Unexpected visitor

Blue water

    When Eunhyuk wakes up the wheather is warm, actually hot. The sun is out and its heating everything up like an oven. Because he was wet and cold last night, he had slept under a warm blanket. Now he regreted it and trew it off immidiatly. After going through some morning rutines, changing clothes since his were sweaty, eating breakfast from the food he had brought with him and fixed himself a bit up even though there was no one there to see him. But for all he knew he might be able to go back home today. After sleeping his anger away Eunhyuk waas 100% sure he was stupid, crazy and god knows what. He knew how his father was from before and he knew that to escape his arranged marriage he would have to live on this island forever. That ment that he would have no contact with people for the rest of his life and that he would be all alone forever. The thought sickened him and hurt i his chest. His father and the way his family was, was truly hopeless. But at least in the city he had friends, company, someone who cared. Here on an island he was all alone, with no sivilisation and maybe animals, who knew. And  he still wasnt sure if there was any food here to survive. But after an hour of examinating the boat and try to come up with how to bring it back to sea, he got bored and started to explore the island. It wasnt his favorite hobby, but hey, what are you gonna do. Either way he discovered that island, or what he had seen of it was not so bad. He could defenitly think about coming here for vacations occationally. There were a lot of fruits and berries, no wild animals that could kill him, though he wasnt sure about what kind of insects there could be there. He knew many could be deadly and he had no idea how to destinguish them. But what he desided not to worry about what he didnt know. So he rather focuzed on the colorful birds on the trees, and the butterflies and the squirrels. He even found a river after a while of walking towards the center of the island. The water was clean and there where a few fish and other small animals there. On the other side there where rocks building itself up to a beautyfull waterfall. The sight of it took his breath away and he stayed there a while just sitting there. Thinking about nothing and enjoying himself, feeling free and a calm sweet happiness taking over him that he hadnt felt in years. 

Eunhyuk decided he wanted to stay in theisland for a few days, not that he had a choice by the way the boat was stuck in the sand. He took of his clothes and jumped in the lake, swimming around for a while before going back, deciding to not stay so deep in the forest so long. When he was getting dressed he noticed that he had somehow lost a sock. He gave trying to find it and left wondering how the hell had he lost a sock, in a lake in the middle of the jungle all by himself. But he gave up knowing that he was so mesmerised by the lake that he might have tossed it somewhere and just didnt remember where. On his way back to the boat he noticed even more animals and plants he hadnt seen on his way there. Most of them were green or blue, some were orange or pink. He didnt recognise all of them, but he had never been very interested in finding out the different species of animals the were so who was he to judge. At first he had been a bit scared, because there were so many unknown animals. But the animals didnt seem to mind him and a cute hedgehog, wish probably wasnt a hedgehog because its spikes were curved and changed colors like a cameleon. But the animal had gone all the way to him and allowed Eunhyuk to pet him, the spikes never stood up meaning that it wasnt scared and it didnt want to harm Eunhyuk. Thinking back, some of the fish in the lake had been a bit weird as well. But since Eunhyuk was enjoying this new place so much he didnt give it a thought. 

After examinating the boat once more, he decided that he would start trying to get the boat back to the water tomorrow. The only way to get it back was to dig the sand between the boat and the water back so that the boat would slide back in the water. But he would have to dig a lot and then push the boat as well. Thiis would take hours and he was hungry and he had an urge to swim in the beach and enjoy himself before getting on to the hard work. So after eating lunch he went for a swim. This time taking notice if there were any fish so he could go swimming, and if there were any jellyfish he should watch out for. But he didnt see anything dangerous, no sharks, nothing. Eunhyuk was actually surprised, the water was warm, actually everything about the island was tropical exept the location. Eunhyuk couldnt help but wonder why was this and how it was possible but he was having such a good time he let the thought go.

Under the water everything calm and beautiful. The water was so clear he could see the fish under him ignoring his presence. After swimming under the water for aa while EUnhyuk started floating around. Staring at the beatiful clear sky, iit was beginning to get a bit late. The light blue sky was a few tones darker. There were a few birds flying over him. There was this peace and happiness surounding Eunhyuk that the idea of staying was becoming more and more appealing. Suddenly a small wave hit Eunhyuk making him loose his balance destroying his peace. " Well nothing is completely perfect" he thought. He decided it was time to go back to the boat and start cleaning up the boat, after the small storm that drove it to land yesterday, the boat or yatch was out of place and he wouldnt sleep in an untidy place again. He only did it yesterday because he was feeling exausted.  He started swiming back but suddenly something was pulling him down. Eunhyuk started to panick kicking his feet around , but he didnt feel anything grabbing him, it was more like the water was pulling him down. His head was hurting from too much pressure and he stopped kicking his legs and focused on holding his breath and press his hands on his head in an attempt to stop the pain.  The pulling stopped but before he could manage to swim up again something strange. Actually multiple strange things. A bunch of fish of different species were surrounding him and kind of dancing around. Spinning in different directions and stopping at the same time. Normally Eunhyuk would have stayed and watched but he was deep under water and running out of oxygen and with a trobbing head. So instead he tried swimming up again only that the fish were around him and following his every step. Right in front of his face like they didnt want him to miss anything. Eunhyuk didnt have any oxygen and his sight became foggy. So he stopped trying and let the despair drain out of him. " So this is how i die, he thought, with crazy illutions of fish. Hey at least i was happy the last minute. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed was the ocean turning a brighter and shimmering blue and " beautiful" were his last thoughts.

Eunhyuk POV

Shake... Shake....  What the hell, cant a guy sleep in peace?  SLAP! AH!

What the fock is your problem!!!! "

Wait a minute, who the hell are you?  I mean

" Who the hell are you? "

Did something happen, where am I ? Who the is this guy sitting next to me.

" That is no way to treat ones saviour"

he says with a smirk. Savior? Oh god, thats right I, I was in the water and the fish and I died. I pinch my arm, blink a bit and look around. We are beside the boat. How did I get here? Oh he saved me... What? But how did he find me there? I look at sky it must have been about two hours since I out and I am dry and alive, wish means he found me right away.

" How did you know I was there,  and when did you get here? ANd how did you get here?"

Please dont say you already knew about the island, i wanted it to be mine... Maybe I could pay him to never come back here, about a million or two millions should be enough. Unless he is rich, but either way for this place, I can afford it. 

" You know for someone who was that close to dying, you ask a lot of questions"

The unknown person said with a slight frown. But right afterwards he smiled, and gosh he has a beatiful smile.

" I live here"

He said and the smile that was treathening to escape my lips in return to his own fell. Great, so much for unknown island. Somebody already lives here, it was probably that they just havnt updated the map or maybe it was a malfunction. Either way I dont want to pay him to leave his home, he probably has family and all that . At least I can ask him to help me with the boat. 

I sat up stretching my muscles and then proceeded to standing up. The movement made my head dizzy and my stomage turn. My knees gave in and I felt myself falling, but was stopped by the boys arms around my waist. I hadnt noticed but he was surprisingly strong. If I hadnt been drowning not so long ago i might have pushed him off, concious about being skinnier than he is, even though I have pretty nice abs, if anything any girl has ever told me in the last couple of years are true.

 " Thanks"

I say, while regaining my footing. Of course since today apparently is not my day, I have to bend over right away feeling the salt water coming up my throat. After I fininsh my beautiful and totally humiliating throwing up session, I realise that my so called saviour is laughing his off. I turn around to give him a piece of my mind only to be blown away. If I thought that his smile was beautiful, his laughter is just plain perfect. Now with the salt water out of my system, im taking in more details. Like for exemple, this guy is a bit lower that I am and he is more muscular than I am. Hi has strong arms, wish I already knew. His hair is a bit long and his face is perfect, like one of those models in the magazines. His skin is fair and he is just perfect... Oh God, Eunhyuk sanp out of it, you dont know his name. You dont know him!  By the way, talking about details, are those my shorts?? 

" Are those my shorts?"

This makes him stop laughing and for a few seconds I think I saw him panick, but he regains his composture, smiles and says

," Sorry, i borrowed them because mine got wet."

"Oh right, sorry."

I say with a nod, i dont want to act too friendly with someone I dont know. Maybe he is someone my father sent to bring me back home because he already found me. I remeber that happening one when I was a kid. I got angry and didnt want to come to one of my after classes. So i went to the park and tried making friends. I met this nice boy and girl who were brothers and they convinced me to go back because my father could be worried. At the end it turned out they were just some kids my father payed so they would bring me back. Lesson, dont trust strangers, learned my fathers way. So i pretend I dont see him frown when I ask him for his name with the coldest voice I can manage. He says

" Donghae, my name is Lee Donghae. "

How about that, we have the same last name. I start walking towards the latter to the boat and I can hear him following me, without an invitation! If i may add... But i guess is ok, since he did save my life. When suddenly, PUFF!! I look back to find Donghae face first against the sand. His legs tangled up in a weird angle and way.. Looks like he stumbled on his own feet...... He may have saved my life but he is not very good on land because less than 30 seconds after he is in the same position... This time with an even stupidier position and when he uses his arms to push his face from the sand and his hair is sticking out in every direction and his face looks so annoyed, I cant help but laugh. Louder than I ever allow myself to.

" Its not funny"

He says walking carewfully and slowly towards me, staring carefully at each step he takes.  I shake my head a bit trying to conceal my amusement and climb onboard. When I turn around, he is staring at me and then at the stairs with an unbelieving look. Then he crosses his arms and frowns.

" You are kidding me right now right? You cant go up stairs?"

" Look i am a good swimmer, I can save your as many times as necesary and it wouldnt be a problem, but i am not very good on land. Everything is so much complicated here.."

While he is talking his hands go through his hair and his eyes stare at the ocean a bit before turning to the sand and making him shudder a bit. And then I am feeling a bit sorry and ashamed thinking that there may be a reason why he lives on an island far away from everything, surrounded by water and with a big lake in the center of it. Because maybe, when he says he isnt very good on land, he means he seriously has a problem with walking. And here I was laughing at him.

" Here take my hand"

I say stretching out my hand and he slowly takes it and stares at the first step before slowly picking up his feet, and almost missing. It takes a minute but hi is on the boat and says thanks with a clear lush on his face.

" No prob"

I say with a smile, I doubt he is a spy from my father, but I still will be a bit careful aroiund him.

" Wow!! This is beautiful, i have never been in one, i have only seen them sometimes from far away"

Hi is walking around gawking at everything, even at the food. Makes one wonder what the fock has he been living in this island and what the hell does he eat. I only ask one of my questions feeling that the other one is a bit rude.

" How long have lived here?"

He smiles at me and says,

"All my life, I havent really been in any cities."

" Wow"  "That is all I can answer. 

Donghae stays until it gets dark and eats dinner with me. We talk and laugh and he isnt so bad and probably not a spy, but i am still not crossing out that option. It just seems a bit unreal to have been living here his whole life. But he is a weird kid though. He kept gawking at everything. At some point I went to cook and when I went to check on him, hi was playing with some miniature boats like a five year old. And when i asked him what he was doing he just gave me a wide smile and said that i had to join him later. I found out he is only a few months younger than me and that his father was dead. He looked very updset about it. But there is a lot he didnt say and I could tell he was hiding something by the way he was avoiding some questions. But I didnt push it because I didnt say the truth about my background and my family when he asked me. At dinner he kept saying it was delicious and then threw some saus at my face and started laughing his off. So i found out he had an annoying sence of humor. Before he left he promised to come back tomorrow and help me dig the boat back to the water, even though he looked quite disappointed when I say I was leaving. 

End Eunhyuk Pov

 The next day Eunhyuk woke up in an even better mood. He was sort of happy he had met someone here, and that nobody else knew him...and that he would get help with the boat. He was liking this little vacation. But he still didnt trust Donghae completely, but honestly he never trusted anyone so easily. Either way he was looking forward to hanging out with Donghae afterwards. Besides he was looking forward to hanging out with him, though he still felt bad for laughing at him when he fell. Wich actually happened multiple times after that, it was almost as if he hadnt walked before. 

After Eunhyuk ate breakfast, cleaned up a little, and brought some chips and a beer with him, he went outside and started walking towards the lake. Everything more familiar and maybe he was imagining things but the animals were walking closer and seemed to mind him even less. He even met the strange hedgehog and it let him pat him again. This time the hedgehog had brought a friend and EUnhyuk, being an animal lover took his time petting him. He had no idea what they were, but they wernt trying to kill him, and they probably werent spies his father had sent. So he let his guards down and aloud himself to smile from the heart and enjoy himself. 

Soon he was right at the entrance of the lake. But when he got closer he saw that Donghae was there, still wearing his clothes. He ws on the floor rubbing his bottom, he had surely fallen again. Eunhyuk was about to walk towards him, but Donghae suddenly stood up and started taking of his clothes and EUnhyuk kind of froze, without meaning to of course... He hid behind a bush, feeling slightly awkard for no appearent reason. Donghae was completly when he stared at the lake, smiled and jumped in. A few seconds passed, then minutes and EUnhyuk became worried. The lake was deep, that much he knew, but he didnt know how deep it was. Donghae knew how to swim very well, but sometihing could have gone wrong. Eunhyuk stepped out of the bush and took hurried steps towards the lake kicking of his shoes and got readyto jump in the lake when Donghae reappeared. And Eunhyuk froze open mothed. Because Donghae had not just appeared, he had jumped from the water high up and he had seen Eunhyuk and then his face had frozen and he had stared wide eyed at Eunhyuk until he fell back into the water. Because not only had he jumped almost three meters up in the air from the water, but he didnt have feet, he had a tail... A bright blue, shimmering tale. And he had small fins sticking out of his arms and scales coming all the way to his hips and a few on his armes and some on his sneck. HIs hair was a wet mess flying everywhere, and his face was extremely, utterly shocked. 

Suddenly Eunhyuk remembered something. He remembered that shimmering blue color when he almost drowned and the realisation that that was Donghae hit him like wall of bricks. Next came the thought that Donghae was not a spy sent by his father, but maybe, he was something worse, something wish had tried to kill him by drowning him. He wasnt sure, but maybe he had only survivedby chance, maybe Donghae was the one dragging him down in the first place. Maybe Donghae was just getting close to him so he could kill him. Eunhyuk knew his mind was going to far, deep down he felt that he was getting a girlish panick attack and he was overreacting. But he was stuck in an island surrounded by miles of water, Donghae was a merman who probably tried to kill him, and god knew how many others there were. So before Donghae had the chance to return to the surface, he ran. And ran and didnt pay attention to the animals, wich even though he used to think they were friendly, now they were just scary and only when he was at the boat did he stop. And he went inside and packed all of his stuff and then went outside and started digging out sand for dear life. Hopefully he would be able to start pushing the boat before nightfall. 

He hadnt been digging for long before he heard a voice calling him, Donghae calling him.

" Hey! Eunhyuk wait, stop! "

Eunhyuk continued digging, Donghae couldnt do anything to him on land. Then he heard a splash and he turned around for just a second. And he wished he hadnt. Donghae was just a few meters in the water. he could clearly see his tail moving slightly to keep his balance. His arms were holding his torso up and Eunhyuk understood why he was so muscular for a boy who had trouble walking. Then he also understood why Donghae had trouble walking, because he probably hadnt before. But th worse part was that there were Donghae laid with a face glowing of sorrow, Donghae looked amazingly beatuful. His tail was shining even more with the sun and the blue color popped out from the rest of the water, His skin was wet and also shining a bit under the sun, and his fair skin was breathtaking. BUt Donghae actually looked scared, as though he was scared of being there looking at Eunhyuk as if he was the one who had tried to kill him. 

" What the hell are youo? "

The words were out before Eunhyuk could stop them, and he felt a slight pang in his chest when Donghae looked so offended. Then Donghae said

" You're not very bright, are you? I thought you would have catched on by now, you know half fish half man, merman or mermaid. But i swear to god you ever call me a mermaid and I will kick your , well ill drag you to the water and then ill kick your . I am not sure how you do that on land.."

He ended looking a bit confused at his own words and getting lost in his thinkings. Even though Eunhyuk felt  a bit angrier than frightened right now, he could not help but want to facepalm because of DOnghaes randomness. And he had to surpress the laughter remembering when DOnghae fell while trying to walk and he tried not to think of him failing at kicking his on land.

" It doesnt matter, it was you wasnt it... you tried to kill me when i was in the water."

" What!!?? I didnt try to kill you, You were sight seeing and i wanted to show you the dance they were working on, i thought you would like it and then you fainted and i had to carry you up again."

Eunhyuk couldnt help but facepalm, harder than he had planed to do. Because after spending yesterday with Donghae he was completely sure that this was a possible thought he could get. Being a merman only proved even more that  he didnt think like a human would.

" Are you an idiot?? I cant breath under water, I would have died!! "

" Fine, but how was I supposed to know that?! I have never met one before!"

Then Donghae looked upset and like he was about to cry. He pushed hard with his hands and his body floated further back. Then he dived under and sent a big wave with the swing of his tale, a wave that hit Eunhyuk in the face and got him soaking wet.

" Great, just great...."

Forget being angry, that was no longer the problem. Forget being afraid of being killed, that was still a bit of a problem, but mostly because who knew the crazy stupid naive ideas Donghae could come up with. But either somehow, that didnt worry him. The problem here was that in one way or the other instead of Eunhyuk being the angry one, Donghae was. And he wasnt only angry, he was also sad about the way Eunhyuk talked to him. Now Eunhyuk felt bad and was craving to apologize, but for all he knew Donghae was under water, far away from his reach. And he could stay there for as long as he liked, damn it..........

Eunhyuk gave up trying to dig out the boat by himself because it was futile. He had too many mixed amoitions. He was still angry and a bit scared, but also happy that Donghae wasnt completely out to get him and a bit depressed about upsetting Donghae. He was also extremly freaked out and thinking that he was loosing his mind at the realisation that having met a mermai, i mean merman, was not the most important thought on his mind. His thoughts were changing between guilt and sadness and somehow relieved. He kind of knew that he didnt want to loose Donghae as a friend, who he only knew for a day but he scipped that part in his thoughts. Then his mind was constantly making pictures of Donghaes face when Eunhyuk screamed at him. Hell Donghae looked even more scared than he probably looked and his eyes were watering. Wich was somehow interesting, he never knew mermans could cry. Just like that came sleep and Eunhyuk spent the night having nightmares of a crying merman Donghae, just to add to his guilt. 

Eunhyuk POV

30 hours!!! 30 freaking hours!!! Come on !!! I know that he is mad but isnt he thinking of coming back. I gave him time, a whole day actually, and he still isnt back!!!   I am bored to death, i already cleaned everything TWICE, TWICE!! I dug out so much sand from the front of the yatch tht it looks like it might slide into the ocean by itself. I went to the lake and waited for a few hours repeating my apologie speach. I even went almosta round the whole island while walking alonmg the shore trying to find him. I swear to god that if he knows this and he is still ignoring me, i will personally drag his -tail to land for a good beating. I know i must have gone mad from drinking too much salt water because i am going to stupid lenghts to restore a one day old friendship, with a merman... Yep i lost it. 

Right now it must be about 10 in the morning, I waited until noon last night but he never showed up. There is no way i am going to do the same today, i am a man of very little patience and i this is more than i can handle. So before i can doubt myself, i take the small extra rubber boat that its used for going fishing away from the yatch. In a blink of an eye im out in the sea. Around the area where Donghaedragged me down to show me the dancing fish. I shuddered remembering his face when I told him off for that. It is true that if he never met any humans, he wouldnt know how long we can hold our breath for, for him its totally normal. Just another thing that amazes me, he is so new and so different that i should be scared. Normally i would be scared out of my wits of something so unknown. But Donghae gives me the feeling that i can ,to some point, trust him. I just have to be careful when he wants to show me his friends in the deep...

I sigh and let the warmth and the calm of the water take over me. The sky is light blue with no clouds, the sun its out and its warm and its cozy. From here i can here the sound of waves far away, and i can somehow make out the birds from the island. But maybe those are illutions created by  my mind. I feel myself relax and considering my level of stress in the last ours, i think i deserve a break. So i lean down, the rubber boat offering a very nice pillow, stretch my arms and close my eyes. My hands stretched to my sides, my fingers touching the water. I run my fingers through it, its somehow calming and childish and entertaining, gets my mind off things. Then i realise that that is the reason I want to be friends with Donghae so much. He is just like the water right now, he has the same effect on me, calms me and keeps my mind off things. That is probably the reason why i felt like I could trust him and got along with him so well that fast. Just like now that i am allowing the water to calm me without any resistance.

With this thoughts in my mind i fall asleep, at least for a very short five minutes. Maybe more or maybe less, i am not sure. I do know that i wake with a scream and with fear all over me. My eyes shot open searching for danger and the rest of my body pretty much to scared to move. Because I could swear something thouched my hand, grabbed my hand, but i yanked it away before i was sure if i had just imagined it. But now i cant go back to sleep and i am staring at the water trying to find answers as if expecting the water to talk. Or anything to happen. I am inching closer to the water trying to see if there is anything underneath and thats when Donghaes face shows up. About 3cm away from my face, i give a scream of shock and push my body to the other side of the boat. Only this boat is maybe one meter wide and there is not enough space for me to move much. Therefore I look utterly hidious but Donghae is at an acceptable distance.

" Are you trying to scare me to death? Dont do that.."

Donghaes face looks a bit hurt and i realised that if he thinks i still want to run from him, i must sound morre harsh than i mean to. To make things worse i just run away from him when he emerged, even though he did scare the living out of me, so i try to think of something wish will take away some pressure."

"Where were you anyway, I was about to row back home in this"

I add a smirk to play it safe. It seems he understood I wasnt mad or scared, not that much either way, of him. He closes the small distance he had created between him and the boat and rests his arms on it, holding his weight up so he is more stable.  Than he braks into a toothless smile and says

I went home for a while."

This sparks my interest even more.

" Home? "

He looks baffled a few seconds than shakes his head with a smile before he starts talking. Because he understand what i really meant. As in, do you have a home, i thought you just swam around in the sea. Or do you really have a family, ithought you had invented everything up. It also means, how is your home? Where is it, how do you live there? He looks more relaxed as he says,

" I'll tell you all about it later. But first"

He takes a deep breath and

" I AM SOO SOO SORRY !! I didnt know, i thought you could at least go 30 meters, ast least for a little while"

30 METERS??! I can barely go 10 before i get a throbbing head ache!!

" And then you screamed at me and i got upset and i sent a wave and i went home to see Siwon because i was angry. And i didnt tell you and Siwon got angry with me. And said that i could have killed you! Then he explained about humans, because he knows more about you he has been to a city... But i swear all i only wanted to show you the dance!! "  

Then he stops, but he isnt looking at me, or at anything his eyes are pasted shut and his hands are clamped tightly together in front of his face, something maybe Siwon, whoever that is, must have told him because i doubt its in his culture to do that. The funny part is that knowing how bad he felt about it relieves me, I thought he was so angry he had left the island and gone far away from me. Wish was bad because I hate doing someone wrong, and I really did, do, want be his friend. I swallow the sigh that is close to escaping mu mouth and say,

" Too bad, I cant see those fish, I remember a bit of it, it wasnt half bad. But i could be hallusinating because of the salt water of course.."

He looks up and i smile at him, taking a small notice that it was a true smile, not a fake. Amazing how he keeps bringing them out, its defficult to even be serious or keep my thoughts to myself around him. He smiles back, this time his smile treathening to brak his face, all teeth showing when he says.

" OH but you can!"


" I asked around, at last Siwon got so annoyed he told me a way to help you see them, you know only if you want to..."

He adds when he sees my puzzeled face. Honestly i've had it with his ups and downs so i just say

" Of course i want to, so what do i have to do?? "

Donghae gives me a smile and in a blink of an eye he has sumerged under water and leaves me tilting around the edge of the boat staring and squinting my eyes to get a clear view of whats is under, trying to see him. Than I am sure I see him, well his tail. Blue and shining to the other side of the boat. I change positions quikly and next thing I knew Donghae was there again, and I freeze one again. Actually I am pretty sure I turn to stone...

Because Donghae isnt just there, but he is there with me, like face a cm away from mine. Eyes staring right into mine, surely seeing everything my soul has to hide. His hands are on my nape, thumbs pressing my shin slightly up, holding me in place. Hair wet, hands and armes wet. A part of me is frozen because of the proximity and the position were in, and what it could mean and what he plans to do. Being Donghae, i hold every single thought possible. The other side its to lost in his eyes and his smile. His eyes, brown and light blue. Where the should be his pupile now lays a shining blue clor, the same as his tail. The blue color mixes a bit with the brown and its a beautiful combination. Its like being able to see the real Donghae, it matches him better than all brown.  The problem is that this eyes are so close to mine that i have nowhere to look and I can feel myself get lost in them. Forgetting where I am and anything going on around us. I manage to shift my eyes a bit, wish is a stupid idea because they land on his lips. His smiling lips, thin but perfect. And close, so close, too close to his. I am so gone that i only notice know that i am falling, no i am being pulled down. My eyes find Donghaes again, not missing that he is still smiling. Im too stunned to even struggle against this. Is he going to kill me, is that what he wants, has everything just been a lie and a cover for the real deal?? Something brings me out of my inner debate, lips. His lips on mine, and now even my mind is too numb too think about possible plots, too numb to do something else than freeze. I focuz my eyes on his and they are full of determination, curiosity, exitment. The kind of exitment one can find in the eyes of a kid who got a new toy. And overall, some sort of awkward happinness radiates from him. 

That less than  a second moment can be replayed in more than an hours time in my mind. That moments when i feel the water, somehow warmer from here. Donghae turns us so we are with our heads facing the bottom of the ocean, our legs facing the surface, twisted in a way his tale has space to move and bring us further down. His hands still holding my nape, a bit harder than before, his lips still on mine. Not moving, just tuching, bearely even a kiss actually. But they are there, on mine and he is close and I can feel his chest against mine. I realise weve been sinking for a while, and i recognise how the light looks from here, we must be almost 30 m undr water! Donghae swims so fast its possible. I must be so shocked i dont even feel the lack of air and the pain in my head. But maybe im not lacking air because its hasnt been so long. But i know that it will take a while to go up again and that i may die here, so i start trashing around. Regaining some control of my body. My arms grasping his and pushing them, he tries to catch me back but i punch him away, not hard but strong enough to make him stop. He goes away from me and I try to hold my breath for as long as i manage, But i didnt get much air ebefore we dived and i fail miserably after a few seconds. I gasp for air no matter how much i try to preven it. I can feel the salt water eneteering my system, the bad taste lingering, it hurts my lungs and i feel i might be getting a heart attack. I clench my chest and start chouching. From the cants of my eyes i see Donghaes face full of concern, biut he isnt getting close to me, probably because he doesnt know what to do, and i did just punch him. I feel my anger rising and when the coughing stops I yell at him

" What is wrong with you?! Dont you know I can die if you do this !! "

Then he smiles, eyes wide with happiness. Wait a minut, did i just talk?? Under water?? More importantly wasnt i dying a few seconds ago, shouldnt i be out of breath. I try taking in some air, taking water in instead. I feel the water flow through my body, a weird unknown sensation but no pain ,no nothing.

" What did you do?"

Donghae comes over and starts examinating me, looks at my arms, swims around and stares at my back. Comes around and stares at my neck, inches closer as to get the details. Then one of his hands reaches forward, causiosly, as if asking for permission, when i dont move away he goes ahead and traces the spot he was staring at. That he would wait for me to agree on something like that seems comical, considering he just kissed me and dragged me to the water and did something to me so now i can suddenly breath with water and go deep below the surface. But i guess its partly my fault since i said i wanted to see the fish... My thoughts are interrupted by a weird feeling. Donghae went to trace my back, I was expecting to feel him on my back or something. But instead he touches something thin and flexible, nothing i know to be part of my body. But it feels mine, i feel him touching it, in the middle of my spine, not very long, but its there. My arms move towards it by reflex. Donghae gets it and he twistes my hand and arm around until i feel it, on the higher part of my back, right in the middle, something that feels like a fin. 

Donghae swims around to face me, lifts my head with one hand and traces my neck with the other. It feels like he slips away from my skin the moment he touches it, he does it again and its is like gliding on ice or a slippery floor. I quickly reach to my neck and to my bewilderment, I find scales!!!! Small, thin and a bit elongated, sticking a bit out and covered in some sort of slime that makes them slippery. And im pretty sure they are the reason i am still alive down here..  Donghae goes about a halfmeter away from me, so we have been pretty close all this time, and touches his own neck. Smiling while he feels his own scales. I realise i hadnt seen them, they are not blue, but probably transparent and reflect his own skin colour. Over the water, you wouldnt notice, but down here the sun somehow hits them in all the right places and they shine a bit.  DOnghae smiles

" So thats what it does, a mermaids- mermans kiss.."

He stares at me, smiling all the time, and then asks

" So are you feeling ok? "

I let the knew information sink, a mermans kiss.. He didnt know what it did he just knew that i would be able to go underwater because someone had told him that. This could have been a lie, a joke, something just to get Donghae of their back all the time, and still he tried it. I could have died because of another one of his ideas. Having gone through the thought and the confirmation that Donghae possibly had some loose screws and he might be a bit naive and stupid, comes the kiss. Since Donghae is so naive, i know he didnt mean anything by it, but still it shocked me, no matter how much it wasnt a full kiss and barely anything compared to what i've done with girls whos names i dont know, but still. It was Donghae, a boy, a merman. I have definetly never done anything with either one before. No matter how odd that may sound considering my group of friends. 

"Im fine, i guess. Was this your plan? If so you could have warned me..."

I sigh and move my hands a bit, feeling more in touch with the water now thats its not out to kill me. Donghae just smiles and says

" I wasnt sure what you would think of it, come on. Now that you can, lets go see them. They've been depressed ever since you left them midshow."

Just like that he grabs my hand and starts swimming further down into the deep. This time I am not scared, I keep my eyes open and notice how beautiful the sea looks. The fish that start showing up one after the other the further down we go. Donghae is swimming a lot slower, so that I can stop and stare at things. We arrive somewhere with plenty fish, the bottom its not in sight but the reflection of the sun its relatively smaller and i feel a slight headache, but Donghae says its because i am not used to going down so much. Apparently no matter how much the mermans kiss helps me breath, talk and swim underwater, it is impossible for me to swim much without practicing. But were maybe 70 m below surface, and with me slowing things down, its taken a few minutes. I must admit i have asked him to stop just so that i could stare at the different fish and their colors. Thus, a small headache its nothing. Donghae wisthles weird tune that gets muffled by the water. Soon the comes a group of fish, all swimming exitedly towards Donghae. They snuggle close to him, swim around him and even almost jump into his arms. He takes them, smiling to them, laughing adn then he clears his throat and says,

" Guys this its Eunhyuk, he came to see you dance. I hope you are ready to show him".

The fish all turn and swam in sircles exitedly and then position themselves around me. Something told me they didnt care much that they didnt know who I was and that they were really happy to show their dance. To some level, i could handle so much wirdness. What shocked me was when Donghae started singing. 

I didnt even know you could sing underwater, but that its just stupid of me because I could clearly talk here. Donghaes voice was soft, strong, beautiful, the usual adjectives i use to describe him in my mind. It was a happy song, soft but lively and the fish did piruettes and changed positions and stopped and did movements in sync. I recognised the song, its No other by Super Junior. Its a good song, nobody knows that I like it, Heechul and the others would laugh about my music choice. Either way, Donghae sings it almost better than the original and his face looks so calm and happy while he sings. Even though the idea to stop him and question him about how he got the song passes me, it dissapears just as fast and I find myself smiling and observing carefully the dancing fish and Donghae, somehow at the same time. 

The time passed and after the song ended i clapped and sheered for them. The fish got extra happy and did to me the same they had done to Donghae at first and then run to Donghae again. Donghae looked happy and was laughing, even I couldnt help but smile wholeheartly, it was a cute sight. All the time I got more sure that coming to the island wasnt a mistake after all, that it was good I stayed and met Donghae, That he isnt a spy and that It could do me good to be his friend. At least for a while before I have to return to the company, wich I know I cant hide from forever, they will find it eventually. Donghae had to force me to the surface saying that I had to get some real air and rest so my headache  would go away. When that didnt work he said that it was because i swimmed so slow that it would probably take until dark to get to the surface again. I took it as a challange and tried to race him up, of course it was utterly impossible and I failed miserably. Donghae laughed at me for a very long time until we got to the shore and he tried to stand and fell face first against the sand. Then I took my revenge and laughed at him, it was much funnier now that I knew the real reason he wasnt very good on land. The scales and fin on my neck and back dissapeared when I  reached the surface and only the awkward slimy feeling was left. I didnt ask Donghae how he knew the song, I forgot about. But I'll try to remember asking him tomorrow. I offered Donghae to sleep here on the boat. I gave him a bed and he fell asleep the second he touched it, at the same time his tailed reapeared.  It seems he cant control that when he is asleep.That would explain why he made up the thing about having to go home to sleep the other day. I'll have to about that tomorrow.


Ok guys here is chapter two :) 

I know I said that I would upload my other story before this chapter, but i got a writersblock and this chapter was coming to me in dreams so it had to be done ^^ though I doubt you'll complain about this coming sooner than expected. ;) 

I didnt double check it so dont judge me X3 just ignore the multiple hi instead of he and all that...

I hope you enjoy :)  Also, since i am a new writer any comments or advices are welcomed :D

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iAmWeAre #1
Chapter 2: LOLOL donghae so funny~~ XD they will make a lovely couple~~
jewelsvalencia #2
Chapter 2: Whoaaa Eunhae already meet~~

Cute Hae, he's too innocent and adorable hehehehe ^^
eastcandle90 #3
Chapter 1: this is interesting....i know you just started school but...but...but...i hope you can update as soon as you can....please..*puppy eyes*
n you do dance???..that awesome!!!!
i can't wait for hyukkie reaction when he meets hae...^_^
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 1: Omonaa, i can't imagine Hyukkie's face when he were in unknown island and no signal. It's must be creepy if i was him .__.
Chapter 1: whoaaaa~ this is interesting ^^
update soon please~

Can you add Kyumin please?
I,m totally excited i just love this kind of fics is my fav
and yet is hyukhea !!! i am mor than excited
i can,t wait please please please update
jewelsvalencia #8
It seems interesting! I'll looking forward for this ^^