Stop, Warning, Go


It is a bright, sunny day. Wind breeze is very warm and cozy - perfect weather to hit the road with some peers and blasting music and just the usual escapade. But being the busy famous star Jessica is; she cannot afford to do it.  She’s a famous celebrity for goodness’ sake. She cannot even afford to drink some coffee and just chill out without her manager calling her non-stop and her members texting her continuously ‘till her phone will just shut down by itself.


Right at this moment, she is driving fast heading to her company’s office in Apgujeong-dong, driving towards reality – her life as a member of the nation’s most famous girl group, Girls’ Generation.


She is driving in the speed of 70km/hr. And she is almost in reach of the intersection when the stoplight goes red, motioning her to stop and to wait for the signal to go. She quickly pushes the brake pedal and to her relief, she manages to stop the car just in time.


Her temper has reached the boiling point, out of annoyance, that made her scream the famous dolphin scream. “Argh!” she yells while hitting the steering wheel.

She hates it.

She hates this kind of moment.

One, because she’s in a rush and cannot wait for the stoplight to go green but she can’t also afford to be such a badass and pass through the hordes of cars passing in front and just violate the law. Two, just because she is the Jessica Jung and waiting isn’t really her thing.

And lastly, because she has the tendency of overthinking things while she’s waiting. It is when she unwillingly listens to the thoughts of the inner Jessica. No, the Sooyeon which she had forgotten – unwillingly and forcefully– a long time ago.

That Sooyeon who is perfectly hidden under the cold yet charming facade of the Ice Princess, that Sooyeon who always reminds her of the past, of their past.

It really isn’t bad to think of what had happened to the past, she believes. Of course, it is still a part of her that cannot, in any way, be erased.



But, what pains her is the past shared with that certain fishy, that Babo Bada.



That fishy... he was her confidant, her best friend, and her lover all at the same time. Everyone thought, even them, that she and he would last for a lifetime. That us will always be together.


But, tables turned and things changed. Their ritual talks became awkward hi’s and hello’s; their rooftop meet-ups had no more next; their thousand I-love-you’s turned into I-don’t-know-you-anymore. Everything was gone in one snap.


Some says it’s because of the cunningness of the entertainment industry – the endless rumours or scandals regarding their relationship, unwavering threats from anti’s and from their fans alike, and the pressure hindering their blooming careers. Some says it’s because the love is gone. But, some believes it just happened, it is bound to happen anyways.


No one really knows the reason why things turned out that way; even them, they don’t know. Things just fell apart, they drifted away. But all their thoughts, feelings, everything is now buried and meant to be forgotten forever.


Forever, she wishes.


Beep! Beep!

Jessica stops from her trance by the sound coming from the cars behind her.  She faces front, and there she sees the light’s green already. It tells her to go.


She stomps on the pedal and her car starts to move forward, heading to her company’s office in Apgujeong-dong, driving towards reality – her life as a member of the nation’s most famous girl group, Girls’ Generation.


Her life as Jung Jessica and not as Jung Sooyeon.



Her life where that fishy isn’t part of anymore but just merely her colleague and nothing more.

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Chapter 1: wish this was a long story....!!!
lovehaesica #2
I love your story :)
Jessica jung fighting :"
So sad yet so touching and romantic.....
smurfette #4
The cycle of Jung Jessica without her fishy T_T