Stupid Chick Flick

Noisy Neighbour


Lunch with Yongguk definitely took out the stress from Jieun. They talked mostly about their fellow trainees in TS and how they are progressing themselves.

“Have the Untouchable-sunbaenims checked your rap?” she asked.

“Not yet. They haven’t called me yet,” he said, disappointment written all over.

“Don’t worry. They’ll call you soon. What are you planning to perform?” she asked.

“It’s Okay,” He answered confidently.

“I’d say ‘good luck’ but I’m sure you can nail it,” she said with a smile.

Yongguk smiled giddily, “You think so?”

“I know so,” she said confidently.

Yongguk felt his insides twist as he let out an embarrassed laugh. But that twist, was something good. It was good enough since he knows only Jieun can make him feel that way…


After a nice talk, the two decided to get back home. Yongguk walked Jieun to her door. Coming back home and remembering the letter Jieun haven’t opened yet, her stress somehow goes back to her.

“See you tomorrow?” Yongguk’s voice surprised her.

“Uh… yeah…” she managed a smile.

Yongguk still sensed that something was wrong with her.

“The letter…” Yongguk started.

Jieun stiffened.

“Right. The letter,” Jieun tried faking a smile. “I haven’t read it yet,”

“Oh, didn’t you say it came from your mom? You should read it now,” he said just to make things less stressful for Jieun.

Jieun nodded and headed in. Yongguk then headed back to his house.




Yongguk slouched down on his sofa and sighed heavily.

*Jieun doesn’t seem okay… even if she says she is…* he thought as he open up the TV.

He stared blankly at the TV letting the characters in the movie keep talking.

*that letter… that must be the reason. She stiffened at the mention of it. She didn’t even look good when she saw it herself in the first place…*

Yongguk recalled the letter Jieun tried to show earlier.

*it looks like any other letter… except for that odd looking stamp… it looks more like a logo than a stamp if I think about it more. But only business letters have logos…?*

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

*is she okay…? What if she has a problem? She did mention her mom sent that letter… can I help her? Maybe I can… or maybe I should—*



‘Why do I feel like I know her already?’


A voice interrupted Yongguk.

He opened his eyes and saw the movie. The main character was talking to himself next to a sleeping girl.


‘But I’ve known her for just weeks…’


The character kept on talking.

Something about those words made Yongguk pay attention to the movie.


*Are you mocking me?* he eyed the TV screen.

Even though he might look pathetic, he eyed the TV as if glaring at the main character. And as if responding, the main character smirked. Yongguk’s eyebrows formed together and looked very affected than irritated.

*of course I know Jieun long enough to know that she’s not okay.* he spat back to the character.


‘Do I have the right to care for her…?’


The character said again.


“Of course I have—what the hell am I doing?” he asked frustratingly at himself.

He eyed his TV and saw the main character staring at the sleeping girl next to him.


Next thing he did… he peeked over at his window right behind his TV set where Jieun’s window is. He realized what he did then immediately turn away.


“Stupid chick flick…” he mouthed then turned it off and walked up to his room.






do you guys watch Flower Boy Next Door?

That so called movie Yongguk was watching had Yoon Si Yoon's line one of the episodes :))

I earned a few subscribers again (/o\)


Now i feel burdened to update TT_____TT


Nah~ JUST KIDDING~!!!! Mehrong :P


There's another one coming up. 


Sorry for being so short. MIANHE :3

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baby_eunkyura #1
Chapter 21: kyaa sweet couple BangSong ♥♥ update soon please ;) :D
Chapter 21: Kyaaqqq BANGSONG<3<3<3<3

update juseyo ^^
zasstar #3
Chapter 21: I am sooooo into this! Love it!
Keep updating!
Quick update~
youngup #5
Chapter 21: jieun and yongguk are just so damn cute together!
Chapter 21: a cute update ;) ah, just date already kekekekekekekeke.....
Chapter 20: cute~
Chapter 20: ah jieunnie, please talk your problem with yongguk. He will be able to help you ;) awwww, she's thinking about him
jagiyaboo #9
Chapter 20: BangJi!!! *o* Well, you'll really sacrifice everything for the one's you love :) Oh and by the way, I think that that vocal trainer from Chapter 14 likes Yongguk ;)
sarangstories #10
Chapter 20: awwww *-*b