...Co-Author Application...

❝CT Entertainment❞ 「Forever Open」

Co-Author/Manager Application...

[Make sure to delete anything in paranthesis such as this. You may change this application to look however you please, but the questions must stya in order and you must answer every single question unless stated otherwise.]

User Info

AFF Username: [hyperlinked]

What should I call you?:

How often are you online?: [1 being very little - 10 being all the time]

[Note: Just because you're not on often doesn't mean I won't choose you. Please be completely honest.]


[You're a manager. I should know how you look like too.]

Ulzzang Name:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: [I can assure you that at some point, one of the ulzzangs you chose is taken, so make sure to fill this out]


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  5 |

Sample Of Your Writing

[Minimum: 1 paragraph. The longer and more descriptive this is, the more chances you have of getting picked.]

Your Personality

[I want to know more about you since we're going to be buddies. Whether what you write here is real or not, us talking and your writing style  will give me a clear view.]


Why should I choose you?

Do you really want to work in CT Entertainment?

If I choose you, what will you do to maintain your job?

Will you make sure to train an amazing group?


[A letter to me. If you wish me to explain something or tell me something, go ahead and tell me in this. Critisize me if you wish, but don't bash.]

Dear Kyungjun [Me]:


[You have finished! Are you tired? Go and get some sleep or relax. Results for your application will be out within this week. Remember to comment or PM that you have applied, so that I may add you to the list. Thank you for applying.



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roxannefanfics #1
Hey can I advertise here?

SM has announced that a new girl group ARELLA will debut and is scouting for members!!
please support!

Chapter 2: Applied as Jang Hae Bin, who prefers to be called Jason.

I shall apply for this~!

*/Sends you millions of hearts* <3