The Dating Game


Tiffany is a committed person by nature, but the new reality show doesn’t allow her to be one. Follow her into a new Korean reality show, “The Dating Game”, as she dates a guy each day, for a full month, in order to raise money for a charity organisation.

Will everything be just for show, or will feelings get entangled throughout her journey?

And who exactly are the other male contestants who will join her in this meaningful, yet quirky programme? And will they further their relationship with her outside the show?

Join her in her ridiculous conversations and funny antics while having to dedicate her time and effort to a different boyfriend each day, even if she isn’t filming for the show. 


I ship many male idols with Tiffany and so it has become an issue within myself. I didn’t know if I wanted to write a TiffanyxIdolA story or TiffanyxIdolB story. So it got to the point where I thought to myself, why not have her date them all?!

And this cheesy, ridiculous story came up so I tried writing it.

I already have certain male idols in mind who would join this "reality show", but if you ever want to drop a suggestion of some other idol, you can! (: Just state their name and their group name!

But please let it be a guy. OTL I can’t ship Yuri/ for nuts (I think of them more as SISTP and BROTP kinda thing)

And with that note, I hope you have a crazy ride ahead! (; Thank you!


Date them, they said. It'll be all right, they said. And never in her whole life had she been more confused on what's right and what's wrong.

What was she to do when her only sin had been to steal the hearts of 30 young men in the idol industry?



Chapter 1 - Introduction to "The Dating Game"

Chapter 2 - Byun Baekhyun [EXO]

Chapter 3 - Lee Taemin [SHINee]

Chapter 4 - Kim Myungsoo [Infinite]

Chapter 5 - Ok Taecyeon [2PM]

Chapter 6 - Lee Chanhee/Chunji [Teen Top]






Hope I didn't had Chunji be OOC in this chapter! It's my first time in trying any sort of Teen Top fiction lol


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sonefany18n #1
Chapter 6: Luhan, luhan, luhan, luhan!!!!! Kkkkk. Plith author-nim....they look good together.
MysteriousGurl16 #2
Chapter 6: i hope tiffany's last date is luhan from exo
LUHAN (EXO) please author-ssi. <3
TwistedIceQueen #4
T.O.P. of Bigbang please. I think they'd be perfect for each other
Chapter 2: Youngjae plZ
Chapter 6: Please update soon!!!
This is one of my favourite fanfics here~!:)
Chapter 6: Ahhhh. I pity these guys who dated Tiffany. They all fell for her amazing charms. Hahaha. I rreally hope you'll put in TOP of Bigbang and Luhan! Puh-lease authornim? Pretty please? :)))
Chapter 2: Uwaaaaaaaaa! Here I am again! XD this chapter is so cute and fluffy! I really imagined bacon doingthat wolf.thing. It made me laugh. Hmm. BaekFany seems like a cute idea ^^
Chapter 6: Hehehe... Love the chapters.. Make a BigBangxxFany next time