Chapter Eighty Five


Kyu entered the kitchen. Most of the members were still asleep. Micha was helping Wookie with breakfast as she was told by her one-day-master. Kyu just watched them while leaning against the kitchen counter. Often Micha needed something behind him, but he wouldn't move, he forced her to stretch around him. Every single time Micha would become shy and blush. She couldn't help but smile happily at Kyu. He just observed her with a gentle smile on his lips. Even the usually oblivious Wookie was eyeing them suspiciously.

Micha was done fixing Kyu's breakfast and she put it on the table. He sat down but didn't move.

'Did I forget something?' She asked concerned.

'Feed me.' He said.

'Yah, Kyu, what is with you this morning!' Wookie exclaimed.

Kyu ignored him and just stared at Micha. She sat herself down beside him and picked up the fork. She offered him some food.

'Blow on it.' Kyu said.

Micha smiled and obeyed. 'Say aaaahhhhh' She mocked him.

He opened up his mouth and let her feed him. His eyes never left her.

'What would you like to drink, oppa? Coffee, tea, juice?'

'Apple juice.'

Micha got up and went to the fridge. She got a box of apple juice and applied the straw. Kyu stared at her and opened his mouth slightly.

Micha giggled and held the straw against his lips. He eagerly drank from it. A drop escaped and ended on his chin. Micha wiped it away with her thumb and then put her thumb in .

'Take a sip.' Kyu ordered.

Micha was about to stand up to get another box from the fridge but Kyu stopped her. 'From mine.'

Blood rushed to her cheeks. She wrapped her lips around the straw and took a sip.

'Another one.' Kyu's voice was caressing her ears.

Micha fed Kyu the entire meal. She wiped his mouth clean and put his plate in the sink. When she turned around she saw all the members staring at them.

'What...the...hell...was that about?' Yeye asked.

'Micha feed me too!!!' Hae begged.

'No.' Kyu grabbed Micha and dragged her out of the kitchen.


Kyu's phone rang. He gestured at Micha to pick it up.

'This is Cho Kyuhyun's phone speaking.' Micha said.

'Euhm, hi, this is Lee Hyunki, is the genius somewhere near?'

'I am so sorry, oppa, there is no genius here.' She grinned. Kyu glared at her and tried to take the phone but Micha stayed out of his reach.

'Micha, is that you?' Hyunki asked.

'Yes, oppa!'

'And is that Cho that I hear cursing in the background?'

'Yes, oppa!'

Kyu finally got a hold on Micha and grabbed the phone while pinning her to the wall. 'This is Kyuhyun speaking, who is this?'

'Finally got some control back, Kyu?'

'What do you want, Hyunki?'

Micha kept writhing against him, trying to escape. Kyu covered the phone and threatened: 'Stop it or we'll repeat what happened in the shower!'

Micha bit her lip and was considering it.

Kyu's eyes darkened. 'Woman you will be the end of me.'

'Are you even listening, Kyu?' Hyunki deadpanned oblivious of what was going on.

'Repeat what you just said.'

'I want to come over today for Micha's first lesson.'

'Not today.'

'Why not? I have her schedules listed here and today she has none.'

'Last minute change, she is occupied all day today.'


Kyu and Micha were playing on the Wii in the living room. Kyu was losing at bowling and he was sulking.

'I'm not feeling happy, slave, change that.' He demanded.

'We've been playing this for an hour, if you didn't like it, you should have told me, oppa!'

'But I love the view!' Kyu admired her behind and his lips.

'Omg you ert!' Micha laughed.

Kyu lifted an eyebrow. 'Is that a way to address your master?'

Micha placed herself on his lap, arms around his neck. 'Sorry, oppa' She kissed him on the forehead. 'Sorry for being a better bowler.' She kissed his nose. 'Sorry for displeasing you.' She kissed his chin. 'Sorry for...'

Kyu tilted her head and kissed her. His hands running through her hair. He changed the angle and kissed her deeper. Soon they were panting, eyes glazed over and lips swollen.

The bell rang. Micha wanted to get up but Kyu kept her. He kissed her again.

The bell rang again.

'Oppa, it could be important!'

Kyu sighed 'Fine.'

Micha ran to the front door. It was Yunho. She was happily chatting with him while guiding him to the living room.

Kyu stiffened.

'Hey Kyu, nice to see you.'

Kyu didn't answer, his eyes fixated on Yunho's arm around Micha's shoulder.

Yunho frowned but shrugged it off.

Micha and Yunho were chatting about all kinds of trivial things while Kyu was boiling.

'So how was it?' Kyu spat at them.

The other two were startled.

'How was what?' Yunho asked.

'Don't even try to hide it, Micha already told me!' Kyu hated to sound so cynical.

Yunho looked at Micha but she was as clueless.

'Kyu, is something bothering you?' Yunho tried again.

'Bothering me? Why would you kissing Micha bother me?' He blurted out.

Yunho's eyes widened. 'Me kissing Micha? I didn't kiss her.'

Kyu jumped up and grabbed Yunho's shirt. 'Are you calling her a liar?'

'N-No, geez Kyuhyun what has gotten into you?'

'We did kiss, oppa, remember when we said goodbye the other week?'

'Micha, that was just on the cheek.' Yunho said.

'You kissed her on the cheek?' Kyu asked.


Kyu grinned widely. He let go of Yunho and sat down with no worries in the world.

'Are you drunk or something?' Yunho asked still trying to process what was going on.

'Or something' Kyu answered.

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Macire #1
Chapter 92: <3
Chapter 92: Frankly i really love eunhae*embrassed* so i keep waiting for their part in this fic...hae is so cute here with micha..they like sister n brother all of ur stories so keep writing neh^^
lavi018 #3
Chapter 92: I really like your story, it was very different with many genres blended together so effortlessly.. Emotions were really touching, characters' had fine personalities especially micha, donghae had two sides to his character, heechul was very sweet... But i still felt that story ended abruptly ended without tying the loose ends.. Stll overall the story is great, keep up the good work.. ^_^
jaeminchoi #4
Chapter 92: I'm so in love with this story!! Hard to believe that it's the last chapter huhu please make the sequel, author-nim~
Chapter 92: epic ending !! ahahahaaha great!!! thank you author-nim :))
Damaris123 #6
Chapter 37: This is funny...Ive read stories where kyu is calm and not a manwhore, but this one it's totally the opposite....really funny
shinee3 #7
Chapter 92: ohhh, your such a gifted writer! I allways enjoy reading your storys and i really liked this one too:) Thanks for being such a talented,awesome author!
Chapter 92: Even though he finally realized that the one she loved was not dagger but him, he did deserve that punch from Hyuk. xD
Chapter 92: This was soooooooooooo had me rolling on the floor with laughter and it was also filled with tender sweet love<3 Thank You for writing such an awesome story:))))))))))
angel_monkey #10
Chapter 10: I just love my ever oblivious,cute,sweet ,adorable ,innocent fish!..