She Doesn't Believe That I am the Good Twin

IU looked out the window at the sun as it set. The red and orange was beautiful and made her want to run outside and watch it from the riverside. L.Joe noticed her staring and went over and suddenly grabbed her shoulders trying to scare her. IU jumped and sent her elbow flying back and hit him in the side. He let go and fell to the ground. IU turned around and wasn't to suprised to see who it was lying on the ground.

"Thats why you don't try to scare a girl. you get your kicked." she told him as she helped him up off the ground. Even though she joked about it she still checked to make sure he was alright. "You okay?"

"I think so." he said as he got up. He couldn't resist though to joke with her. "I think I need to lean on you though for the rest of the day. Maybe a few days just to be sure." He leaned on to her giving her a back hug as she turned away. For some reason because of this IU felt herself blush. She quicklly grabbed his hand and twisted it away trying to hid her face. "Oww.. owww." she let go and started to walk away.

"I think your fine." she started walking toward the locker room to get her stuff and go home.


She was grabbing her things out of her locker and she looked into the little mirror placed inside the locker. She put her hands on her cheeks as soon as she saw that they were still flushed. She sighed and sat on the little wooden bench inside the locker room. She half heartedly as her mind drifted else where. 

The three of them, L.Joe, IU, and Soohun, had grown up together and had thought of them as her brothers until they got older. They were always together that is until the brothers parents got a divorce. Soohun stayed with their dad and L.Joe stayed with their mom. Their mom couldn't take it after awhile and moved her and L.Joe to America away from Korea and away from IU. They were 14 at the time and two years later L.Joe moved back. Since he moved back he had started this whole clinging thing and IU had always dismissed it and kept her crush on Soohun. It was in the time away from L.Joe that IU fell for Soohun and she believed she would always like Soohun until a few weeks ago.

-two weeks before-

IU was turning off the last off the lights thinking everyone had gone home already when she realized the dance studio light was still on. Confused she went to investigate. Walking at a fast almost running pace past the empty rooms she finally made it to the lit room. Even though she grew up here she still found it scary to walk the halls alone at night. In the light room music blared and someone stood in the middle of the floor. She saw it was L.Joe and was about to go give him a piece of her mind about still being here so late at night until he started dancing. 

He was incredible mixing styles and doing break dance moves. She knew he had danced in America and that he taught helped with some classes but he was better then she imagined. When the music finished and he started to pack and walk towards the door she panicked and ran into another room. Just as the door came open she tripped over her own feet and fell. L.Joe hurried over to see if she was alright and then when he realized who it was he started to laugh. 

"Nice fall you okay?" He helped her up and she wouldn't look him in the face. After she didn't answer for awhile he tried to get her attention again. "Hello earth to IU?" She turned and started to speed walk away not because she was scared but because she could feel her cheeks starting to turn pink. "Yah, Lee JI Eun!" He caught up to her and turned her around. "Did you hit your head to hard I was talking to you. I knew you were clumsy but man is it even safe for you to walk around?" 

Forgetting the blush her fist landed on his stomach and he bent over. "I think I'm safe but with that mouth of your's is it safe for you to talk?" She turned slightly as a smile spread across L.Joe's face as he straighten.

"There you go back to normal. You can do anything fall, trip, slip anything just don't be embarrassed around me about." She just stared at him not knowing how to respond. He laughed and said ,"Don't be embarrassed until the time I video tape it and show it to the world then you can be." He started to run away.

"YAH, LEE BYUNGHUN!" He ran into the locker room just before IU's shoe hit him.

He stuck his head out the door after he successfully escaped, "Wait a minute and we can go home together." He dissapeared back in the door. IU sighed and stood by the door. 

After about a minute or so IU was still standing their when she heard a sound. It sounded like a door creaking open down the hall way IU took a small step towards the locker room. She heard what sounded like cabinets opening an things being shuffled around until suddenly it sounded like a stack CDs falling, IU screamed. L.Joe ran out of the locker room to see IU collapsed on the ground her back against the wall. He quickly got down on her level and was to make sure she was okay.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" IU was shocked for a second, tears rushing down her eyes, she saw what looked like fear in L.Joe's eyes. Fear and concern. IU didn't know what came over her but she put her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.  Shocked for a second L.Joe stood still until he slowly put his arms around her shoulders and hugged her tightly.


As she walked out of the building she looked out back at the spot where she had hugged L.joe. She thought to herself, maybe just maybe L.Joe was the guy for...

Suddenly she felt someone put their hands over her eyes. Her pulse quickened and for a second she thought it was L.Joe. 

"Guess who?" A voice whispered on her ear. IU smiled sadly as she turned around. 

"Soohun what's up?" He had a confused look on his face.

"What not happy to see me?"

"No I just thought you were someone else." She walked away she didn't see an annoyed look slowly come across his face. She was just thinking to herself how crazy her earlier thoughts were. 


sorry for not updating for a long time it was a mix of lack of time, writers block and I didn't know if I wanted to add this chapter with the flashback knowing it has be done before but I think it was necessary for the story. I hope you enjoy!

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Chapter 4: Aw so cute. AND HA I WISHED I GOT TO READ ABOUT SOOHUN'S REACTION THOUGH . Like a bonus but hoho my two biases in one story c;
Chapter 4: Haha! The ending is so sweet! ^^
I think it's especially sweeter since the last part relates to the title >//<
gosh soohun is such a jerk..poor l.joe=/