Chapter 2

The Council And Delinquents

"Hey, everyone listen up!"Yongguk called out, all the heads turned to him. He smiled at them as he stood up from his seat.Youngjae was right beside him, with Zelo hugging his skateboard tightly.Yongguk turned to Youngjae, who motioned him to continue.

"Well, we will be having new students here tomorrow..."All of them lifted their eyebrows except the three,having a questioning look on their faces.

"New students?"


"Yes, and we need to cooperate, these students aren't us"Yongguk continued, making one of the member stand up.

"Yongguk, what do you mean?"

"Well, they are known to be very mischievous..."

"They are transferred here? I thought the principal only allows-"

"The principal wanted us to help these three, sit down first okay? Let me explain"Yongguk said firmly with the look of determination in his face. The member sat back down,he knew Yongguk knew how to deal with things like this.

"The principal asks us to help them change for the better, their previous school couldn't handle them, and furthermore, their principal is our Sir's friend"




Silence filled the air and all of them knew they had to obey the Prinicpal's orders.It was unlikely for the Principal to accept students like these, the Principal will accept students with good grades and those who had potential in them.But he was the most particular about the behaviour of students,if they can't behave, they will dropped out.

"I know it is weird but let's try our best to help them be better students okay!"Yongguk said enthusiastically, showing his gummy smile to the whole Council. They all smiled, they knew their leader will always be optimistic and supportive of them.He was the President after all.





Himchan sat at the back seat of the bus, leisurely looking out of the window. He had his handphone in his hand, and was listening to music that blast through his earpiece.He sighed,leaning on the window as his eyes wondered around the bus. He was on his way home now,after a tired day of getting scolded and punished by Miss Hyosung. He didn't want anything else but to relax and sleep. He didn't want to think about going to the other school,he had to anyway with his two best friends.The three of them already said their goodbyes, and of course, the school will miss their mischevious antics and pranks.For some reason, he wasn't sleeping in the bus, like what he usually do.


"Man, what is this..."Himchan mumbled to himself, he knew about the new school that he was supposed to go to tomorrow. All disciplined and the school is well-known for it's excellent academic achieves and sports achieves. But he also knew, it was a school filled with all those strict students and teachers.He hummed the song that was playing,he knew that it was a long way home.


Then suddenly the bus stopped, Himchan looked outside the window and gasped.TS B.A.P High school. The bus stop right in front of the school.

"The school is so big, why haven't I notice it was here?"Himchan thought, his jaw dropped upon seeing the school.Then, he heard the bus's door opened and he happened to look in front.



A guy hopped,smiling and bowing politely to the bus driver.Himchan was stunned when the guy smiled as he walked in,and needless to say, the guy was good-looking.With hands inside his pockets and a small smile, the guy with the red jacket made his way to the seat beside Himchan, the only available seat in the bus.Himchan was stunned, he didn't know that this man was going to sit next to him and he noticed, he was from that school he was amazed about two minutes ago.




Yongguk asked Youngjae to find out more about the three students that were going to their school.Youngjae nodded and went to do his task. Zelo had left with his skateboard,he needed to go home soon,his mother was already nagging at him to go home.Yongguk sighed as he went to the bus stop in front of school,wanting patiently for his bus to arrive.He was the last one out apparently, and smiled seeing his bus had arrived. He took a step in, smiling and bowing at the bus driver. The bus driver smiled,he was happy that this student acknowledges him unlike the one seated in the back.

Yongguk looked around for an empty seat, his eyes landed on a seat beside a guy, who looked like his age looking at him.Yongguk just sat down next to him,ignoring the guy whose jaw dropped beside him.He then felt someone staring at him, and couldn't help but turn to his right. The guy's mouth was hanging open and he looked stunned.

"Are you okay? Close your mouth"He spoke,making Himchan snapped from his trance.

"Er..Yah!I am okay, don't tell me what to do"Himchan frowned as the guy scoffed.

"I ask you to close your mouth only,that's all"

"Heh!"Both of them were silent,listening to the somewhat heavy rain outside, before Himchan spoke up.

"You are from that school huh?"

"You mean TS B.A.P High School? Then yes"

"S-so,I heard that that school is strict"

'It is pretty strict, for every homework or assignment that wasn't handed in on time, you get detention immediately or if you do pranks and behave disrespectful with a teacher, maybe suspension and of course detention and you must help clean the whole school and a lot more.."



"Wow..."Himchan's eyes widened as the guy chuckled at his reaction.


"Of course! What kind of school is that.."Himchan was dying inside.

"Why must we go to this school?How did this guy survive there?"He thought.

"Anyway,I've reached my stop"Himchan looked at the place outside and stood up.

"This is my stop too"

"Cool"They both went down from the bus,noticing it was drizzling outside.

"Well, it was nice meeting you"

"Yeah, it was- AHHCOO!"Himchan sneezed,rubbing his nose as Yongguk quickly took out a packet of tissue.

"Here, take it"

"No"Himchan shook his head, there is no way he would take a tissue from a stranger.

"Take it before-"

"HAACOO!"Himchan took the tissue uttering a small "Thanks" to Yongguk.

"No problem,you better rest at home now, try to stay out from the cold, drink a lot of hot water, it worked for me, hope you get well soon! Bye!"With that,Yongguk left him alone, with his tissue.

"Did he just told me to get well even when he didn't know who I am?"Himchan thought but he smiled. He sort of like that guy already.




Daehyun was walking home,eyes were on the ground as he walked on home. He decided not to take the bus with his friend, and not to jog with his fit friend. He wanted to get some fresh air, he wanted to think about going to the new school. It wouldn't be bad right?

He wasn't that close to anyone in school,except for two friends of his. Only friends of his. He didn't particularly like anyone in his school (excluding his two best friends and some friends of Himchan). The teachers in his class usually was disappointed in him, talking back to the teacher and sleeping in class.

He didn't say anything, he couldn't say anything but accept the punishment and scolding.He rarely talks, he preferred to listen to people talking. Himchan,Jongup and Miss Hyosung ,so far,were the only ones who understand him being this way, but not his teachers.Well, that was the reason why he didn't like his school so much apparently. There was only a small group that understood him, he just didn't like to talk so much.

He then came upon a pond,smiling seeing the fishes swimming around.He squatted down, touching the luke warm water of the pond while watching the fishes swimming around.

"T-Those are Koi fishes" Daehyun was startled, and turned around. His eyes fell on the sight of a smiling boy, with a book in his hand looking at the pond.

"Common fishes in ponds, thought you wanted to k-know"Daehyun stood up,seeing the grin of the boy becoming wider.He looked down, of course he was shy.

"H-Hello"He turned to Daehyun and Daehyun stood still.He looked fine, with his dimples and spectacles even if he looked nerdy of some sort, he was actually adorable.

"Never seen you here before though"Daehyun stayed silent, looking at him as he walked nearer to the pond.

"The fishes, I like them. They couldn't speak, but you know that they are listening when you talk"Daehyun smiled at this, he had the same thought too.

"Well, that's what I think, you are not much of a talker are you?"He smiled at Daehyun before facing the pond,somehow that triggered Daehyun to suddenly speak up.

"Yeah, I am not"The boy turned to Daehyun,his eyes were wide before he gave a sincere smile,letting out a little giggle.

"You have a nice voice you know?"Daehyun looked to the bespectacled boy,trying not to believe and be happy about what he just said.

"See you around, I need to do a task,have fun with the fishes, bye"Then the boy gave Daehyun one last smile before turning away from him,walking towards home.Daehyun smiled, the guy was now included into the small group that understand him.



Jongup was doing one of his usual rounds around the park,jogging slowly while listening to his favourite music. He usually do this to train himself, he wanted to keep himself fit and strong.True, he was a fighter, but he wasn't such a badass. He was sensitive to people, he wanted to be careful to people.

It wouldn't be hard to switch schools right?

Maybe he would make new and nicer friends in that school, he was sick of those boys who just wanted to fight him to prove that they were stronger than him. He didn't care and tried to ignore them, but they were getting irritating to him. They kept coming and Jongup had to prove them wrong. Sure enough,Himchan and Daehyun were his only friends who helped him and the three always got into scolding together.

He hoped to meet other people like Himchan and Daehyun, he wanted more friends actually. Preferably, someone younger than him.Maybe a playful one perhaps?

Then suddenly, there was someone or something coming straight at him.


Jongup was strong enough to hold his ground and looked down at the fallen down. He was tall, taller than him, with a helmet buckled up and was rubbing his .Jongup then noticed the boy looked very cute, he had flawless skin and had this silly smile on him.

"Hey, sorry about that"Jongup then pulled the guy up, and woah, he was tall.

"No worries, you okay?"

"Yep! I am!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I crash my hyungs alot of times! I got used to it"Jongup chuckled, this guy got to be very carefree.

"Well, I see"

"Woah you got muscles!No wonder you were able to stand when I crash into you,my hyungs would fall and scold me,or chase me around,wanting to break my skateboard hehe"Jongup smiled, it is the first time he met anyone so reckless and funny.

"Anyway, I better go! My mother is waiting for me!Sorry about that!"In a flash, he went away from Jongup, with his skatebroad in hand. Jongup smiled, the guy wasn't so bad after all.



hello again!They meet each other unknowningly hehe, I will update a bit later though! Hope you enjoy this!^^ It will get interesting

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sorry for the long hiatus;-;


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Chapter 9: OMO they all were so adorkable I can't !! ><
Chapter 8: Aaaaawwww cute banghim, daejae, and jonglo moments ><
Chapter 7: Bwahaha i love you mr. Principal ! X)
Chapter 6: LOL jonglo X)
Chapter 5: So the one that rebellious was actually..just..himchan..right ? Such a diva XD
Chapter 4: Woops the drama began~
Chapter 3: LOL they were splendid by each other charms ><
Chapter 2: Yay they met each other ! X)
and thankfully they showed their nice side, not their bad side..yet.
Chapter 1: Hello new subbie here !
Nice intro chapter !
Can't wait to read the rest chaps kkk X)