Chapter 5: A Day full of...

Chosen to protect

“GAH! WHY DID WE HAVE TO RUN INTO AN ACCIDENT OF ALL THE TIMES?!” Erica just sighed impatiently from waiting 30 minutes for them to clear it up.

JR was just staring blankly at her hamster, which just gradually climbed out of the bag onto her shoulder. At this point they were having a staring contest. Aron was just reading a book for college, Baekho was sleeping, Ren just laughed at JR losing multiple times to a hamster and Erica yelling at traffic. Minhyun was silently looking out the window.

“Sorry guys, but it looks like we got to take a detour so we don’t be late for your reality T.V show recording so hold on tight.” She said while switching gears extremely fast. Everyone was thrown to one side of the car expect for Hunny the hamster and Baekho.

“WAHHH” screamed the four guys in the car who were going violently side to side as she turned corners to avoid incoming cars. “Just got to get to 11th street and where home free” she drove in front of another car by passing it as it turned into the left lane. Once they got to 11th street she turned the car right to make it drift into the parking space. “My parallel parking gets an A+!” she said with the ‘V’ sign. Her hamster imitated her, once she detached herself from her shoulder. Everyone in the car were pale as ghosts. “Zzzz... ah… Cha …. Oh what happened?” asked Baekho as he woke up. He stared at the terrified faces of his friends, noticing they got to the hotel. “Umm… You guys? Were here time to get out” he poked Minhyun who fainted.

“THE HECK ITS NO TIME TO FAINT WE HAVE TO BE IN THE BUILDING BY 9:00AM. THAT’S IN 7 MINUTES.” She got out the car to pull the others out. She carried Minhyun on her back while the rest just walked behind her still in a terrified state.

“J-J-JR?” stuttered Aron

 “Y-y-yes?” “Next time let’s get up early so she doesn’t have to drive like that…” They all nodded expect for Baekho who was confused about the conversation.


“Where are they?!” screamed an angry photographer.

“They'll be here very soon, don’t worry, there probably stuck in traffic” reason Manager Hyung trying to calm him down. “I don’t care if they are stuck in traffic, ROOKIES ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE LATE FOR ANYTHING!” He kept yelling at manager Hyung about whatever he could think of.

“Where here!” proclaimed JR as they ran into the room patting hard expect for Minhyun, he was still unconscious on Erica’s back. “With 3 minutes to spare” said Baekho happily. The photographer walked over to them, he looked very displeased.

“Who is your guide? Weren’t they supposed to get you here earlier? Give me a good reason why I should even consider taking your picture’s still?” he said in a monotone.

Excuses me sir it was my fault. We couldn’t get here in time because there was an accident that happened right in front of us. If I didn’t dodge the car in time we would all be in the hospital. I deeply apologize for my tardiness. Please don’t punish the guys for my fault.” Erica bowed after explain the situation. He placed his hand on his cheek and started thinking. Over 4 minutes had passed and Erica remained in the bowed position. The photographer started to laugh, making everyone turn to him.

“Do you know how silly you look like with a big fellow on your back while bowing in respect” he said laughing. She stood up and rubbed the back of her head without letting Minhyun down. Oppsy… She sighed at the realization of the current situation.

JR and Aron went over to get Minhyun off her back. They struggled to lift him, let alone wake him up.

“Fine, I’ll accept your apology because you made me laugh.” He walked away gesturing the boys to follow him to make up. “Kamshimada Erica! Without you he wouldn’t have seen us” Baekho and Ren hugged her before following the others to make up. She just laughed at them and walked over to a chair and sat down. Manager Hyung gave her a pat on the back and walked out of the hotel to their next event.


Urgh… I feel dizzy… Minhyun woke up and found himself fully dressed and ready for a photo-shoot. When did I get dressed? How did I get here? I thought I fainted? Ren went to check up on Minhyun, surprised to see him awoke, he went over to him. “Hyung, are you feeling better now?” Minhyun looked highly confused at the moment. “Erica carried you from the car all the way up to the 6th floor on her back. Everyone else couldn’t carry you. I just didn’t want to” he looked at his nails. “D-did she dress me too?” “No the noonas over there… did that” he pointed to an empty area. “I think they had too much fun… Where did they go anyway?” they shrugged and walked to the photo room.

 They came to a pause when they saw JR, Aron, and Baekho posing extremely close to each other’s face. “There you guys are hurry get-get into the picture right now, hurry hurry.” A small woman pushed them into the picture, making them stumble into the rest. They all fell down as a result.

“Oww… Why can’t you guys just walk normally...?” JR said rubbing his head.

“HOLD THAT POSE IT’S PERFECT!” flashes started going off one after the other. The boys tried to pose, but couldn’t that much. The way they were together was completely awkward. JR and Aron, where back to back with their arms locked. Baekho was lying down across them with Ren leaning against his thigh. Minhyun was leaning on Ren, resting his chin on his head.

“Well then this will be very unusually for a picture, right?” grinned Minhyun as the others glared at him. He could only sigh at the stares when the shooting was over. They all walked to the dressing rooms to get ready for the next shot.

“Hey, where are the Noona’s at Hyung?” asked Ren coming out of his changing room. “Did they leave?” Aron and Minhyun walked down the hallway to look for them. JR walked to the entrance where Erica was located. Maybe there over here… he thought as he turned the corner. “KAHHHH! SHE’S SOO CUTE” “I KNOW RIGHT” “YOU TIRED YOUR BEST TO LOOK LIKE A BOY BUT YOU FAILED~” “CAN WE DRESS YOU UP PLEASE~?” “IF YOU DON’T LET US WILL MAKE YOU ANYWAY~?” JR walked over to the crowd of screaming Noona’s to see they were surrounding a terrified Erica.  She was hiding behind her chair to get away from them.

“Umm… Please go b-b-back to your work p-p-pretty ladies. Umm… I’m n-not cute so please… Go back to the boys” she whined in response. JR tried to get past the Noona’s but failed many times until they all turned around to face him. He started to step back in fear. “JR, make her let us dress her up now” they demanded. He just shook his head and walked over to Erica. “Umm… Erica are you ok?” he started.

“I told them n-n-n- ani many times but they won’t listen. I don’t want to dress up” She looked down while speaking. Aron was dragged by a stylist over to them. “What’s going o-on?” “Aron, she won’t let us dress her up!” they all started to step closer to Erica, making her get closer to the wall. “This seems like a leader problem” he said trying to walk away, but was stopped by three of the older stylist.

JR and Aron turned to Erica who was now hiding behind her chair. “Well JR what should we do?”In this case I have no idea, but don’t you think she would look better if she at least got her hair done.” Aron nodded once they came to a decision. “Ok so…” they only sighed knowing the danger they will be in if they actually allow them to do as they pleased. They both hesitated for 2 minutes until the stylist started to get closer to them in a threating manner.

“You may dress her up if you wish~!” shouted Ren mitating JR's voice from a distance. They watched Erica struggle as the Noona’s dragged her back to the guy’s dressing rooms. “W-what have you done Ren?” JR looked at him with fear in his eyes. “I was thinking Erica could use her hair done.” He walked to Erica’s dressing room. The Noona’s threw her clothes to Ren; catching them all before they fell to the ground. Erica’s hamster came out her jacket and crawled into Ren’s pocket without him noticing.

  45 minutes later

“Rock, paper, scissors!” shouted Baekho and JR. “I can never when at this game” groaned Baekho. JR started to recite some lines from their song face to taunt him. “Aing~” posed Ren and Aron with Erica’s Pikachu.

“She’s done~!” shouted one of the Noona’s. Erica came out of the room making the entire group gasp at seeing her. “I knew there was a pretty girl underneath all that boyish charm” stated Minhyun. “Yay~ I knew it wouldn’t be so bad, but every time we put a skirt or dress on her, she would rip it off in a second so this was the only thing we could do~ but it’s still wonderful~ aww Chu~” said the Noona doing Aegyo.

She was wearing a white shirt that had Pikachu an Raichu; over top was a black jacket that had ‘Nu’est on the back.’ Her hair was curled long going down to her shoulders. Her shoes where black and yellow, plus her headband that was placed on her head so some of the hair was in front her face. Lastly, she wore light blue jeans that fitted her but not to the point they were called skinny jeans.

They all kept staring at the dramatic change that was just made. She just stood there awkwardly waiting for someone to speak. The Noona nudged. Erica turned around, and then turned back to them doing a cute pose. That made all the Noona’s go crazy. The guys could only blush furiously at her when she started to approach them.

“Hyung’s, it’s time to go to the next event.” She said waving her hand in front of them, wondering why they all looked like they had a fever. Many thoughts where going through each of their heads. “Hunny there you are I was looking for you~” she said while picking up her hamster; who hugged her face knowing that her master was ok.

"OMG ITS A RAT!" screamed the Noonas that snapped the guys out of their trance. The girls all ran back to the dressing rooms while Erica just should there stunned. "She's not a rat.... she's a hamster" hunny jumped into her pocket. Erica went over to Ren to get her stuff.

"What are you going to do with these clothes?" he handed her the shirt and jeans that fit perfectly in the bag, the hoodie she wore over her clothes cause she was still cold. The jacket was nice but it was thin. "Yea. So you guys hurry and finish this so we can go the next thing ok.." as she was walking back she bumpped into the photographer. "Watch where yo-" he stared at her in amazment.

"YOU MUST BE IN THE PHOTO NO IF AN'S OR BUT'S" he yelled while dragging her to the area the boys were in. She only whimpered to herself This isn't in my job description. Whyyyyy.... I dont like carmera's..Why...


"Ok everyone after this last shot for your cover album you're done!" shouted one of the photographers'

"WAIT ONE MINUTE THIS GIRL NEEDS TO BE IN THIS LAST ONE" he yelled while holding Erica up by her arms. "Dont i get a say in this sir..." she whispered. "ABOSULTY NOT, NOW STAY RIGHT THERE AS WE PLAN HOW ITS GOING TO BE." he placed her on he floor. Baekho an Aron waved at her whle Minhyun laughed.

"Its not that bad" said Ren coming over to her to comfort her. She curled into a ball "it is bad... im so dead im dead... oh the horror..." Ren tilted his head wondering what she was talking about.


I get to be close to Erica again, just like last nght. Ren could only blush at the thought. Whenever he got extremly close to her his heart would race. He couldn't wait until it was his turn to do the picture, but then again he had to, the maknea was always last.

“First up is….Minhyun! Congrats” shouted the photographer.

The Noona’s dressed both of them in all white. He wore a white jacket over a shirt with black and white graphic print. His pants hand a chain around it and he wore white shoes. Erica on the other hand was taking much longer. Plus it sounded like a war was going on in the dressing room.



They just shouted back and forth for 20 minutes until it went totally silent. “Did she kill the stylist?” everyone looked around, too afraid to check if they were ok. Before they could move the door opened. One stylist came out with her hair all messed up while the others dragged themselves out of the room. Erica came out last looking accomplished. She was wearing a white blouse that covered her hands by an inch or two. Her headband and shoes were white, plus the shorts with white leggings underneath. Attached to the shorts was a chain similar to Minhyun’s.

“So, now what do I do” she walked towards Minhyun. One of the photographer’s assistances attached the chains together. “Now make them hug.” He moved their arms so it looked like they were embracing each other. “Now Erica kind of nuzzles your head into his chest and Minhyun, rests your chin on her head and hold her tightly.” They both did as they were told. “NOW PERFECT, SMILE” flashes went off from every angle. Erica looked at one by mistake; she rubbed her face into his chest to recover from it. Urgh… my eyes they hurt now. It helped but her eyes still hurt. Unaware of Minhyun bright red blush.

W-w-what is she doing?! If she keeps doing this, I think my face will be on fire. Even more flashes went off when they saw him blushing a bright red. “Wow… I never knew Minhyun could blush like that.” Aron said while taking a seat next to Ren who was watching intensely. “Hello, Ren?” he waved his hand in front of his face. “Huh? Oh hyung sorry I was just deep in thought” “About what?”  Ren pointed to Erica. “Oh, What about her?” “I have yet to see her blush, she doesn’t like dresses or skirts, she addresses us by saying ‘Hyung’ instead of ‘Oppa’, and she’s very odd to me really” he stated calmly. “I actually kind of like it, the other female guides usually ask us to be there boyfriends or try something scandalous with us, or even try to sleep with us… So I prefer her over the other ones. Plus her obliviousness is cute right.” JR walked over to Aron to tell him it’s his turn.

Erica was dragged back to the dressing room by three new stylists. “They have some work cut out for them right” joked JR. Ren nodded at him. “I hope everything you just said was in a good way, right?” He nodded again. “It’s never good to talk about someone bad behind there back, when there only nice to you” JR patted him on the head and watched Erica and Aron pose.

This time they both had on blue. Erica wore a blue jacket with short sleeves, blue sneakers, blue skinny jeans, and her shirt was a button up blue shirt. No head band, but a collar was placed on her this time. Aron wore a blue vest, with a dark blue shirt underneath with pink text. His pants were dark blue jeans with a scarf through the loops to look like a belt; his shoes were the same kind of sneakers as Erica’s just in a bigger size.

“This is more like it” she said giving the stylist thumbs up. The first three glared at them.

“What kind of pose do you want us to do” Aron asked. The assistant came over and put headsets on both of them. He gave Aron an IPhone that was playing lies by Big Bang. Erica held one of the ears up to her’s. Then the assistant moved them closer together. “Now Aron move closer towards her headphones, make it look like you want to share them with her.” Erica was too busy listening to the song to realize how close they were. Flashes started to go off and the Noona’s were going crazy because of the face Aron had on. JR and Ren watched them closely. “Hmm… I’m going to plan something later on” Ren thought to himself as he yawned.

They watched the Noona’s drag Erica to the dressing room again while Baekho walk up ready to go. The color was now peach. He wore a peach graphic tank top, jacket with ‘Nu’est’ printed one the back, and peach pants. His hat was the only thing black. Erica came out with a peach short sleeved shirt, short pants and knee high socks, and peach colored shoes.

“Aw you look cute in that” Baekho smiled.

“Thank you” she tried pulling the pants so they didn’t pinch her skin. “What’s the pose for this pose” she yawned. One of the assistants had a peach on a fish line. She was standing on a ladder to make it look like it was floating above them. Erica jumped trying to get the fruit, her stomach growled. Baekho laughed at her when she couldn’t get it. “Pfffttt… why are you taunting me with food” she whined. “The pose this time is for you to lift ‘em up to get the fruit.” She lifted Baekho up in surprise; he froze up trying to stay still so she wouldn’t drop him. Aron and JR laughed at Baekho panicking. Ren and Minhyun face just palmed themselves.

 “I wasn’t expecting this; actually I wanted him to lift you up not the other way around” he clarified.

“Oh” she placed him down. “My fault, sorry hyung” she looked down. He just patted her on the head, and then lifted her up. His face was on her stomach, while she sat on his arm reaching for the fruit.

“Your very soft you know?” he laughed. She just smiled at him and got the fruit biting into it. Flashes started to go off and the photographers awed at them. “They would make a very cute couple” mentioned on of the assistance. JR was a bit upset after hearing that. “Wait… why do I feel this way…” he didn’t understand what he was feeling at the moment. “JR it’s your turn” stated Ren. JR jumped back into reality and walked over to the screen. Their color was black, expect for the shirts, which were white.

They wore black jackets that had ‘Nu’est’ on the back in pink. Their pants were dark blue with a scarf wrapped around the knee. The white shirt was a V-neck, Erica’s sports bra was showing but they said it was ok. The only difference was that he had on pink gloves and red highlights. While she had on a red head band, she didn’t like any of the colors. –Bezz bezzz- “Hmm… so what’s the pose?” she said while answering a text from manager hyung. This time one of the assistances whispered it to JR causing him to cover his face to hide the redness. She looked up at him “You guys blush a lot, do you all have fevers” she panicked feeling JR’s face.

“No, were just not us to having a female around so much.” He grabbed her wrist and walked them over to their screen. They handed him a book and told them to sit down. JR sat behind her and moved closer until her back was against his chest; then he moved the book in front of them to make it look like he was reading to her. “This book is in Korean.” She stared blankly. “That’s the point, can you read it any?” She shook her head no. Her hair got into his face making his instincts to take over. He moved her closer so that she was lying on his neck and he rested his head on her hair.

“OMG JR REALLY KNOWS HOW TO POSE. PLUS HE’S NOT EVEN BLUSHING LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. THIS IS WHY HE’S THE LEADER.” Yelled the photographer when the flashes started to go off. “Hmm… JR is soft I might fall asleep if they don’t hurry up” her eyes started to become heavy. Eventually she fell asleep, when something was comfortable to her she would fall sleep. Expect when she was driving that would be the only time when she was fully awoke.

JR’s heart started to beat wildly when he saw her asleep on him. “I-is she tired… did I bore her… are we too close… Why is my heart racing? JR was extremely confused, but he didn’t show it when they were talking the last photo. “Alright next is Ren!” the Noona’s dragged Erica to the dressing room while she was still asleep. But it didn’t last long, when she felt them trying to put a skirt on her she jumped out of it.

“The last color of the day is… yellow?” Ren looked at his outfit. It was a yellow vest with a white long sleeved shirt that went down to his waist. His pants were yellow skinny jeans with a chain belt. The Noona’s put his hair in a ponytail with a bang, plus his pink spikey headband.

“YES FINALLY A SIMPLE OUTFIT” Erica ran out to Ren excited that it was the last photo. She wore a yellow shirt that was long sleeved, and yellow skinny jeans, with a yellow headband. “I kind of like this better than all the rest.” She said jumping up and down trying to figure out a pose. The photographer made a hugging gesture. That was simple right. Wrong, Ren was very stiff because the thought of holding her made him blush like mad. *sigh* what am I going to do… my body won’t move” just then Erica glompped Ren making his arms fling around her waist making them hug cutely. “Smile!” and flashes went off, until the last one was taken. Ren fell, but Erica held him up. She smiled at him and walked over to a chair.

“And what happened to you Rennie” asked Minhyun helping him into a chair. “I just got dizzy that’s all.” He said holding his forehead. Erica placed her forehead on his. “Hmm… You don’t have a fever” she backed away “But you are all red in the face.” Ren had an embarrassed expression, “hey you look like JR” JR wasn’t facing everyone. He had his face covered. Baekho grabbed JR and sat him next to Ren. “On the count of three…” Baekho and Aron were readying their cameras. “1….2…3” they uncovered their faces and took a picture of them. They ran away before JR could catch them.

Erica just watched them run in circles. She wanted to take a picture too but she got her phone out too late. “*sigh*” Ren noticed her phone. “Erica, d-did you want to take a picture of me?” he asked still red. She nodded. “Fine, but you owe me ok..?” She got her phone ready and took the picture.

He held his hand out. “Gimme your phone” she tilted her head before giving it to him. Ren typed in some numbers and handed it back to her. She checked her phone contacts. “Oh, I-I-I can have your number?” she said with amazement. He could only nod. She gave him a warm smile, as the other returned.

“Ahem. So Erica what is next on our plan” JR calmly asked.

“You guys get a free day today, Saturday, and Sunday.” She said happily.

“But I thought we had a reality T.V show, and fan signing.” “Yea. Everything has been cancelled due to the heavy rains coming in.” She opened up a window to show them the sky was completely gray. “I have to get us home like right now.” They all turned pale remembering how she speeds. But it was either get caught in the rain or speeding. They sighed at the decision they made.

25 minutes later

The rain came crashing down rapidly. “Man, maybe it was a good thing we let Erica speed this time.” JR looked out the window watching the rain fall. “I wonder how she never gets caught through, I bet I would.” Aron said while coming into the hallway. “That’s because you don’t have a license to begin with.”

Everyone was upstairs in the hallway watching the rain fall. Expect for Hunny she went to sleep in her cage. She always slept during the rain. But the bunny on the other hand was hopping up the stairs and exploring the house. Minhyun watched the bunny go into JR’s room, then come out and go into his room.

“Erica, why did you let your bunny out? Aren’t you afraid that he might get hurt?” She shook her head. When Terry came back he hopped over to her and laid on his belly.

“He is a very trained rabbit. He only looked around the house so he can know his surroundings. Plus he had to get to know your scents.” She scratched his ears, which made him close his eyes. Ren wanted to pet him, but he was a little scared.

“Oh, one more thing, don’t be scared of him or else he will use it to his advantage. Don’t be afraid of his red eyes, his just albino.” She said looking at him go closer to Ren. Ren kept moving back until he was in the corner of the wall. Terry hopped closer, until he put his paw on him. “OH MY GOSH” Ren ran around the house to get away from Terry, but he was too quick.

“Erica?” Bakeho asked.


“I think I love your bunny” Baekho was laughing at Ren the entire time. She just shook her head. But it was kinda of funny. “Ok, Terry that’s enough” he came back to her and laid on his belly. Ren sat next to Erica so he wouldn’t be scared of it. “He doesn’t bite; he thinks it’s pointless to bite so you’re safe.” She grabbed his hand and placed it on Terry’s head. He slowly fell asleep well they brushed his fur. He’s so warm and fluffy Ren started to act calmer around him.

-The storm growled-

“It looks like the storm is getting worst.” Aron closed the blinds. “Erica, are you sure you want to sleep downstairs by yourself?”

“It’s ok; I’ll just sleep in the hallway up here.” She went down stairs to get her blankets, oversized Pikachu, and Titan.

“I never knew Pikachu could get so big.” Baekho stared at it for a long time. Erica hugged the Pikachu that was her size. “I know that’s what makes it the best.” “Can I hug it?” Baekho was eager. “Sure!” She handed him the Pikachu and he embraced it. “It’s so fluffy” he laughed

Erica noticed everyone was getting there blankets from their rooms and coming into the hallway. “Huh? Why are you g-“ “Were not talking no for an answer, we don’t want you to stay out here by yourself” JR placed his blanket besides her and Ren did the same. Ren told everyone that she cried in her sleep when she is alone. So JR thought this would be best.

“Whose turn is it for Baekho to hug tonight?” Aron didn’t want to do it two times in a row. Minhyun moved closer to Baekho. Aron let out a sigh in relief. “And with that good night everyone” Aron turned off the lights and went to sleep. Minhyun and Baekho fell asleep right after Aron, followed by JR.

Ren was lying down next to Erica watching her work on her laptop. “Why haven’t you gone to bed.”” He asked tiredly. “Because I wanted to finish up some of my typing before I went to bed. I might be this group’s bodyguard, but I’m a student first.” She closed her laptop. Ren laughed a little, and then nodded off to sleep.

She laid against her overly sized Pikachu pillow; that she was now sharing with JR an Ren. They couldn’t use there pillows because they kept sliding off the Pikachu. So they ended up sharing it with her. It was the first time in years that she slept near people who cared for her. Her parents were always gone, sister and niece and nephew were always on a trip. She had friends, but they didn’t do much. She was the only one who was really active. All she had was her animals.

She listened to the rain hit the house hard. Erica was a person who loved the rain. It was the first time someone ever showed her kindness was sharing an umbrella to get home. But that person left her bleeding on the ground. She forgave him a long time ago, but it still hurts.

“Why do I keep remembering stuff before I go to bed?” She sighed, turning over on her belly and covered herself with the blanket. Terry hopped out of his caged and crawled next to her.

The last thing heard was the droplets of rain, crashing down onto the roof of the house.




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i should really work on the other story ok.....


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pikachu omg so cuuuute~~~
Chapter 10: love this please keep going this is one of the best story i have ever read and you used my bias from B.A.P-Zelo <3 you
FinJee #3
Chapter 9: Woah woah woaaaaahxD
So its about JR and Ren? Ok keep update x3