Taking Action Part II

Master of Disguise

“Ayyo whad up leada?” Crooned Jonghyun, slinging his arm casually around Mr. Biceps.


The leader’s eyebrows rose, and he stared wordlessly at Jonghyun.


“Who the do you think you are?” growled the smallest—and probably the youngest— member; grabbing the front of Jonghyun’s shirt.


Jonghyun sent the leader an incredulous look. “You’re gonna let your maknae speak to me like that?”


The leader pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Yah Zelo, let him go.”


This ‘Zelo’ character raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “Why the heck are you listening to him?”


“Because I’m awesome.” Bragged Jonghyun, smiling broadly.


Zelo’s eyes tightened; his grip on Jonghyun tightened, before he fiercely shoved him away.


Jonghyun stumbled backwards. “Wow, someone needs help controlling his anger.”


Zelo clenched his hands into fists and if it hadn’t been for his leader’s strong grip on his shoulder, he would have beaten the crap out of Jonghyun.


“What do you want?” Demanded the leader, staring emotionlessly at Jonghyun.


Jonghyun’s face stretched into a wide smile. “Banggie, aren’t you glad to see your cousin?”


Key let out a startled snort. “Cousin?”


Bang Yong groaned and ruffled his hair in frustration. “Hyung didn’t I tell you not to tell anyone?”


“You guys look nothing alike,” murmured Key, his mouth agape.


Jonghyun chuckled. “I got the looks, and he got the muscles.”


“So what brings you here?” Grumbled Bang Yong, folding his arms over his chest.


Jonghyun’s face turned sober. “You know everyone in this neighbourhood; have you seen anyone with short black hair, a scrawny body, an explosive mouth and a hot temper?”


Bang Yong pursed his lips thoughtfully. “If you’re talking about Kim Eunjin than, yes, I’ve seen him just three hours ago.”


Key and Jonghyun exchanged startled looks. “You know him?”


Zelo bitterly rolled his eyes. “Who doesn’t?”


“He has quite the reputation around here.” Explained Bang Yong.


“Do you know where he is now?”


Bang Yong shrugged. “Probably at the park looking for some poor guy to beat up.”


Key sighed and glanced at his watch. “Okay, let’s hurry up and find him before he gets himself into more trouble.”


Jonghyun pinched Key’s cheek and cooed, “Aigoo, my Bummie is so smart.”


Key, whose face was flushed, slapped Jonghyun’s hand away and stomped out of the alley. “Idiot.”


Jonghyun sent Bang Yong an air kiss, “Thanks cuz.” Before stumbling after Key.


“That’s your cousin?” Snickered Zelo, sending Bang Yong a pitiful look.


Daehyun shook his head. “No wonder you have issues.”


Bang Yong groaned. “Let’s not talk about this.”


Silence enveloped them before Jongup finally spoke up. “So, anyone in the mood for chess?”






“Do you wanna get arrested?” hissed Key, clamping his hand over Jonghyun’s mouth.


Jonghyun shook of Key’s hand. “What else do you suggest we do? Stumble blindly through his dark park and hope Eunjin magically appears?”


Key blew his bangs off his face. “Yes, that’s my plan.”


Jonghyun snorted. “You don’t actually think he’ll—”


“What the heck are you doing here?”


“CRAP!” Jonghyun threw his arms around Key in fright.


Eunji stared at them for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and walking in the opposite direction.


“Get off me,” hissed Key as he dumped Jonghyun on the floor.


Jonghyun winced and quickly scurried after Eunji. “WAIT EUNJIN DON’T—”


Eunji turned around and glared at him, causing the rest of the sentence to die in his throat. “Why the heck are you yelling?”


Key rolled his eyes. “I told him not to yell.”


Jonghyun smiled widely, giddy with excitement. “Eunjin let’s get you back home and clean that blo—HOLY CRAP WHY DO YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR SHIRT?”


Eunji smacked him on the back of his head. “What part of don’t yell don’t you understand?”


“The don’t part,” snorted Key, his gaze fixed on Eunji’s blood stained shirt.


“You got stabbed didn’t you?” Whispered Jonghyun, pulling at his hair. “, this is gonna kill Onew. We need to get you to a doctor—no to a hospital—no to a—”


“Jonghyun,” hissed Eunji grabbing Jonghyun’s arm and digging her nails into it. “I did NOT get stabbed. I am NOT dying, AND I AM NOT COMING BACK WITH YOU.”


Jonghyun stared at her with wide eyes before clearing his throat and shaking off her grip. “Who’s yelling now?”


Eunji let out a frustrated cry.


Key chuckled as he watched this with amused eyes. Jonghyun is better at this that I thought.


“I just got into a couple of fights, that’s all.” Murmured Eunji as calmly as she could.


Jonghyun slowly nodded his head. This isn’t working, time to try a different approach.


“Eunjin, do you realize how heartbroken Onew is?”


She rolled her eyes. “I bet he’s really upset about getting caught.”


Jonghyun fiercely shook his head. “It’s not like he purposefully wanted to hurt you, he was forced to—”


Eunji snorted. “Forced to? No one forced that two-timer to do anything that he didn’t want to do.”


The moment Eunji turned around Key’s arm latched forwards and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt; his cat-like eyes blazing with anger.


“Do you know that Onew’s mother is in the hospital with a serious illness? Do you know that his father’s business—which is their only source of income—closed down? Do you know that he was forced into that marriage? DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING?”


Both Jonghyun and Eunji’s eyes were as wide as saucer plates, startled by Key’s outburst.


“We can everyone yell but me?” Grumbled Jonghyun, folding his arms over his chest.


Eunji’s eyes darkened. “He should have told me that from the start.”


Key snorted. “I’m sorry your highness, but Onew had more important thing to—”


Eunji’s eyes suddenly tightened. “Wait,” she interrupted. “Why was Onew forced in that marriage?”


Jonghyun’s shoulders heaved. “By getting married to some rich chick, Onew’s father’s business could still prosper and his mother’s hospital bills could be paid.”


“His father’s business?” She repeated her mind racing with recognition. Didn’t L.Joe say something about that before?


“L.Joe what was the favour my grandmother asked you to do?” demanded Eunji.


“To destroy Onew’s father’s bakery.”


Eunji’s eyes tightened into slits and her hands clenched into fists. She’s behind this after all.


Without saying a single word, Eunji her heals and disappeared into the park.


“Well that didn’t work,” grumbled Jonghyun, dejectedly kicking a pebble.


Key shook his head; a smile forming on his face. “Oh it worked alright.”




“Kim Kibum and Kim Jonghyun, am I boring you to sleep?” growled Mr. Jongdae, standing in front of their desk.


Jonghyun weakly raised his head, thick black circles under his eyes. “I wish you were sir.”


Key rubbed his temple. “Why aren’t those useless sleeping pills working?”


Jonghyun’s head snapped towards him, a horrified expression forming on his face.


“Y-You wanted sleeping pills?”


Key yawned tiredly. “Yeah, isn’t that what you gave me?”


Jonghyun gulped. “I-I thought you wanted anti-constipation pills.”


Key’s eyes flew wide open. “WHAT?”


Jonghyun inched backwards in his seat. “I didn’t mean to—”




The door flew open, followed by a crisp, “Sorry I’m late.”


“Mr. Kim, don’t you look colorful this morning,” muttered Mr. Jongdae drily, referring to the bruises on his student’s face. “Please take your seat.”


“KIM EUNJIN!” Squealed Jonghyun as he jumped out of his seat and threw his arms around Eunji.


“Get off me,” hissed Eunji, shoving the excited male off her. Cheerful idiot.


Jonghyun stared at her with wide, giddy eyes. “You came back for me.”


She rolled her eyes. “No, I came back for me.


Mr. Jongdae pinched the bridge of his nose. “Kim Jonghyun, please stop flirting with Eunjin and sit down.”


Jonghyun happily trolled over to his seat and sat down, his gaze shooting to Key. “We did it!”


Key, who had one hand wrapped around his stomach, sent him one last withering glare, before raising his hand and whispering. “Mr. Jongdae may I please use the washroom?”






Oh my, he brought her back didn’t he? *sigh* Fine, Key helped too.


My fingers are tingling with excitement—can’t wait for Onew to finally see her.

What’s gonna happen? ~~


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[Master of Disguise] OH MY GOD~! LAST CHAPTER ❤


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Nalani #1
Chapter 9: I see that things are heating up between Onew and Eunji
Nalani #2
Chapter 2: I was hoping for her to cut her hair short
sylvia2728 #3
Chapter 67: kyaa !!! i love this story !! great jod author-nim . the best fanfic i've ever read . haha !
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 67: Wow seriously wow . This is daebak . I love it so much . U make a great story here . Good job . Its a sweet and fluff romance . Lee jonghyun being the noisy one
Chapter 67: O.M.G kyaaaaaa that was so cuteee . Hahaha i can't stop smiling when i read all those chapter . Like seriously this is really really cute stories . You really did a goodjob you know . I love the way you write the plot and stories . Omg seriously i love this story . This is the best story that i've read .kyaaa hahaha . Sorry im over excited . And sorry because i became a silent reader that why i said this is the best because i can't stop reading all chapter . You know curiousity kill the cat haha . Thumbs up
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOSH.

I know how it feels. Having a complete beside your story and feeling a sense of... lost? Confusion? Happiness? Sadness? All rushing towards you at once.

Anyways, the ending was cute. But I will only talk to you once again when you give me another SHINee fanfic or something...

Because I'll be desperate for your story...

Chapter 67: THANKS FOR AN AWESOME STORY!! Totally loved it!!!! So sad it ended! :(
Chapter 4: Paper wins over rock . Eunjin chose Rock so she loses . But, it says she won . Haha
Chapter 67: I just noticed that it has come to an end... I'M SO GOING TO MISS THIS!! Maybe I could recommend this to my friend, she also loves Onew :3