this is Chuz or just Chu. I’m… Nu’est guide for America… what do they say after this oh yeah~ Please take care of me” she bowed to the camera.

“Ok, first of all I’m sorry about my voice… It’s a little bit high today because I’ve got a cold. *Cough cough*” she lied.

“Today I’m about to wake up the guys hahaha… this isn’t an easy task because there all so hard to get up. Well expect for Aron he gets up pretty easily.”  She went up to Minhyun first.

“Minnnn~hyuniiiie n-e-nnnnnnnnnnnn~ Wake up~ Miinnnnnhyuniiiiieee n-e-n-e-n-e~” he turned over looking annoyed. “Its time to wake up” she smile, but he went back to sleep. “Ok… next attempt is… Baekho~”

“Baaaaaeekkkkhoooo~ Hyunnnngg-g-g-g-ung-g~” he didn’t move.

“Hmmmmm~ Hyunnn-g-g-g-g-g I made breakfast.”

“WHERE!?” he sat up fast. She pointed towards the kitchen and he raced off. “I hope he isn’t too disappointed when it’s just cereal and milk” she started to laugh as she approached Ren.

“How to wake him up… shaking doesn’t work.” She put the camera to the side of them as she leaned over him. Ren started to stir.

“Eh… What’s going on…? What happened to the light…?” his eyes slowly opened and he started to fluster. “Good morning sleepyhead.” She gave him a small kiss on the nose, which made him blush even more. “Please fan girls don’t kill me” Ren stayed there in shock as she moved to JR next. JR was sleeping up against the couch with the blanket wrapped around him.

“Lastly, there leader always wraps himself in blankets.” She sat on across his legs and pointed the camera towards his face. “JJJJJJJJJJJJJ-RRRRRR-IEEEEEE RRRR”

“Mmmmm….” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Jrrr~iee~ its time to wake up”

“Huh…? Oh….Oh! C-c-c-c-hu?!” JR started to stutter. Erica got up and stood with the camera pointing towards everyone.

“Ok~! That’s it for how to wake up Nu’est See ya~” she did a ‘V’ sign and turned off the camera.

“Erica w-w-why did you-““Manager Hyung told me to make a recording of your mornings. He also told me to make you guys embarrassed so that’s why. You can go back to sleep if you want today is a day off.” She got back under the covers and laid on Pikachu.

JR rubbed his eyes. “Erica, why didn’t you sleep on the couch?”

“I let Aron, Ren, Baekho, and Minhyun sleep on it because you guys looked tired…” she slowly started to fell into a deep sleep.

“Hmmm… I see.” JR picked her up bridle style and carried her up the stairs. “Oh…~Oh, what a naughty naughty boy you are JR. What are you about to do~?” Aron said slyly.

“I’m making sure Erica gets some rest.”

“I…wonder why JR is taking care of this guide. She isn’t as pretty as the other one we had before…” Minhyun rubbed his eyes while he sluggishly sat up. “Oh, so you’ve noticed too” Minhyun nodded as Aron sat on the couch next to him.

“I wonder how close they will be.” Minhyun shrugged as he yawned. Ren finally snapped back into reality after he heard Baekho whine.

“You guys, there’s no breakfast…” They could only sigh at Baekho for missing the point.

JR gently placed Erica in his bed and pulled over the covers. “Erica, Why did you go out so early?” he questioned her no expecting an answer since she was sleep.

“… I had a mission late at night… I’m sorry if I woke you up…” she muttered.

“What kind of mission was that!? You came back all bloody!” he gently shouted.

“Don’t worry it’s not any of your concern…” she rolled to the side facing the wall.

“I’m pretty sure it is. Even through we’ve just met you; we consider you a precious friend. I’m you Oppa remember that.” He started to go out the room.

“JR… can you get my phone?” he nodded.


“So, Christopher was the mission a success?” Mater John was filling out some forms.

“Yes, sir… “Chris looked down.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“We got the item.” He placed the book on his desk. “But that swords man was hurt badly and he had to go to the hospital.” He looked at him.

“I see… So your telling me that he caused you guys to get hurt, or your saying you could have gotten past that entrance on your own?” mater John stopped writing.

“No sir, I want to know why him of all people… There are many other stronger people at the kendo dojo, why him?”

“Quite bold aren’t you” Master John laughed.

“You didn’t see what I had to see sir… I don’t want to see that every again.” Christopher was still in a state of shock from last night. He couldn’t believe Erica used her knives to save them instead of herself and still worry about them. “She was soaked in her own blood last night…” he shook his head as Master John started to speak.

“Chris, do not question my actions and decisions. I choose him because he was the only one able to hold his sword the way needed. Just because he’s weak doesn’t matter, as long as he was able to get the mission done is my only concern. We need this” He held up the book. “For what the future holds…”

“But sir!”

“Enough know go home, you and Erica need rest. Leave Dave to me, I’ll take care of the bills.” Christopher bowed and left the office in depression.

“I think I need to make a call. If he’s that worried…” he picked up his phone.

JR and Ren were sitting on the floor of the bed watching TV, while Erica slept. They were the only ones who knew that she went out last night, but neither knew if the other did. They didn’t want her to go out on another mission, so they stayed to make sure she stayed put. She could only sigh mentally at them.

-Bah Bah Bah follower me-

JR quickly answered her phone before it could wake her.


“Hello JR, remember this is America so try your English more.” Master John laughed at him. “Where’s Erica?”

“She’s asleep sir.”

“Oh she’s sleep~?”

“Ye-“Erica grabbed the phone from JR while keeping her eyes closed.

“Yes Master John I’m awoke.”

“Ah… I knew it. I just wanted to say the mission was a success. You and Chris don’t have to come to practice Tuesday ok. So get a lot of rest and keep up the good work.”

“Thank you sir, I will. Bye-bye” she hung up the phone and stretched her back. “Ahhh….Ow…Ow”

“Don’t stress yourself. Go back to sleep.” Ren tried to make her lay back down, but he failed.

“I’m ok really.” She smiled weakly.

“No you not go back to sleep.” JR placed the covers on her again.

“I’m ok really I have too g-“

“No! You need to sleep. You’ve been out since 3am doing a mission and came back home hurt. Now lay down!” Ren shouted leaving Erica and JR speechless.

“You know too.” JR sweat dropped as Ren nodded.

“Like I told JR, I’m fine. I do missions like that a lot so please don’t worry.” She lifted up her sleeve to show them the bandages.

“See no you’re not.” JR pointed at them.

“Just watch.” She took off the bandage wrap to reveal a small scar on her shoulder.  Ren was surprised not to a large wound.

“I put on some special medication that helps me heal fast.” She said as she re-wrapped her arm. “But I do get tired of its smell. Yuck!” They laughed at her facial expression.

“Hehe see there’s no need to be so worried.” She got up and walked to the door. “Oh and thanks guys. It’s been a while since I’ve felt like someone actually cared about me.” She walked down the hallway to get her laptop.

Ren opened up her contacts list and pressed new entry. He handed JR the phone.

“Add your number to her phone” he sat back down to watch TV.

JR hesitated before doing so, but he still put it in. Thinking that she might need his help. Or maybe not, it seemed very unlikely.  When she walked back to the room he quickly threw the phone back on the bed and sat next to Ren. Ren gave him an expression that said smooth. “Shut up” he faced the TV.

“I found it~” she hoped on the bed and winced from the pain. “Look you guys the picture I took when you guys were sleeping has 3,000 hits already” she laughed at their blank expressions.

They saw over 300 photos and pictures posted by her and her friends. If she wasn’t an L.O.V.E they didn’t know what she was. Then they saw a chat pop up.

“Hey~ Erica I see you finally posted an awesome picture.” Says Cha-Cha

“Oh hi there Breezy, what’s up?”

“Nothing just wondering why my big sis hasn’t been in school for some time and the fan chat that’s all ~”

“Big sis? Erica how many siblings do you have?”  JR wondered why she didn’t tell them that she was a sister.

“Well actually I’m the youngest in my family. I have a big sister and older twin brother by 3 minutes. But my brother and me don’t get along at all.” Her face turned pale.

“Then why is she calling you unnie?”

“Oh, Breezy is a very, very, very close friend of mine. We’ve been friends since 4th grade. Well when I was in the 4th grade. I’m a year older than her.” The computer started buzzing.

“Erica!! Where are you I have some big news!”  Says breezy

“Opps sorry what is it o3o?”


“I might have a… mission that day >__>;”


Erica scratched the back of her head. “I was afraid of this… She’s the only one who can tell if it’s me in a disguise since we cross dress a lot.” JR and Ren went back to watching TV since they were just fan girling.

“Breezy I’m on a very important mission atm… so I had to stay somewhere else ^^;”

“Mmmhmmm….” Erica started to worry, Breezy was one of the people that could tell if she was lying and she wasn’t good at it already.

Fine >__> but you better come back alive you got that!” Erica sighed at her comment and laughed.

Deal \^w^/ <3”

“You and your missions :| you’re going to worry…” she continued to read her complaining with a happy look. Ren jumped on the bed startling her. “Ah Ren, what is it?” she signed out of the fan chat.

“I’m bored, do you play video games.”  There was sparkle in her eye.

“Yes, but I like fighting, rpgs, mmorpgs, first hand, and other’s why?”

“Have you heard of…? SSBB?” Ren had a serious look on his face.

“Why yes I have. I’m ranked number one in tournaments.” They both glared deeply into each other’s eyes until they both ran down the stairs in a hurry.

“What just happened?” JR sat there in confusion.

“What are you guys doing?” Aron looked up from his book watching them connect wires to the TV. Ren sat down readying the screen for the battle.

‘Player one Pikachu player two Mario’

“They’re playing brawl.” JR came down the stairs still confused.

“I CALL NEXT!” Baekho shouted getting a remote.

“I think I’ll just watch…” Minhyun sat next to Ren.

1 Hour later

“GO TO THE OTHER SIDE! DOGDE IT!” Aron shouted as Baekho played Erica.

“TOO LATE HE’S GOING TO LOSE.” Ren was holding onto Erica from the back with his arms around her neck. She was blushing but no one saw.

‘Player one winner!”                                                                   

“Ha! Told you! NO ONE CAN BEAT HER” Ren barged at Aron. They made a bet, If Erica lost Ren had to wear a dress and to do a K-pop girl dance. If Erica won against everyone Aron and Minhyun had go out and hold hands screaming they were a couple down the street.

“Who’s next?” she turned around.

“Aye” JR picked the Sonic.

“Erica all you have to do is win this one and Aron has to do the bet!” Ren jumped up and down.

“Come on JR you got this!”

5 minutes later

Player 1 the winner’

Ren and Erica jumped up and down in victory. While Aron and Minhyun where in a pitiful position.

“I thought you would win…” Aron whined.

“Hyung, I don’t really know how to play brawl. I just wanted to play the game.”

“It’s your fault for making the bet.” JR said to them in a harsh tone that made them wince


“Are you guys ready” Everyone was outside. Erica had the camera ready to record them.

“Yea…” Aron and Minhyun skipped down the street holding hands. When they got close to the camera they started saying.

“We’re so happy! Look everyone were a couple!” The neighbors gave them weird looks. Once they were done they raced back into the house. The rest stayed there cracking up from the embarrassment.

“Ren that was the best bet ever.”

“I know right.”

When they were done they all went into the house. But little did they know they were being watched.

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i should really work on the other story ok.....


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pikachu omg so cuuuute~~~
Chapter 10: love this please keep going this is one of the best story i have ever read and you used my bias from B.A.P-Zelo <3 you
FinJee #3
Chapter 9: Woah woah woaaaaahxD
So its about JR and Ren? Ok keep update x3