Cinderella... with a twist.


Profiles :P

Kim Hyejin

American name: Sasha

age: 17

She's almost invisible in school. She's basically a nerd with only 2 friends who she always keeps close. She's actually really pretty but conceals it behing glasses and unstyled hair. She's highly skilled in martial arts and can hack into just about any system on the planet. If you hand her a staff or pole of some sort she can kick your . Doesn't show much emotion and is known as the "Emo one" to her 2 friends. Both of her parents died so she rents a room from her stepmother and 2 stepsisters

Kwon Yujin

American name: Vanessa

age 16

Best friends with Sasha. Extreamly pretty (pretty enough to be a queenka) chose not to be a queenka. Skipped a grade. Knows 5 languages (English, Korean, French, Japanese, and Chinese.) She's trained to be able to do things without being seen. (Basically a ninja :P) Even considering that skill, she isn't very tough and relies mostly on slipping in and out undetected. But, if you hand her a sword you're done for.

Lee Wiseong

American name: Diana

age: 17

Best friends with Sasha and Vanessa. She's loved among everyone she knows of and is very popular. She doesn't hang with the queenka's because she values true friendship. She's extreamly smart and when it comes to something that doesn't involve much physical activity she flies through it very easily. She's good at coming up with plans that work every time and can act really well. She can change her personality to be just about anyone. She's spot on with a bow and arrow, even in the middle of running.


Ya you know them. Baekho, Aron, JR, Minhyun, and Ren. :P

Okay now onto the story!


I sat there with my bowl of cereal in front of my computer waiting for the numers to load as I hacked into my step sister's computer while she was doing her project. SHE WILL HAVE ZERO CONTROL WHEN I AM THROUGH MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm freakin delusional....

Ah whatever!

I was doing this because she put a bucket of eggs over my door. This was how I was getting back. Say goodbye to your little project you worked on for 2 weeks. .

The computer was finnally done loading and giving me the codes I needed. Her computer was so unprotected considering how rich she is. I could her her yelling from down the hall as I moved my mouse around and she couldn't control it. I decided to screw around with it for a little bit. I locked my door and sat back down while exiting out of some things she needed for her project and deleteing the project itself. I could hear her screaming her head off as I quietly giggled. Thats what happens when you dump eggs on my head.

My stepmom never really cared for me so this may seem crueler than one would expect but this is equal justice to me. I got rid of all evidence I was the one behind this even though I know it'll make no difference when they come to attack me. I Face by Nu'est. It was great to listen to as I washed my dishes. I lived out of that one room and I only left for school, work, and important events.

My phone started ringing. I ran over to the phone and looked at the caller ID. Kwon Yujin was what it said. I pick up the call, "Hey Vanessa. What's up?" She squealed in that way she only would when it involved kpop. "SASHA! SASHA! SASHA! SASHA! GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT?" Jesus christ what the hell is she talking about... "What is it Vanessa," I asked in an uninterested tone. She scoffed, "Of course you're being your usual emotionless self. EMO GURL!" (-_-) "Did you only call me to call me emo or are you actaully going to tell me the good news." She laughed, "Okay sorry. But theres a Nu'est concert next week and its going to be at the concert area thats like 10 minutes away from here. You so have to come please! Oh and if you can score us some tickets that'd help too." DID SHE SAY NU'EST? "Don't toy with me woman are you speaking truth?!" She squealed, "well duh why would I lie about something like this?! Check your e mail. I emailed you the website with the information on it!" I ran over to my computer and openedit up and there it was, "Ah okay I'm gonna get you tho-"

My stepmom opened up my door. I forgot she had a key. "gotta go bye." I and hung up on Vanessa, "WHY DID YOU HACK INTO HANNAH'S COMPUTER AND DELTE HER HARD WORK?!" Well that was sudden. I opened my mouth to answer but before I could she screamed, "YOU ARE GROUNDED YOUNG LADY!" I spun around in my chair with my hands in the air. "So? Not like I have any plans." Usually that would frustrate her and I wouldn't be grounded because she can't think of a punishment. Instead she had an evil grin which actually scared me now, "Then you can't go to that concert." She said, grinning like the chesire cat.

I jumped out of my chair, "WHAT?! NO! THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPROTUNITY FOR ME AND YOU CAN'T RUIN THIS!" She pointed a finger at me, "You know I most certainly can missy." THAT'S NOT FA-" I was interuppted by her hand hitting the side of my face causing me to fall to the ground. "WELL LIFE ISN'T FAIR. YOU ARE BANNED FROM GOING TO THAT CONCERT!" I could hear the 2 girls laughing as she stormed out of the room slamming the door. Tears escaped my eyes as I continued to lay on the floor. Goodbye Nu'est...

I lied there for an hour before I heard my phone ring again. I picked up the phone and answered, not really caring who it was. "Hello?" I answered very monotoniously. I heard Diana's voice on the other end, "Sasha! Are you going to the concert? OO and can you get us those tickets?" I rolled to be on my back, "I'm banned from going but yeah I can get you the tickets." I heard her gasp, "B-but what about Nu'est?! I know you love them to no end! You can't just miss out on seeing them live!" I sighed, "I know but I'm not a ninja like Vanessa. They're gonna notice if I sneak out. Their not robots I can hack intounfortunately." I knew she already came up with a plan, "Hey I know! I'll get Vanessa and we'll sneak you out! I'll have her make it look like you're still there and I'll have her get rid of any evidence you left and I'll have her sneak you out!" That was actually brilliant considerating the seconds she took to think. "Okay this is your project cause I'm not the master mind here." She squealed and I sat down at my computer and quickley got us our tickets, "And now, my dear friend, the bank of England has paid for our tickets and they're printing out now." I hacked into their system to avoid paying for it cuz I'm just that smart. "OMG you hacker! I'm so proud of you! Tomorrow I'll give you the details during lunch. See you then." "K bye." I said and hung up.

I couldn't wait for the concert!


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-girlfriend #1
Chapter 2: -_- wow i have such awkward masks o.O
Raehun #2
Chapter 1: this is freaking awesome
"hey theis ____ 2 having fun with the other half?"
ROFL !!!!!!!!!!! 1 WORD ..........EPIC
-girlfriend #3