Kris' Requirements

Destiny 13

“Another Mato?” Jihye whispered to Xiumin.

“Yeah, and D.O’s rival.”

“You think of him as your rival?” Jihye asked looking at D.O.

“Heck no! His abilities are similar to mine that’s all!”

“Let’s see who is stronger!” Youngjae shouted as he slammed his hands to the ground as vines sprouted from it.

“Plants!?” Jihye asked.

“His power is plant life control.” Suho explained.”

“You guys go. Since we know exactly where Kris is go for him.” D.O said looking at the group.

“Are you going to be alright?” Xiumin asked.

“Yeah, this will be good practice.” D.O said stomping his foot as the ground shot up.

“Alright let’s-“ Suho stopped mid sentence when he looked up at the sky. “Purple rain?”

Suddenly Suho created a giant sphere of water that protected the entire group as the purple rain hit the water shield.

The water began to smoke as a figure appeared from the bushes.

“And I thought your skills had dulled.” The male said laughing.

“Zelo.” Suho said looking at him.

“What was that purple water?” Jihye asked.

“I just called it that, but that was acid.” Suho explained.

“You must be the girl we were told to kill.” Zelo said with a smirk as he charged at her.

He shot an acid ball towards her as Suho blocked it.

“Get Jihye out of here!” Suho shouted. “Chanyeol and Sehun, get Jihye up to that cloud!” He shouted.

“Right.” They shouted grabbing her hand as they took off to the sky.

“Will they be alright?” Jihye asked.

“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.” Sehun said smiling.

“Right now we have to wake Kris.” Chanyeol said looking at the bundle of clouds.


“Do you think you guys stand a chance against us?” Zelo asked laughing.

“There are more of us than you.” Baekhyun shouted.

“Quality over quantity!” Youngjae shouted as large roots shot from the ground and wrapped around Baekhyun’s legs. Suddenly the roots lifted high off the ground taking Baekhyun with them. The roots slammed Baekhyun into the ground making a crater as it repeated the process.

“This is too easy!” Youngjae shouted.

Suddenly a large piece of the ground was hurled towards him knocking into a tree.

“That was a cheap trick!”  Youngjae said wiping the blood from his head.

“No one messes with that idiot but me!” D.O shouted.


“We can do this all day Suho.” Zelo said with a smirk as he shot acid towards him.

“I don’t plan to do this all day. Chen!” Suho shouted as he dug his feet into the ground.

“On it!” Chen shouted as he touched Suho’s water. Lightning was now traveling through it as it struck Zelo making him fly back into a boulder.

“Why weren’t you affected!?” Zelo shouted looking at Suho.

“I grounded myself.” He said with a smirk.

“Smart, but I knew you’d try something like this, which is why-“ Zelo said as metal began to form in his hand. I learned a new trick!” he shouted as metal rods shot from his hands and stuck into the ground.

“What do you plan to do with these?” Suho shouted.

“Just watch!” he said with a smirk.

“We don’t have time!” Suho shouted as him and Chen combined their attacks. The lightning was traveling towards Zelo when it suddenly turned away from Zelo and struck one of the metal rods.

“See, I know Chen’s ability which is why I developed a new one to counteract his electricity!” Zelo shouted.


“Lay, I’m going to need your help to put an end to this fight quickly.” Xiumin said looking at him.

“What are you- You’re crazy! That attack requires a lot of power!”

“That’s why I need you to constantly be by me restoring my power.”

“You’re crazy!...But-“ he said looking at the battles. “We have no choice.”

“You’re the only one who’s seen this ability, but I guess the others should see it too.” He said smiling.

“Fine.” He said laying a hand on his shoulder.


“This is the cloud.” Chanyeol said looking at Jihye.

“Alright.”  Jihye said as the crystal began to play the melody.

The clouds began to move as it revealed Kris floating fast asleep. Suddenly Kris opened his eyes, but there was something off.

“I FORGOT!” Sehun shouted.

“What is it?”” Jihye shouted.

“Kris doesn’t like to be woken up!” Sehun shouted.

“THAT’S RIGHT!” Chanyeol said looking afraid.

They turned to look at Kris who looked furious as he stared at the three. He snapped his fingers as a roar could be heard. Suddenly Kris’ grabbed his tattoo and tossed it into the sky. The three looked up to see a large white dragon diving straight for them.

The dragon dove passed them knocking them away from Kris. The wind trail Sehun had created for Jihye was destroyed as she began to fall towards the ground.

“Jihye!” They both shouted.

*This is it!* she said closing her eyes. Her crystal suddenly lit up as Kris’ tattoo appeared on it. The crystal combined with her shoes as small wings appeared on the side. Jihye stopped falling as the wings grew large to support her.

“I’m not dead?” She said opening her eyes.

“Jihye! You’re okay.” Chanyeol said looking at her.

“Yeah.” She said as she tried to balance herself with the wing shoes.

“That’s Kris’ tattoo!” Sehun said looking at the shoes.

“Kris you see she’s our destiny, call off your dragon!” Chanyeol shouted.

Kris still looked upset as he pointed to the three. The dragon charged towards them as they dodged it.

“FINE!” Jihye shouted as her crystal shoes began to light up. It split into two pistols. One had Chen’s tattoo while the other one had Chanyeol’s tattoo on it.

“Eh? I’ve never used a gun before!” She said looking at the crystal pistols.

"Jihye a little help!” Chanyeol said holding the dragon back with his bare hands.

“Move! One of these pistols have Chen’s tattoo on it!”

“You heard her!” Sehun said jumping out of the way.

The dragon turned as started charging at Jihye. Jihye pointed the twin pistols at the dragon as it began to charge. The dragon was inches away as lightning and fire shot from each one. The lightning had fused with the fire as the lighting turned blue. It shocked the dragon making it fall out of the sky as the recoil from the blast sent Jihye back into Sehun’s arms.

“ARE YOU CRAZY!” Chanyeol shouted looking at Kris.

Kris began to walk towards them.

“He’s walking on air!” Jihye shouted.

Kris neared the three as a smile appeared on his face. “You pass!” He said pulling Jihye into a deep kiss.

Jihye was able to break free after a minute and was about to slap him when he grabbed her hand.

“What was that for!? Don’t give me that destiny stuff either. You were trying to kill us and now you’re trying to be friendly!?”

“I was never going to kill you. It was a test.”

“A test?” Jihye asked.

“Yeah, I don’t want a wife that can’t protect herself.” He said looking at Jihye.

“You guys are-“ Jihye stopped when she looked at the ground.

They looked down and saw that half of Mirage Oasis had been completely frozen.

“What happened down there!?” Chanyeol shouted.


20 minutes before.

“Are you serious about this?” Lay asked.

“Yep, this won’t kill me.”  Xiumin said smiling. “Alright time to concentrate.” He said closing his eyes as frost began to fill the area.

“What’s this?” Youngjae said looking around. “My plants!” He shouted looking at them as they began to wither.

D.O turned around to see Xiumin as the temperature suddenly dropped.

“I don’t know what you guys are planning but it won’t work!” Zelo shouted. His metal rods began to crack as lightning escaped hitting him.

“What is Xiumin doing?” Chen asked.

“I don’t know.” Suho said looking at him.

“This is Xiumin’s doing!? Then I’ll have to take care of him first!” Zelo shouted charging at him.

“I’ll help you!” Youngjae shouted.

“XIUMIN , LAY WATCH OUT!” Baekhyun shouted.

Suddenly Xiumin opened his eyes as they had become pure white. He saw the two charging towards him as he placed his hands on the ground. Suddenly the ground froze as ice spikes shot through the ground. Everything around him suddenly froze. Youngjae and Zelo tried attacking him, but frost had frozen the plants and acid and even eroded the metal.

The two stepped back from Xiumin as they looked at each other.

“I don’t remember him being this dangerous.” Youngjae shouted.

“We’ll retreat for now!” Zelo said as the two disappeared.

Xiumin looked at the other guardians as Lay removed his hand.

“That was straining!” Xiumin said returning to normal.

 “What did you do!?” Chen asked looking at him.

“I used an attack I was practicing a few centuries ago.” He explained.

“What kind of attack?” Suho asked.

“I’m not sure what to call it yet, but it allows me to instantly freeze any substance even fire.” He explained.

“That could come in handy.” Kris said landing.

“Alright so you guys were able to free Kris!” Chen shouted.

“Yeah after fighting his pet dragon!” Jihye shouted.

“You weren’t in any real harm.” He said smiling.

“Where is your dragon? Is it alright?” Chanyeol asked.

“Yeah, he fell into the lake so it will recover, more importantly we’re still missing three of the guardians.” Kris said looking around.

“Un, is Luhan on the island with you?” Lay asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t know how we’re supposed to reach him.” Kris said looking at the group.

“What do you mean?” Jihye asked.


Suddenly Kris dragon landed next to him as it dried itself off.

“He’s inside of the island.” He explained.

“INSIDE!” They all shouted.

“So I-“


“Did you guys hear that?” Sehun asked.

“Hear what?” D.O asked looking at him.

“It sounds like-“ Sehun looked under his feet as the frozen ground began to crack.

“Xiumin how powerful is this attack!?” Suho shouted.


Suddenly the ground around the group cracked as the group fell into it.

“Well this is one way to get inside the island.” Chen said laughing as they continued to fall.

“How deep is this island!” Jihye shouted as they continued to fall.

“Sehun do that gust thing!” Baekhyun shouted.

“We're falling too fast it won’t make a difference!” He shouted.

“Longwei!” Kris shouted looking at his dragon. Suddenly the dragon dove below the group and caught them on his back as it lowered them to the ground.

“Land!” Jihye said hugging it

“Your dragon seems a little tired Kris.” Lay said looking at it.

“Well it has been a few centuries since its been able to stretch its wings.” He said looking at it. “Alright Longwei that’s it for now.” Kris said looking at it. The dragon lowered its head as it turned back into Kris’ tattoo and returned to his arm.

“Amazing! You’re tattoo is alive!” Jihye said looking at it.

“Yep. That’s why I’m called the guardian of the sky. Dragons were said to be the guardians of the sky. “Luhan should be down this path.” Kris said looking at the group.

“Then let’s hurry.” Suho said looking at the group

As the group walked Jihye began asking Kris some questions about his tattoo.

“How did it become like that?” Jihye asked.

“It was to save it from being killed. Mato came and slaughtered many of our dragons. This is the last dragon on Exo.” Kris explained.

“Poor thing. Mato really has to be stopped! They are trying to destroy my planet!”

“Your planet? Aren’t you from here?” Kris asked.

“No, I from earth and that’s where Mato is right now.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“No worries.”

“After we find all of the guardians we can teach them a lesson!”

“That’s right! I’m glad my wife is strong." he said placing an arm around her neck.

“Yah yah yah! You’re acting too friendly with my bride!” Sehun shouted.

“Whoever said she was going to pick you!” Chanyeol shouted.

“She might not pick either of you.” Baekhyun said laughing.

“He’s right she might like the energetic type!” Chen said smiling.

“In your dreams!” Sehun shouted.

“She might like the calm type.” Lay said smiling.

“What did you do!?” Chanyeol shouted looking at Lay.

“I didn’t do anything that you guys didn’t do.” He said smiling.

“You kissed her! WHEN!” They shouted.

“Jihye please forgive them.” Suho said bowing.

“It’s alright I’m used to it now.” She said smiling.


“Yep, nothing can surprise me now.” She said smiling.

“Is that right.”


Suddenly Suho stole a kiss from her as her eyes almost popped out her head.

“Was that surprising?" He asked with a smile.

“YAH! SUHO!” Chanyeol shouted.

“Who hasn’t kissed me yet!?” she asked looking around.

Xiumin and D.O raised their hands as Jihye walked over to them. She grabbed Xiumin’s face and kissed him and did the same to D.O.

“There, now I won’t be thrown off guard anymore!” She said looking at the two shocked guys.

“I like her even more!” Kris said with a smile.

A/N: another chapter coming~

And so is he!


random but funny

NOT MINE~ Credit to original owner~

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marinette #1
Chapter 32: Love reverseharem. Love this story
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 32: Lol this should tag as reverse harem ^3^♥
Chapter 32: Hahhaha cute i think she will get exo as husbands buat also bap....
I really enjoy your story
Chapter 31: Mouhahaha I can't stop laughing at that ending. That's unexpected and absolutely funny ^^ can't imagine the rest of their lives XD.
Anyway, good work and it was well written! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Chapter 10: I knew it~ That first kiss is gone~ /sigh dreamily/
Chapter 9: DIZ IZ IT~!
Chapter 3: Huehuehue~
Chapter 2: I'm reading this again .___.
Omo can't stop this feeling~
Chapter 32: I just finished reading this story after a few years of subscribing it... lol I know I took a long time to read it and that was just because I'm too lazy to check my subscription to see if there is any stories I didn't read yet xD btw I really like your story! It's really refreshing to read a story about Exo powers lol
I end up reading this tory over and over again.... dont knw why but im going to read it one more time.