A Good Laugh

A Good Laugh

"Are you going to come over tonight?"

"I don't really know... I have to study for my exam"

"Please come over~ I promise to help you study later but I miss you"

"I miss you too... No Tao do not use your-"

It was too late your boyfriend had brought his hands up near his face, "Please _____, Bbuing Bbuing~!"

You could handle his begging and his cute pleas but once he pulled out his aegyo on you, you didn't stand a chance against his cuteness and always ended up giving in.

"Fine! I will come to the dorm tonight..."

"Yay!" he cheered as he wrapped his arms around you placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Oh Kris Gege wanted me to ask if you can cook dinner?"


"Please~ "

"Your aegyo won't work on me this time!" you wiggled your way out of his arms and ran through your apartment to find a hiding place.

"____-shi! You can't resist my cuteness!" he chased after you.

You laughed as you ran down the hall way to your bedroom. Tao caught up to you and tackled you onto the bed. You closed your eyes and turned your face away from him. Tao leaned down closer to your Face and pecked your cheek.

"____-shi please please please cook us dinner tonight?!" he begged putting all his aegyo into his voice as he placed kisses all over your face.

"Tao stop it~!" you laughed, his kisses tickling your face.

"I won't stop until you say yes~"

You managed to get one of your arms free and you reached to the side and grabbed a pillow. Then you whacked Tao with the pillow.

"Ow. Stop. It." he chuckled trying to grab the pillow out of your hand.

You rolled out from under him and stood up with the pillow in your hands ready to hit him again, "Aha! Your wushu skills is no match for my... My... My pillow fighting skills!"

He chuckled from the bed, "No they aren't but this is! Bbuing Bbuing!"

You started laughing at your adorable boyfriend who was doing his cute aegyo. While you were laughing he pulled you back on the bed and trapped you in his arms.

"So dinner?"

"..... Fine."

He smiled and pecked your cheek, "Thanks _____-shi~"

You and Tao walked into the Exo-M dorm with your hands full of grocery bags.

"____-shi!" you looked up to see a smiling Xiumin walking towards you.

"Hi Xiumin oppa~" you said returning his smile.

"Oh you're cooking?! Let me help you carry that!" he said excitedly grabbing the bags from you and walked away into the kitchen.

"What about me Gege?!" Tao called after Xiumin.

"You can carry them!" Xiumin called from the kitchen, you laughed at Tao who was pouting. Then walked into the kitchen and began cooking. About a half an hour later Kris came walking into the kitchen.

"Yes! I knew Tao would convince you to cook for us!" he said smiling as he high-fived Tao, then  looked over your shoulder to see what you were making. You turned around and glared at him, he chuckled in response.

"Yah! Instead of standing there grab the plates and chopsticks and set the table! You too Tao!" you glared at the two and they quickly grabbed plates and chopsticks and went to set the table.

You chuckled as you shook your head.

  "_____ do you need help?" you turned around to see Chen walking into the kitchen.

"Sure can you just put those vegetables in please?" you nodded towards the cutting board.

"Ok~" he walked over and helped dump them into the pan that you were frying chicken.

"Stir fry tonight?" Chen asked.

You nodded, finishing the stir fry you made and Chen carried it out to the table where five guys sat waiting. After dinner was done Luhan and Yixing did the dishes.

After the dishes were done the seven of you guys sat in the living room trying to figure out a game to play.

"Let's play pictionary!"Chen said running out from the hallway with the board game in his hands.

"Yeah! Let's play!" you cheered.

"I call being on _____'s team!" Tao shouted.

"No!" the rest of the members of Exo M shouted.

"We will decide the teams by playing rock, paper, scissors" Kris declared.

The teams were set it was you, Chen, and Lay against Kris, Tao, Xiumin, and Luhan.

So Kris's team got to go first and Kris was the first one to draw. As he was drawing the rest of his team were shouting out answers.

"Bunny!" Luhan shouted.
"Rabbit!" Tao shouted.
But Kris shook his head an the time ran out which gave your team a chance to guess.

"Is it a donkey?" you asked, Kris shook his head in frustration.

"Okay what is it Gege?" Chen asked.

"It's a rhino."

"WHAT?! THAT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A RHINO GEGE!" Tao shouted in disbelief.

Everyone started laughing and then moved on to your teams turn. Your team was doing really well and you could see Tao frowning on the other side of the table.

Finally it was Kris's team's turn again. This time Tao had to draw.

As he was drawing the rest of the team began to guess, "Spaceship!"


"UFO!" Luhan shouted as the time ran out.

"What is that jagi?" you asked tilting your head in confusion at your boyfriend's drawing.

"It's a toilet..."

Everyone was rolling on the floor laughing. Tao frowned and got up and walked away. You noticed him and you ran after him.

"Tao! It's okay~" you said back hugging him. He turned to face you and pressed his forehead to yours.

"No it's not..."

"Yes it is~ your drawing was cute."

"You're just saying that because you're my girlfriend..."

"No I'm not just saying that I honestly thought that it was cute~" you said kissing his nose. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"So will you come back and play with us?" you said using your aegyo.

"Only if I get to come over to your apartment tonight."

"Well you have to anyway you prided to help me study remember?"

"Oh yeah! Okay then I want a kiss and cake."

"Ok you can have some cake when we are going back to the apartment" you replied walking backwards towards the living room.

"Oh no you're not getting away that easy you owe me a kiss!" he said pulling you back into his strong arms.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his.

"Yah! No kissing in the dorm!" Kris called from the living room.

The two of you broke apart and started laughing, then joined the rest of the group to continue playing.

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this is wonderful.
barooya #2
Chapter 1: aww too cute ; ___ ;
Chapter 1: Wkkwkk...such a maknae attitude, like this story, cute...\(^▽^)/ !!
Chapter 1: Ahh!! The cute Tao~ he need some drawing lessons XD
Chapter 1: ahh... both Kris and Tao need some drawing lessons. xD
but that was cute though~
Chapter 1: awwww... cute Tao!
anonymous_runner #7
Lol, the drawing and exo-m member guessing remind me of running man episode with yunho and changmin drawing on it..kekeke
Cute, that buing2 maknae..haha
awee... fluffy, cute and funny xD like it ;3