Showy Jiyong

I wanna be pretty




                              So yeah, I'm now the girlfriend of the most handsome guy on earth. I don't know why but i'm feeling both sad and happy with my situation right now. Sad maybe because he have so many fangirls not just in our school but even in the higher society where he belong. I even heard that an actress named Kiko is flirting with him when she found out that Jiyong and I have a little misunderstanding. The nerve of that girl for trying to steal my Jiyong away from me.


                              "Sweetie! You are spacing out AGAIN.." Jiyong said. I am currently on the bleacher while waiting for him but because of spacing out too much I didn't notice that he is now sitting beside me. I'm not spacing out. I'm just imagining how Kiko would look like if I pull all her hair out. Bwahahaha.. That is what I want to say but I didn't blurt it out. I know that he'll just laugh at me and may even tease me for being jealous.


                                    "I'm not spacing out. I'm just thinking what genre i'll write for my literary piece.." I lied.


                                    "I thought you already pass your literary piece to Prof. Teddy?" he said smiling. Obviously, he knows i'm lying. He has this ability to sense whenever i'm lying. "Sweetie.." he touched my chin and then leveled my eyes to him. "Don't lie to me arasso? We both know how obvious you can be when you are lying.." Aissh. Told you, he can sense it.


                                        "Aisssh.. Arasso.. Tell me the honestly, do I really when I lie?" I asked him and without any hesitation he nod. Aigoo! He could have just lied right? I pout my lips and then he just laughed at me before pulling me into a hug. We were both like that for a moment, no talking just hugging when I suddenly felt light kisses on my head. Since I love it everytime he's pampering me with his cheesiness and sweetness, I didn't mind him. But after awhile, I noticed that almost all of the students sitting on the bleacher are now looking at us. Some have this furious looks on their faces especially the girls. Their just jealous because i'm in this situation. Some also are teasing us especially his basketball teammates called BigBang.


                                     "Babe, let go of me arasso? We're attracting attention here already.." I said while trying to remove his hands from my waist. But he just tightened his grip on me, he then started kissing me on the face while I continued struggling.. "Babe! I said let go! Stooop it. Kekeke.." I was laughing so hard now since he is kissing me on my sensitive part, my neck. "Babe! Kyaaah! Stoooop it!" The students are now gathered behind us witnessing how my boyfriend can be so showy sometimes.


                                "Babe? Now who is that? Is that the name of the pig from the movie that we watched last night? ^^" He stopped kissing me but he is still holding me tight.. When he is about to kiss me again on the lips, I shrieked and the other students just laughed at us.


                                         "Babe! Stop!" I'm now starting to get pissed.


                                         "I told you, don't call me babe. Just call me Hubby.." Aissh. He really is corny. He told me to call him hubby short for husband because he was already suggesting last night that we get married already. Really Jiyong? I'm just 18 and he is 20. We are too young. Aigoo! He is so silly sometimes.


                                       "Hubby, let go of me N.O.W." There, I am really pissed off. He obeyed me and when he fully let go of me, I started pinching him on his shoulder but he is just laughing. When I got tired, I stood up and started walking briskly straight to the center of the open field. I didn't mind even if it's raining so hard already. I heard Jiyong calling after me even shouting that I might get sick but I just continued walking.


                                       When I felt him following me, I looked back at him and he really is following me. He is now soaking wet too. When I stopped, he stopped too looking away. When I went on walking, he followed me again. "Will you please stop following me?!" I hissed at him when he started following me again.


                                       "But I want to. Sweetie I'm sorry alright? I just can't help showing to them how sweet we can be. I just can't resist your charm. I just can't resist kissing and hugging you. I just can't resist being showy.." he said while walking towards me. When he stopped, I couldn't help but laugh because he puffed his cheeks and did his famous puppy eyes. "Stop laughing. I'm being serious here. So, what will I do for you to forgive me?" he asked.


                                        "Hmmm, let me think.. Hmm, ohhh! Shout to the world that you love me.. ^^"


                                  "Is that all? Pfffft! Chicken!" he bent down to the level of my ears and whispered, "I love you Sandara Park more than you'll ever know.." 


                                      I just chuckled at him. "I love you too Kwon Jiyong but what I told you is to shout to the world that you love me and not whisper it to me.." 


                                          "But you would hurt your ears if I shout.." 




                                            "Aigooo! Why are you so slow? Dara, you are my world.." he then said.



                                          "Ahw you sweet guy.." I said then pulled him into a kiss. He got shocked because this is the first time that I initiate a kiss.. We were just kissing there, not minding the rain and the cheers of our fellow students when the announcement speaker suddenly echoed indicating that the principal Mr. YG as what we call him is going to announce something.


                                         "The two of you in the field kissing, in my Office. NOW!" Ooops. Trouble.


                                         I got this worried look in my face while Jiyong just laugh and even teased me..


                                      "Yaah! Sweetie.. This is all your fault.." he said while we started walking towards the principal's office with our hands interlaced with each other.


                                         "Why me? It's not my fault!" I said defensively.


                                  "If you didn't initiate the kiss then we wouldn't be kissing there. Aigoo, if the principal prohibits me from playing basketball i'll punish you.." he chuckled.


                                           "Punish me? And what punishment is that tell me.."


                                        "No kissing for one whole week!" he said.. Aigoo! This man is really silly. I just laughed at him while lightly punching him on his shoulders. He suddenly scooped me in his arms doing the bridal carry. He kissed me again then the announcement speaker started echoing all over the school. We heard the principal getting pissed already at us...^^


Next morning..

Jiyong's POV


                                           It's our first anniversary today. I'm so excited to see her at school. It's my habit every morning to fetch her at her apartment but today I purposely didn't drop by. I have a surprise for her.. I was about to leave the gym with my teammates following me. They are all carrying flowers and chocolates and music instrument. I'm planning to serenade her today in their room. When I was giving them the instruction for the plan we saw my sweetie's bestfriend Bom..


                                            "Yaah Bom noona! Where's Dee?" I asked her.


                                         "I don't know too. She was absent for our first class. She's not even answering my call. I thought you know where she is so I went here.." Bom noona explained with a worried look. I immediately looked for my phone to call her. My teammates and Bom noona are all looking at me with worried looks on their faces.. Sweetie isn't answering my call too. I tried once again and finally she answered..


                                          "Yobosayo?" she answered weakly..


                                 "Yaaah.. Are you okay? Why are you absent? You're not even answering Bom noona's call?" i asked her worriedly..


                                    "Mianhe.. I'm not feeling well that's why I wasn't able to go to school.. Mianhe.." she said weakly.. I even heard her cough..


                                       "Aisshh.. Okay, you rest now.. I'll go there.." I said then immediately hung up. "She's sick.." I told noona and my teammates.. They were all looking at the things I've prepared for my surprise.. I was about to leave them when Seungri asked..


                                        "Hyung, what about these? What are we going to do with these?" he said, holding the chick doll up..


                                   "It's up to you. Just give it to who ever you want to give.." I said then I immediately run to where my car is being park. But before I start the engine I look back at where I left the guys and saw T.O.P hyung giving Bom noona the flowers. He have a secret crush on her..


                                   When I arrived at her apartment, the door is locked. Since I have my spare key, I entered freely. I went straight to her room and found her lying on her bed, awake.. She smiled weakly at me..


                                    "Hi hubby.."


                                "Hi sweetie.." I sat on her bed and removed my shoes. Then I lied beside her. I hugged her tightly.. "Did you drink your meds. already?"


                                   "Yeah..Hmm, thank you.."


                                   "For what?"


                                    "For being here with me even though you still have lots of things to do at school.."


                              "It's okay.. Those things can wait. Hmm.. Sleep now.." I said before giving her a kiss on the forehead. After awhile, I noticed that she's sleeping already so I carefully got up and went straight to the kitchen. I looked for something to cook but when I opened her cupboard, all I can see are Ramyun. In the ref there's nothing to cook too. Aigoo! This woman doesn't really know how to cook.. I went inside her room again and left a note saying I went to shop for some groceries. I gave her another kiss on the forehead.


                                 I hurriedly went straight to the market to buy some groceries. Good thing that my mom taught me how to cook. I dropped by the pharmacy too to buy her medicine for her fever and cough. I also bought a thermometer for me to check her temperature. Hmmm, i'm actually wondering why i'm being like this. It's my first time to act so caring for my girlfriend. Maybe I just love her this much. When I went back, I checked on her before starting cooking. She's still sleeping peacefully. Her temperature is also not high, it's 37.3 degree celsius. I went to her kitchen to cook her favorite soup. I was so busy cooking that I didn't notice that she is already behind me. I got startled when I felt her hug me from behind...

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lunarlisp #1
please write more
tepitip #2
Yes. I'm planning to write more awhile ago but I still have my duty in the hospital. I'm actually cramming while typing this story. Kekeke.. ^^
paulinesflores #3
Chapter 2: Add some more. Hihi. :)
1say16 #4
Chapter 1: awww soooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kyahhhhhhhhhhhh
tepitip #5
Kyaaah! Thank you guys for taking time reading this.. This was supposed to be only a oneshot but due to your requests i'm planning to write a sequel or even make this a multi-shot.. What do you think? Keke. Anyways, try reading "The Game" by Ninaraee and "Mobster for rent" by Huntress unni. They are all good! :)))

Readers fighting! :))))
Chapter 1: Dis story is amazing and I really LOVE it!!!
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, i can't even... It's so cute! <3

And when he said, "kissing my girlfriend.." I. Just. Died.
sorry for taking place...
hope u don't mind ^^

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charmillesenica #9
Chapter 1: So cute!!!
Chapter 1: so cute, and need sequel