The island

Blue water

Eunhyuk POV

 So lets see how I ended up in this mess, it all started wensday afternoon when I was almost done with my work.

  Eunhyuk your dad just called... Thats what she said.  Instead of smiling and thanking her before heading to the office, like normal people would do, i just gave a small nod and walked away. Not missing the sigh and the frown on her face before going back.  She must be furstrated, i dont blame her though. It's been almost a year since she became my secretary and I still treat her the same. She has probably never seen me smile, because i never really do when i am on the office, unless Heechul calls... But thats different. Plus, I've never made small conversation with her neither have I cared about anything she does. I just give her work to do and she gets the honor of telling me when my dad wants me to stop by his office. Maybe if I had met her somewhere else I might have fallen for her attempts at seduction when she I first met her. But she had the bad luck to be the girl who called me everytime he needed me. 

  I stood up after ordening my papers and walked out of my office, turned right and walked down the corridor towards his office. I shivered  thinking about meeting him again. You probably think i must be crazy, hating so much having to see my father. BUt really, he gives me every reason to hate him. That man did not only destroy our family, he also destroyed innocent people on the way. Like my mom, the one person that truly didnt deserve it. She loved him, a lot. So much that she left her home and everything she knew to move in with him to the city. For years she helped him everyway she could and always supported him. How did he repay her? By cheating on her and necting her leaving him because of what the media would say. Him being the owner of such a big company couldnt have people talking about him. So she lived miserably until she died of depression. Nothing was the same after that. My sister stopped having fun and we stopped being close, at the end she left. After that i quess I can say that i lost everything  I had. My dad forced me into becoming vice president of his company, totally ignoring my passion for dance. I had lost my trust for him and whenever i saw him all i could remember was my mothers face and how bad she looked before she died. After that i took a liking for going to clubs, wasting money ( i had plenty of it anyways) and being with a different girl everynight. Honestly even I dont recognise myself. This is not how i used to be, but i cant remember exactly how i was either. 

  Entering through the door I walk towards the chair in front of the desk and sit down. I dont bother saying anything while I enter, or giving a smile, a nod, a greeting. I just sit and avoid looking at him. So my eyes naturally swim around the room I know so well that I would notice anything new right away. The books, the papers the wall color, The furniture and the large windows where you can see almost the entire city. I already know everysingle crack and corner of it. 

  He clears his throat loudly, as saying that he has something to say now. This the kind of communication we have. So I look up and meet his eyes, trying to maintain my face without a trace of anger.

" I have something important to say"

He begins and i just arch a brow as an answer. Even though i doubt that anything he says will surprise me or interest me. Its probably something about a company he wants to buy or one he lost, wich rarely happens.

" I think its about time we fixed your attitude"

That I wasnt expecting, my eyes open wide and i stare at him in disbelief. Then, after what seems as the longest 2 seconds ever, I cant help but give a snort. It all seems so funny, that suddenly after 5 years he says something to me that isnt about the company and instead of being an apology, an explenation even, it is to say that he doesnt like my attitude.

" Youre already 26 years old, it is time you got serious. So i fixed you an arranged marriage with someone from another company. You will marry Hyoyeon and take over the company later. I hope you get yourself together before the wedding. That was all, get back to work." 

I couldnt help but freeze. This man is really unbelievable, I had underestimated him. What kind of person he has to be to be able to say that like it was the most natural thing in the world. As if we had such a relationship where i would do anything he said and as if what he just said was very normal. He had just critisied me, and decided my life and destroy any chances I had of being happy and of having some sort of freedom. That man that for multiple years has been destroying me. I should have imagined that this man wouldnt really care about anything I had to say.

" I said you could go now, go back to work before you have to stay until late to finish."

Right as if he cared..  I dont know what came over me, or actually I do. All the anger I had held back this time took over me as I stood up, looked him in the eye, laughed out loud and said

" you!!"

really loud before storming the hell out of there.

   For the first time in a long time I had stood up against my father and it felt damn good. So this called for celebration. Nothing new anyways, hitting the clubs with the others. The group consist of Heechul, Hankyung, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk and Kangin. I guess they sort of pass as my friends. At least they are the ones ive been complaining to for years now. It all started one night when I was so fed up and feeling more miserable then ever, I went to a club and there I met Heechul, who forcefully introduced me to the rest. Nothing was the same after that. It became a habit to always go clubbing with them when I got upset. Taking limousins, renting the best hotels the priciest strippers. Getting drunk all the time and acting like stupid teenagers even though most of them were in their late twenties. Nothing I will ever ever admit to any of them unless I want to be dead.  Either way, they are the only thing I have. Besides, they have listened to me complaining for more than 4 years and if someone knows the real me, its them. So is obvious that since something like this has happened, that we must do something.


The first thing Heechul sid when he saw me, being the most straightforard one in the bunch is " I hope your old man died and left you all his money, it shoul be something that big right? Since your calling for a celebration." Hankyung shook his head and the rest pretty much ignored the comment. Heechul gave me a hopefull look, but then sighed over dramatically when the only answer he recieved was a raised eyebrow.Than he slomped down on the seat besides Hankyung and said " Than it definetly wasnt worth skipping at the office with Hankyung. At this comment Hankyung choked on his beer, yes they were already drinking, and started coughing. The others gave a short laugh at how little embarrasing the comment had been to Heechul. Even Kyuhyun who usually didnt comment on much, gave a snort.  I got over the slight shock because of the straightforwardness and gave a half smile, shaking my head while saying " You'll have time for that later.." Reciving a not so happy answer from Heechul,  Yeah, but it wouldnt be in the office, its a " Enough information Heechul, i got the point " I stopped him, before Heechul could say anything else.  Heechul and Hankyung were a couple, everyone knew that and even though at first it was a bit weird for Eunhyuk, since they were men, he had gotten used to it. There was definitly nobody more perfect for each other than they were, in a very weird crazy way, they are perfect. 

Honestly all of them were gay. Leeteuk and Kangin were together and so were Kyuhyun and Sungmin. I was a bit causious around them at first but I realised they were all good people, maybe not the best bunch, but they are my friends. As for my ual orientation, I didnt know . At first, I could swear I was straight as a ruler. Now I dont really care, dont even think about it. Now, if he ever found someone that completes me andputs me out of my misery, it doesnt matter if they are a girl a boy or something supernatural. I just wanted a soulmate.  Just like the others were each others soulmates. 

  I always complained about my dad, and spend waaayy too much money on wine and beer for our get-togethers. Getting caught up in their rutines to get extremely drunk and go out clubbing and dancing. I even play along when they decided to get some chicks. This was  odd and awkward at first, since they were all gay. But apperantly they liked playing at the clubs. Getting girls, competing over who got most and who got them fastest. It wasnt unusual they brought them home for threesomes or something like that. Heechul was apparently into all kinds of stoff. Hankyung just went along with anything Heechul said. 

Life was good. Heechul and the others were already in steady relationships so it didnt matter who they played with at hte clubs. On the other hand, I wasnt thinking of settling down yet, so it didnt matter what I did. For this reason I was expecting the reaction they would have when I said,

" I said you to my old man after he said I was getting an arranged marriage."  

Kyuhyun dropped the control of his game, Hankyung actually looked surprised, Kangin spat out his drink, Sungmin dropped his, and Heechul froze. That was very unusual because for Heechul to freeze he had to be very, very shocked. if not, he always had something to say. 

" What!???"

Sungmin was looking horrified, or just in plain awe. He tried speaking again, opening his mouth and closing it again. He looked as though he had a lot to say at once and didnt know where to start. It was understandable. I had never said anything back to my father before.I used to ignore his mere existance as much as possible. Besides, they all agreed that my father was a bit of a crazy man, who knew what he would do to me because of this. He was a man of power, he could do anything. Then it was the arranged marriage thing. I know its not nice or right, but I guess we could say I was a playboy.  That part was mostly Heechul, Kangin and Kyuhyuns fault, but I was a natural. Usually the one winning when we competed over who got most girls. None of them could imagine me marrying someone. Settling down, being faithful to women, it just wasnt like me.. I was just too cold and uncaring towards girls. None of them knew though, that this was because I didnt want them to get involved with my family. Therefore girls were a one night thing only. 

" Okey, so lets see.."

Heechul had gotten over the shock and was sittng on chair gulping down vodca instead of the beer he was holding before. "

We have to go through this slowly,"

he said with a hint of anger and annoiance in his voice.

" Yoiur father made you an arranged marriage? "

 He gave me an unbeleiving look and the rest of the boys copied him. I drank more beer, looked at them and nodded. Things like unbeleivable and "that guy is crazy" and other things were heard before Kyuhyun asked.

" So what are you going to do ?" Everyone became silent.

" Never in hell am i going to marry the daughter of some rich guy my father knows. Is not gonna happen, I'll rather quit my job and live in the jungle."

They could hear that I was joking and they laughed a bit. All of them knowing that I detested anywhere that didnt have sivilisation and would probably go mad in a jungle. Just the thought of me being without a phone brougfht shivers. I was, and still am, a total twitter, snapshot and facebook freak. But I have  secret and fake users so my father cant find me. Even though I know that ifhe  ever really cared, he could find out because he had crazy connections.

" And so you just told him, you and left..."

Kangin spoke unable to hide his smirk and his voice giving away that he was enjoying himself. The slight seriousness and shock of the moment before fading and everyone else started smirking and smiling, finally braking into laughter when I nodded unable to hide my smile as well. Like this we proceeded to partying. Celebrating me finally standing up to my father, the irony of knowing that I was in big trouble, and not knowing exactly what was going to happen just made everything funnier. We drank and drank and danced and sang karaoke and at some point Heechul gave Hankyung a striptease. When we were drunk but still a bit concious we went to a club and competed about girls again. I won again, he got at least five girls in less then 10 min, I think its my secret talent. Instead of sleeping with the girls, we kept it a boys night only and went back to the hotel we had booked in our limo and kept drinking. At some point when it was almost sunrise, I said

" I want to leave, take a vacation without my dad knowing where i am."

The others being drunk out of their minds thought that it was a good idea, so they started planning out where I should go and how he should do it. Of course I wouldnt be able to go anywhere because I had work, and dad had big connections and would find me anywhere. And we were too drunk to move and we all passed out and had to skip wotk the day after. 


I had forgotten all about it. I actually forgot everything. I can say it is one of the dumbest things I have ever done. I should have come prepared for some kind of comeback. But I wasnt. That is why when my secretary came and said he had to see me, I didnt think anything of it. Thus he caught unprepared when I came in and instead of sitting down like usual, I couldnt because there was already a girl sitting down where I usually sit. It didnt click in my head untli she turned around and he said

" Eunhyuk this is Hyoyeon, daughter of Mr Kim. She is your future wife."

That is why I currently stand frozen in place, with a billion curse words piled up but unable to say anything. Hyoyeon stood up and is now standing in front of me, hands stretched out for me to shake. Again he does something like this, ignoring anything I said last time, pretending I am not even against this. Acting like I never said anything to him, ignoring me and my emotions. He is awful. I compose myself and glare at my father, he stares back at me, rigth at my eyes. As if defying me, it is the biggest interaction we've had. I my lips, feeling like they're too dry and shift my eyes back to Hyoyeon. She senced or saw that something is wrong, now she is looking quite defenless at me with a confused face. Instead of saying hello, wich i still havent done, I give a small bow with my head ,apologize and leave.  Well more like storm out, i just stop at my office to get my keys and leave, smashing every door I get close to. 

A few minutes later I found myself at Heechuls hotel. They may not seem it, but Heechul and the others have a lot of money and own their own companies. Since they are the owners, no one working for either of them would dare say that i was here to my father and risk loosing their jobs. Mostly just because they can be scary, specially Heechul, so I was so angry, I figured Heechuls place was best. 

I went up to the suite/ pentahouse. It was big, it was nice and it had big windows and I could see the sea right in front of me since Heechuls hotel is near beach. I opened the fridge and got out something to drink. I seriously needed it, sat down in front of the big windows and tried to relax. Of course it was impossible, thoughts of my mom and my family came flowing. About how i met Heechul and the others and they became my friends. How this was not the person I had wanted to be. I remembered being younger and telling my mom that girls werent to be played with, and there I was mayor playboy. I thought about how tired I was and how much I wanted to get away from my fathers grasp. I remembered Hyoyeons face and that she didnt seem bad, and that if I had met her in a club I would have probably slept with her the same night. I thought about how she seemed okey with everything, calm and all and how much I wasnt. About how much I really really really wanted to get away. 

And this is probably where I made the biggest mistake of my life. Here in my raging teenage boy-like fit, when I was not completely sober, and I was all alone and maybe having a slight depression attack. I remembered the other day when I had talked about running away and how the others had come up with a stupid way for him to get away. Even in their drunken state, they had pretty smart, stupid, crazy, but maybe a bit smart ideas. Therefore I went through my bag fining the papers where they had written everything down. And yes, stupidly, drunk, crazy us, wrote everything down. It had become a habit of ours to keep proof of any stupid thing we may do when we were drunk. Sometimes we kept pictures, videos or in this case we wrote everything down. 

 Heechul was the one with the idea, but it became more serious when the rest backed him up. Kyuhyun, who was kind of oddly smart, said that from his gaming experience, some islands or woods had everything needed to survive. He just said this of course because he wanted to play with me, knowing that I would never go into some woods. Hankyung who must have been more than drunk, because if not he would have never went along with it, said that this was actually pretty smart and that some islands that were never visited, were abandoned or too small for it to have any important usage, were sometimes off sattelite, so my father wouldnt be able to find me in any place like that. Sungmin who had the weirdest habits, said that he had old maps of the sea surrounding us, maps that were very far out from the shore. He said he had once shecked if it was true and that he had found out that some of the islands werent shown in any sattelite map. leeteuk said he had a boat, or yacht if you may say, that I could borrow and then all I had to do was go out one day, see if i found any island big enough and with everything I needed that was outside satelite. Then I could just stay there, nobody would own it, nobody could see me via sattelite, I didnt need to use money and my phone probably wouldnt work. So it would be impossible to track me or to contact me.

Of course it was such a good joke. But then when I was feeling so stressed out , it felt like it wasnt such a bad idea. Dont ask me how, but next thing I knew I was in a yacht, packed with clothes and a fridge just in case i got hungry on the way and didnt find anything. For all I knew Sungmins map could have been a joke and I would only see water, water and more water. Following a GPS i found one of the islands matching one of the ones on the map. Being guided by the sattelite map i had with me, and the map Sungmin had given me i found out one of the islands that were, supposedly, off sattelite. 

It could have been good, you know if there wouldnt have been anything there. By now I wasnt as angry as before, many hours had passed and I had gotten thursty so started drinking some beer. wasnt in the mood for water. I had thought it over and over and I knew this was foolish,.  But it was a fun adventure and I would be able to add it to my crazy things list. And later i would be able to boost about it to Leeteuk if I did find a island where we could sneak into without people knowing. It could mean having a hiding place for when he neded time alone. Then in the istance I saw it, an island, not too big, not too small. Full of trees. Looked almost tropical, wish was weird because I was far from anywhere tropical. But if it resembled a tropical one in any way, it should have fruit and fish, and maybe even a small river that wasnt salt water. Even though he did have enought drinking water for at least a week in the fridge. But it would be nice if he decided to stay for a while, that he wasnt forced to leave because of lack of water. I was closing in on the island when suddenly the boat started to vibrate, the water became more forcefull. The waves growing stronger every second, and it all happened so quikly that next thing I knew, I was at the island. With boat and everything. But my clothes were wet, everything inside the yacxht was wet as well. I was surprised I hadnt been blown of the boat. Or that I had managed to steer the boat to shore, quite litterally as well, because a very big wave came and the entiul was drunk, and I was sober when i left and I could have stopped myself. So tired, a bt angry, and not even sure if the are wild animals or snakes ( not that those are not wild) here that may kill me, I go to sleep. With nothing else than the light of the moon and the sound of the waves. Totally oblious to what was out there eyeing me curiously, boat was trown onto the sand. It was currently stuck there. I would have to push it back into the water to be able to go back and that would take a while. The yacht wasnt so big, but big enough. It was only about one and a half meters from the water, but it was far enough. I knew I could do it, but very slowly, and it would be very difficult. 

So that is how I Eunhyuk, son of one of the richest man in Korea, owner of more than 4 companies, biggest playboy in the bunch, addict to sivilisation, or phones or internet. That is how I came to be sleeping on a yacht on shore, litterally, on an unknown island, in an unknown place, with no internet and no signal on my phone. Of all the crazy ideas Heechul has had, this was the worst one. And even though i want to blaim him, I know that i said it first, and that Hech


Okey.... I am finally done with the first chapter. I know it took so long >.< way too long. But I started school, and its my first year and its been hectic. And I am adjusting to the new scedule and the test and all the homework. 

And the first chapter didnt turn out how I thoguth it would be. But I guess its not so bad. It tells a bit about the relationship between Eunhyuk and his father and his friends. I felt thast Eunhyuk didnt appear to playboyish here since it was covered by all the drama XD 

But i will try to give him a bit more edge and a fun side. ... The chapter was so long, I rewrote it about two times, and I had to write like paragraph for paragraph and sometimes even less than that at night , before going to bed. because that its the only chance I had. 

I am so much bussier than I thought i would be X3 !! I have school, and work and dance and volleyball and homework. :P Its been exausting. I will try to concentrate on my other story now. :) So Ill begin the next chapter here, when I am done with the next chapter there. I have to do that if I want to get anything done :3 

i am sorry for the delay, plizz bare with me and I hope you enjoy the first chapter.





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iAmWeAre #1
Chapter 2: LOLOL donghae so funny~~ XD they will make a lovely couple~~
jewelsvalencia #2
Chapter 2: Whoaaa Eunhae already meet~~

Cute Hae, he's too innocent and adorable hehehehe ^^
eastcandle90 #3
Chapter 1: this is interesting....i know you just started school but...but...but...i hope you can update as soon as you can....please..*puppy eyes*
n you do dance???..that awesome!!!!
i can't wait for hyukkie reaction when he meets hae...^_^
jewelsvalencia #4
Chapter 1: Omonaa, i can't imagine Hyukkie's face when he were in unknown island and no signal. It's must be creepy if i was him .__.
Chapter 1: whoaaaa~ this is interesting ^^
update soon please~

Can you add Kyumin please?
I,m totally excited i just love this kind of fics is my fav
and yet is hyukhea !!! i am mor than excited
i can,t wait please please please update
jewelsvalencia #8
It seems interesting! I'll looking forward for this ^^