“You Really Are A Despicable Man.”

The Dream Of Another Soul

18112012: The Dream Of Another Soul

Chapter 2; “You Really Are A Despicable Man.”

Clutching tightly on the bright and sparkling silver keys that was in her palm, she strolled along the corridor, peeking at every single door’s number as she goes by. repeated chanting the three digit numbers 253 as she scanned her surrounding eagerly and excitedly.

Gazing at the silver numbers that were engraved on every single door, she stopped at once in front of a particular door with the three digit numbers 253 that she was looking for to be engraved on the door neatly.

Squeezing animatedly at the rabbit doll that she was carrying in the other hand, she was thrilled and enthusiastic for this journey but yet at the same time anxious and trepidation also consumed her. With her eyes gazing at the silver door knob which it can reflected back her own reflection, her hand slowly and cautiously reached out to touch the silver surface but she pulled her hand back at once quickly as if she was afraid of the touch.

“Miss? Are you alright? Do you need some help?” A gentle and kind voice asked which startled Pik Sook at once as she jumped up in fright before immediately dropped her eyes onto the ground and refused to look up at this friendly stranger, “I-I” she stammered but no words came out of .

Seeing the condition and state that she was in, he let out a sympathetic smile on his charming face as he took the keys out of her hand gently which their fingers accidentally interacted with each other causing Pik Sook  jumped back as her hand grasped tightly onto the rabbit toy that she was holding.

Not knowing about the small interaction with their fingers, he simply inserted the key into the key hole and gave the door knob a twist which finally and eventually unlocked the door.

Giving the door a gentle push, he shifted his glance away from the room and back at Pik Sook whom was unwilling to look up to meet this stranger’s eyes. “Here” he said as he held up the keys in front of Pik Sook, he gave it a moderate swing causing the keys to hit each other and let out a gentle and soft dangling sound.

Her eyes gazed at her own keys, she wanted to take it back but at the same time she was afraid of anymore interaction with this man that she had just met. Remaining her hands in the same position and by her own side, she didn’t take back the key but only watched it as the key moved in a gentle and slow pace, hitting each other softly.

Without a further word and in fast and swift speed, he grabbed her hand gently and opened her palm as he dropped the keys accurately on her palm. “See ya” he bid farewell in a friendly and casually manner as he walked past Pik Sook and continued his search for his own room.

“281, 281” he recited as he walked away and without giving Pik Sook another glance. Finally gathering and having the courage to look at him, she turned around and only able to have a view of his back but yet as of his face, she had no idea but she only know that his room is 281 and if she have the chance or have the courage to do so, she really wanted to sincerely thank you for his voluntarily kindness.

With a smile on her face she turned away back her attention onto her own room as she peeked inside slowly and only finding it to be empty; a smile of relief emerged on her face as she pushed open the door and stride into the room. Dropping her bag down on the ground, she jumped onto the bed with her hands and legs stretched out wide in a comfortable position.

Continuing on holding the soft rabbit toys, she gave her surrounding a quick glance. The room was simple designed and apart from basic essential there was nothing else, the empty bed on the other side of the room caught her attention.  

Once again, endless question filled her minds as she pondered and wondered who will her roommate be? What will her roommate think of her? All these questions that popped in her head caused her to pinched the toy rabbit again fretfully as she only hope and pray that her roommate will be a friendly person like the stranger that she had just previously encountered.


Standing in the centre of the small room, Sam Dong glimpsed around before finally pushing his bag gently to one side of the room. Sitting down on the bed, he unhurriedly ped his black bag and he took out a soft hello kitty doll which the white furs of the doll had gradually turned to pale yellow due to the old age and the dirtiness of the soft toy.

Holding it with both hands, a simple smile of content spread on his face as he placed the old hello kitty doll beside the pillow safely and neatly, suddenly without a warning the door pushed open and a young man around the same age as him stepped inside the room. With only one hand wearing the strap of his bag and a pair of earphone placed around his neck, he looked coolly at Song Sam Dong,

Noticing the awkwardness between the two of them, he took the initiative and let out a smile as he raised his hand, “hello I am Song Sam Dong” he introduced himself in a well mannered and polite tone as he flashed out a wide beam.

Jin Guk glanced at his open hand and at the awkward smile that he was wearing before something caught his attention and giving a quick glance at the hello kitty that was sitting beside the pillow, he ignored Sam Dong’s introduction and only twirled around to his bed with his back facing Sam Dong.

“What a freak” he muttered under his breath with an obviously displease look on his face as he dropped his bag onto the floor carelessly and headed out of the room not saying a single word or giving Sam Dong a last glance as he coldly disregarded the clear presence of Sam Dong. Listening as the door clicked close, Sam Dong let out a sigh of relief as he continued on wearing a smile on his face and slowly unpacking his bag calmly.


Hye Mi stepped around the roof top level of the building, her attention was focusing on the beautiful sunset and she allowed the strong wind to blew her long brown hair in every direction, her hand slowly reached out for the wind, hoping to be able to grasp on the wind but yet failed to. Her eyes slowly started to weight down as she closed her eyes and only allowed the wind to blow her back to her memories.

“Daddy” six years old Hye Mi called out as she ran toward her father whom picked her up swiftly and easily with a smile on his old kind face. “My princess” he called her in a gentle and tender tone which she giggled at her own nickname and she stared at his father loving face as he held her up highly in the air allowing the placid breeze to blow her beautiful hair.

Bringing herself back in reality, she blinked her eyes as a drop of tear dripped down her face. Her hands slowly uncontrollably stretched out and continued on remaining with her eyes closed, she didn’t move but only stood, confronting with the calm wind.

Watching her from behind, he dropped his hands in his pocket, “you aren’t planning to commit a suicide, are you? Even if you are, I will not be saving you” he declared cruelly and harshly from behind which at once Hye Mi opened her eyes as she dropped her hands back to her own side before twirling around to stared at him.

“Who told you that I am attempting or even intending to commit a suicide? And even if I am, I am not asking or needing your help” she snapped back furiously and irritably at him as she turned away with her back continued on facing him.

Letting out a smirk as he stepped upward carelessly and hastily, “go and jump then as if I will care whether you live or die “ he expressed back calmly and heartlessly which caused Hye Mi to glared sharply at him and only returning back her glance, “even if you ask me for help or beg me to help, I won’t be helping you.”

Staring at this man with an evident disgust written on her face, “you really are a despicable man” she expressed which he gave a careless shrug, “I really don’t care as to what you think or feel of me” he said back before without another word, he put his earphone that was at first wrapped around his neck to back around his ear as he sat down comfortably on the ground, ignoring Hye Mi.

Stepping up to this man, she kicked him on the arm contemptibly “you took my spot” she declared with clear irritation in her voice and only closing his eyes without opening them, “I don’t see your name anywhere” he said peacefully as he paid no more attention of Hye Mi and seeing that this man isn’t budging or planning to go away sooner or later, Hye MI unwillingly having no choice but turned away and walked off from the direction where she come from earlier.

As Hye Mi climbed back down the stairs, Jin Guk fluttered his eyes open as he shook his head and whispered softly, “what an arrogant girl?”


Humming softly and smoothing a beautiful tune, Pik Sook combed her long black hair, blissfully when unexpectedly and out of the blue, the sound of the keys dangling coming from outside and the jingle of the key unlocking the door immediately at once alerted Pik Sook as she jumped up from her spot.

She gazed around, pondering and thinking of what to do, of what she can do before quickly without another thought, jumped to her bed and with the blanket that she have, she quickly used it to cover and hide herself.

Listening carefully as the door to the room unlocked and hearing the door being pushed open gently, she gave a slight peek and only found herself looking at a girl around her age with a carefree and kind smile on her pure face.

With her eyes following her every action, she watched as she dropped her bag carefully down beside her own bed and headed up to Pik Sook. Noticing that she is coming toward herself, Pik Sook instantly shut her eyes close as she gripped her hands which it turned into a fist.

Baek Hee stared at the blanket that was covering Pik Sook’s head and a smile let out from her light pink lip as she smiled at the behaviour of Pik Sook. Not wanting to disturb or bother her any further, Baek Hee quietly headed back to her own bed and taking out a cloth and some clean clothes, she sauntered up to the bathroom and closed the door behind her with a click.

As soon as Baek Hee was inside the bathroom, Pik Sook immediately sat up and removed the blanket as she gasped desperately for air. Her eyes moved to the bathroom and a sigh of relief slipped out of her thin lip as she tiredly and safely dropped her head back on the soft pillow.

Author's Note

haha thank you for everyone comment and support, i know that this chapter is a bit boring but this show the interaction and the connection of the characters. haha the suggestion of WooJung, to be honest i have actually never thought about it but anyway i hope that you guys will continue to support and comment on this story. And i do apologize if my grammar is bad and i can promise you that next chapter will show more of their connection and will be more exciting so please stay tune for next chapter ^^

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Chapter 2: Plz update plz update plz update. When update??
UmaMee #2
Chapter 2: please,update soon... love eunjung. :(
pioushej #3
Chapter 2: update soon please thank you!