
A Chosen Fate

Saturday, 10th May 2010

Half a year had passed and Super Junior was getting more and more popular, with the three new members. K.R.Y had held two concerts in Japan and China and following, they will be holding the next one in Singapore at 'The Float @ Marina Bay'. Of course, Super Junior will hold their 2 days Super Show first, then followed by the K.R.Y concert. The tickets had all been sold out and fans had already started making their banners and signs.

Meanwhile, Super Junior was still in Seoul at their dorm, preparing to take their van to the Seoul Incheon Airport. 

"Yesung!" Kyuhyun started shouting from his room and Yesung immediately appeared. 

"Yes? Can't you stop shouting?" Yesung asked, irritated.

"I need some help! I can't fit my laptop into my suitcase!" Kyuhyun whined and pouted.

"Oh gosh. Can you stop doing that aegyo? Its sickening." Yesung scrunched up his nose and said.

"But you always still give in to me." Kyuhyun smirked and commented.

"Fine. Whatever. But what has your laptop got to do with me?" Yesung asked.

"Can you help me put some of my clothes in your suitcase so that my laptop can fit in?"

"I'm fine with that. Hand me the clothes." Yesung answered as he stepped closer to Kyuhyun. He widened his eyes when Kyuhyun handed him his undergarments and several shirts.

"No need to be so shocked. We are all guys. Now, get out of my room." Kyuhyun commented as he pointed towards the door.

"Y-Yah! Is that the way to treat someone who agreed to help you? You little snarky brat But fine, I will leave." Yesung pouted and left. Kyuhyun chuckled at his childish hyung and continued to pack his clothes.

"Everything packed?" Leeteuk asked as he eyed all the members.

"Yes." All of the members chorused and he sighed in relief. 

"Let's get up the van then. We will sit in pairings again. Seems like fans like it when paired members alight together."

"But I have to be forever alone. Unless Nari comes with me." Shindong complained.

"Pssh. No complaints. Get your asses up the van now." Leeteuk ordered and everyone obeyed.

The manager was in the driver seat and Shindong sat beside him. Then followed by KangTeuk, HanChul, SiBum, EunHae, ZhouRy, MinWook and Kyusung at the back seats.

Yesung plugged in his earphones and started listening to some of the songs he had downloaded while Kyuhyun started to play his PSP. Sungmin and Ryeowook kept looking at them and then they would turn back and start giggling like teenage girls. Kyuhyun noticed this and immediately faced them, his face contorted with anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" Kyuhyun shouted and this caught the attention of Yesung and Siwon.

"Dear God. Please forgive Kyuhyun as he had sinned." Siwon started saying and everyone rolled their eyes at him.

"Siwon, not now." Kyuhyun stated and turned back to the Minwook couple. Yeah, call them couple. They had gotten together a month ago and surprise! Ryeowook was the one who confessed to Sungmin with the lines of 'MInnie, roses are red, violets are blue; sugar is sweet, so are you. I love you Minnie. Will you be my boyfriend?'... Yeah that left everyone speechless and some ended up vomiting. (exaggeration, i know, but back to the point...) Sungmin gave Ryeowook a nudge and Ryeowook started smirking. You are right, smirk. Little Wookie has been hanging around corrupted Henry and Lady HeeHee...

"You two look like a couple who had quarreled." Ryeowook stated and both Kyuhyun and Yesung's eyes widened.

"Bwoh? Wae?!" They both asked at the same time.

"Well, Yesung hyung straightaway listened to music when we first got up the van and he didn't even glance at Kyuhyun. And then Kyuhyun started to play his PSP because he was bored. Both seems to be ignoring each other and not a word was spoken between the two of you." Sungmin explained and Henry gave him a high-five. Remind Leeteuk to keep Henry away from Heechul. 

"Sheesh I was just only listening to music. And you two sneaky brats.... No way we are a couple too..." Yesung rolled his eyes and said.

"I just wanted to occupy my time with playing. Is that a problem? And how can we be a couple? Our personalities clash." Kyuhyun asked.

"Denial is the first stage of love. And as I said, since your personalities clash, you guys can balance each other's differences!" Heechul shouted from the front of the van.

"Is everyone ganging up against me and Kyu right now?" Yesung whined and pouted while everyone except Kyuhyun answered 'yes'.

"Pfft." Was all the answer they got from Yesung. Everyone chuckled at the cute sight and returned back to whatever they were doing. A while later, the van pulled up in front of the airport. Screams could be heard from the fans when the van's doors slid open and revealed Leeteuk and Kangin. Shindong got down from the front seat first and the screams became louder. Then KangTeuk went down and fans started shouting 'KangTeuk! KangTeuk!'. Same goes for Hanchul, Sibum, EunHae, Zhoury and Minwook. When the last pairing Kyusung emerged, the screams were deafening and so loud that Kyuhyun and Yesung had to cover their ears. The fans had started screaming  'Kyusung! Kyusung!' and some even screamed 'OMO! All the pairings are seating together! I can die a happy death right now!'. The two vocalists at the back could barely hold in their laughter as the security guards led them into the crowded airport.

The members all checked in and boarded the plane to Singapore, now seating in different places already. Henry was seating with Yesung, Kyuhyun with Ryeowook, Sungmin with Zhou Mi, Hanchul together, Siwon with Donghae, Eunhyuk with Kibum, KangTeuk together and Shindong was being 'forever alone' again. As the plane took off and headed for Singapore, the Super Junior members started conversing among themselves.


"Yesungie hyung~ Come on, tell me who you like!" Henry started elbowing Yesung while the latter started to blush.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Come on hyung, you know you are bad at lying." Henry stated. 


"It's Kyuhyun right?" Henry whispered and grinned when he saw his hyung's face heat up.

"N-No!" Yesung stuttered.

"Your answer just confirmed my guess, hyung." Henry gave him a chipmunk grin and went back to do his own stuff while Yesung sighed. Henry is too corrupted.

"Kyu?" Ryeowook asked cheerily.

"Yes? What do you want?" Kyuhyun asked, not bothering to look up from his PSP.

"Do you like Yesung hyung? Like as in that kind of like?" Ryeowook asked. He knew Kyuhyun did not like people who beat around the bush and so, he was straightforward in his question.

"W-What?!" Kyuhyun stuttered, almost dropping his PSP at that question.

"Kyu, I think you just confirmed my guess. You do like Yesung hyung- Wait. Let me correct myself. You love Yesung hyung." Ryeowook teased as he started texting Henry while Kyuhyun looked on, bewildered.


From: Wookie

To: Mochi

MUAHAHAHA Kyu was so shocked and he was stuttering! Kinda confirmed my guess. How bout' Yesungie hyung?


From: Mochi

​To: Wookie

Yeah, same here. Ended up denying but denial is the first stage of love right? We should tell Heechul hyung that his plan had succeeded. Now, let's seat back and start to enjoy the drama. ^^


Ryeowook grinned when he saw the message Henry sent back to him and he quickly typed another message to Heechul.


From: Wookie

To: Lady HeeHee

Hyung! Plan succeeded! ^^


From: Lady HeeHee

To: Wookie

Good. Now is the time where those two idiots do something and we will 'help' them. Wait till we reach Singapore. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The plane slowly descended and landed at Changi Airport Terminal 3. The passengers on the plane, along with the Super Junior members and staff members alighted from the plane and got their luggage before heading out of the arrival hall. As soon as they were outside, the deafening screams of the fans could be heard again. The airport staff were very efficient and started leading them to a private exit so that they could avoid the fans. They made it to the carpark where a black van was already waiting for them. They got up and sat in their pairings again as the van headed off to their hotel.

When they reached their hotel, they could not see any fans around and they were relieved. Seems like they wouldn't be stalked by fans. After unloading all the luggage and handing them over to the bellboys, they headed into the hotel and got their room arrangements done before getting their card keys. 

Room arrangements:

All members stay on the tenth floor

Room 101: KangTeuk

​Room 102: HanChul

Room 103: SiBum

Room 104: EunHae

Room 105: ZhouRy

Room 106: MinWook

Room 107: KyuSung

Room 108: Shindong

"Seems like we are stuck together again and Shindong gets to have his own room..." Yesung sighed as he plopped down on his own white hotel bed.

"Yeah. All the couples are together and we are stuck together again. Pfft." Kyuhyun groaned and covered his eyes from the sunlight streaming into the room. 

"Yah! Now go and freshen up before we go and get lunch. We have to go for our rehearsal!" Yesung ordered and the younger made a sound of acknowledgement.

Both of them freshened up and changed into simple t-shirts and dress pants for their rehearsal. They then headed off to find the other members who were already waiting for them at the hotel cafeteria downstairs. Lunch was uneventful and they headed to 'The Float@ Marina Bay' after that. The rehearsal started off and large crowds of fans gathered to watch them.


"Ouch. I am so freaking tired!" Eunhyuk complained when they headed back to the hotel after their dinner.

"Pssh. Stop complaining Hyuk. At least we had a nice view of the Merlion, Esplanade, the Art Science Museum, Singapore flyer and the Singapore River from there. The view was spetacular!" Donghae said, his eyes lighting up at the recollection.

"Yeah Hyuk, we are going to tour the whole Singapore tomorrow for the whole day you know?" Leeteuk said excitedly.

"I guess that makes up for my pain then!" Eunhyuk chirped happily.

"But where are we visiting?" Kibum asked.

"We are visiting the Singapore Flyer, Singapore Zoo, Orchard Road for shopping, Universal Studios Singapore." Zhou Mi read off from the list in his hands.

"Wow. Sounds exciting! I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight!" Yesung jumped around and exclaimed, making everyone pinch his cheeks.

"Why are you guys pinching my cheeks?!" Yesung shrieked.

"Serves you right for being so cute at your age." Kyuhyun answered and blushed when he realized he had said that in front of everyone.

"Hohoho Kyuhyunie~ You said that yourself!~" Everyone exclaimed and smirked.

"A-Ah-I am going to sleep now!" Kyuhyun made an excuse and fled to his room.

"Wait-the card key is with Kyuhyun and if he leaves me here, I wouldn't be able to get in! Kyuhyun! Wait for me!" Yesung shouted after the retreating figure as he too, ran to the room. Everyone chuckled at the two's behavoir.

"I smell love in the air." Henry commented.

"Oh dear. Remind me to keep Heechul away from Henry again." Leeteuk sighed tiredly.



Hello peeps! <3 I wanted to update yesterday but I had a party with my neighbours yesterday and I didn't have enough time to finish the whole chapter. So I finished it today! ^^ I based this chapter in Singapore because I find Singapore a very interesting country that is really small but well-developed and it is the country with the second largest population in the whole world. Cool right? :P I researched on it!~ Bye and enjoy this chappie!

I edited the background and poster for this story if you didn't notice!

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Chapter 16: i dunno,i a sequel about the other couple...i guess....
Chapter 16: Omg that's a cute ending!!~
I really enjoyed this fic and I hope you write more Kyusung next time XD
siana-chan #3
Chapter 16: Awwwwwwww that was definitly a sweet fanfiction :)

I loved it, thank you very much <3
Chapter 16: awww its so adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 esp all the random couples hahaha... but victoria's personality transformation is a bit too fast tho... but generally this whole fic is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^ i love that diva :D
Chapter 16: i so totally loved the ending it was so cute and i seriously loved hoe Heechul and Hyukkie were at the ending
Chapter 16: Cute ending is cute~ ^^ Really enjoyed this! :D
Chapter 16: This is a great ending, unnie!~
And I commented!~ Haha :X
Love you and I shall wait for the sequel~
siana-chan #8
Chapter 15: Sooo gooood ! I can't wait for Yesung to meet with Kyuhyun, and for Kyuhyun to make his declaration >_< !
Ladyghai #9
Chapter 15: can't wait to know what kyuhun's plan hehehe :)