SM Plans

ƸӜƷ Butterfly ƸӜƷ

 March 2,2008


Lee Soo Man's P.O.V

JYP's Wonder Girls are so popular now.I need to debut a new kind of girl group.I was thinking

So deeplywhen I heard someone knocks."Come In" I shouted."Good Evening Sir!"He greeted me."So,What happened?

Did you already found the right members?"I seriously asked him."Sir,I already found 2 new members"He answered me.

"So we still need to look for three,Hold an Audition for our Girl Trainees."I asked him,It was such a shame if we just get a

girl from anywhere."Sir,When?"He asked."They already have a Debut Album and Debut Song,So they need to practice it

Already"I said then I took a deep breath."Post a Poster Tommorrow,And the Audition is on March 5, 2008." I said."Alright

But what are the criteria for judjing?"He asked again."You know what SM is looking!"I shouted."Sorry,I will do it now!"He said

then he bow to me."Wait~Also post a Showcase for the 4 members of Butterfly"I said."I will,Good Evening"He said then

he bows 90 degrees again.


March 3,2008

All Trainees are on the Hallway.They were unruly to see what is on a banner that posted there.



"I will Audition !!"  "Oh myy ~~ " "I will audition,I want to debut !!" "Me too"

All Female Trainees are so excited on the comind Audition.



"Everyone !! Look,A showcase of Butterfly Members !!" Someone Shouted."Wow~they are all Beautiful!"

"So,They will going to Judge too?" A girl asked. "Didin't you read the Poster?"



"Ohh~Hara will debut?"Minhyuk ask Sehun."Didn't you see,She's on the Showcase!"Sehun Adorably Said.

"ALso Trixie,She will debut soon."Kai sadly said."Babe~~" Someone shouted.The 3 boys look who's there

"Hey bro~It's your Girlfriend" Sehun tease Minhyuk."Hi babe~How are you?" Tia asked.



Just to Tease you guys  :p The story will start onOctober 19,20 or 21 ...

Just a Teaser ^^

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Chapter 10: ..aaaa. . dont delete it :( Sorry if im Inactive ..
Chapter 10: Please don't delete the story! I like it very much. I'll be really sad if u do that. T^T
Chapter 10: Please, don't delete it!!! I Like it.
Chapter 10: I really like it don't delete it please~ I'm busy with school
Chapter 8: Can't wait for the next update!! HWAITING
Chapter 6: Tease! Lol jk. Looking forward to the next update! Hwaiting~
Chapter 5: About the recent chapter 3, who are the ones who are supposed to answer those questions? Is it those who have applied?

Sorry if I've been asking too much and if you don't mind, is it okay, if you reply me through PM? ><