Chapter 2

You & I

Adimu's POV

I woke up at 5:00 this morning and went through my daily morning prayers. By the time I was finished it was 6:30. I sighed deeply. I was really hoping that my prayers were being answered. I still had not heard from my sister and worry became a daily part of my life. I walked into the bathroom to take a bath. I didn't have any classes before 9:00, but my roommate was the type of person who liked to have parties in the shower. She would go into the bathroom and lock the door, only to emerge an hour later, not even properly bathe. I stripped off my clothes and stopped to look into the mirror before I got in. Running my fingers over the long gash on my waist, I winced a little as painful, unwanted memories rushed back. My eyes started to burn, and I quickly turned away to avoid crying. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. It wasn't going to help anything - or anyone - now. I the water and let it run; when it was hot enough for my liking, I put in the stopper and let the tub fill up. Pleasant shivers went up my spine and the sweet lavender scent filled my nose. I closed my eyes and sank lower into the water, till only my nose and eyes were out. Images of my beloved dada wakubwa back home and thoughts of good times we spent with our mother rolled through my mind and I couldn't help smiling. Then that fateful day...that day when my life changed forever.


"Adimu! Adimu! Stop running now! Eh this child will tire me out. Your mother isn't very young anymore oh!" I just giggled and kept running towards the outer edge of our large farm. Suddenly, I heard my mother scream.

"Adimu! Don't go in there!" Thinking she was just playing, I kept running further until I crashed into a very large wooden door. I fell on my bottom and rubbed my bruised forehead. I looked up and saw that the ominously large door was now open and out of curiosity, I pushed it open some more and went inside. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness but when they did what I saw caused me to freeze in my tracks. I could do nothing but stare, and the scream bubbling in my stomach got stuck in my throat. Staring right back at me were two bottomless pits of darkness, surrounded by pearly white bone that also surrounded other darkness-filled holes.

"Adimu!" My mother's voice got louder, but I could not respond. Soon I felt her arms pick me and her breaths quick and heavy against my neck.

"Don't ever come in here ever again! And do not tell anybody that you came in here, no matter who it is do you hear me? Adimu do you hear me?" I nodded slightly, though I just barely heard her. My eyes were still glued to the skull that I now noticed was attached to the rest of the body, but as my mother carried me out something else caught my eye before she gently but quickly closed the door before she took off running. Several shiny, rough rocks. Gold. Barrels and barrels full of it. For days I could not get the image out of my head. I was tempted to tell someone, anyone...especially my older sister. She was older only by some years, but to me she was the wisest and most beautiful woman in the village. Well, second to my mother. My mother’s warning flash in my head repeatedly, but I saw no harm in telling anybody so I sought out my sister. I found her in our garden, weaving grass into a basket.

“Karimu,” I called out to her. She turned and gave me a warm smile before inviting me to sit with her. I gladly ran and sit on the small rock in front of her, watching her work. She had swift, talented hands, and everything she made was a masterpiece. I remembered why I came, and sighed before speaking.

“Karimu, I need to tell you something.” Upon hearing the slight fright in my voice, she stopped working and gave me a worried look.

“What is it kidogo dada?” I looked down as I played with the hem of my skirt.

“Um, well actually…mama had told me not to tell anybody, but it is too much of a burden for me to keep.”

“What is bothering you Adimu?” Her soothing, sing-songy voice only persuaded me more to tell her.

“Well, the other day mama and I were playing in the compound close to the field. Normally I don’t run past the boundaries, like baba has told us, but that day I ran into the field. Mama told me to stop running but I kept going until I hot the door to a large wooden cabin. I opened the door, even against mama’s wish and you will never believe what I saw inside.” I paused, waiting to see if she’ll say something, but she only looked at me. I decided to continue.

“There were several barrels of gold.” At this statement her eyes widened. I smiled slightly, glad that she reacted to my words.

“They were filled to the brim with gold rocks, and there was enough gold to give to everybody and we’ll still have a lot leftover.” She smiled slightly, but began frowning when my expression changed.

“I also saw a skeleton. It was pearly white, and it looked really fresh. The image disturbed me and it was in my head for several days. I…I could not shake the picture Karimu. I had nightmares because of that. But I feel better now that I’ve shared it with you.” She smiled a pulled me into a warm hug.

“You can come to me anytime something is bothering you. It is what I am here for right?” She pulled back, still smiling. Her eyes swiftly looked behind me and her smile wavered, but as soon as I tried to turn around she looked back at me and smiled fully again.

“Come, let us go inside.” We both stood up and went into our rooms, but she kept looking behind us cautiously. What was she looking for?

That night, Karimu snuck into my room, signaling for me to be quiet. She pulled me into a corner and hugged me close, gently my hair. I wanted to ask her what was going on when I heard a scream. I froze. I didn’t hear it for a while so I thought it was imaginary, but I heard it again. It sounded like…mama! I gasped and tried to scream for my mother, but Karimu put her hand over my mouth. A second voice then sounded, much deeper and much, much angrier. I wiggled out of Karimu’s arms. She tried to pull me back, but I successfully drew away. I ran outside and followed the sounds, which led me to the execution ground. I slowed down as I got closer, my mind clouded with confusion and questions. Why would mama and baba be there? Who was getting executed this time and why? Soon I was close enough to make out what they were saying. I hid behind one of the tall, thick bushes. I heard my father speaking.

“Didn’t I warn you to keep your daughter away from there?” He was screaming at mama, and I could see the veins on his neck from where I was. My mother was on her knees and in tears, rubbing her hands together and begging him.

“I’m sorry baba watoto. We were only playing she did not know what she was doing. Forgive her please!” He called one of his terrifyingly large men to him and whispered something in his ear. The man nodded and began heading my way. I started panicking, but I couldn’t move. Mama began screaming again.

“Please no! Leave my baby! Punish me instead, please! Leave her alone baba watoto please! Hebu yake ya kuishi maisha yake! Tafadhali! Please!” She continued to beg and he called his man back. He turned back to mama with fire in his eyes.

“So you’re willing to take the punishment in her place, eh?” She nodded fiercely, tears still flowing down her face. He smiled wickedly.

“Okay then. Bring the knife,” he commanded, still glaring at mama. Her eyes widened in fear and realization. Another one of my father’s men came in holding a large cutlass. The spit on my mouth began to dry up. What was going on right now? My father nodded at the man, and he approached the nearby and the cutlass right at the hottest part of the flame. He held it there until it began turning a bright red color. All the while my mother was crying, staying strong and refusing to make a sound. When the cutlass was now glowing, the man brought it out and slowly walked towards mama. As he got closer two other men picked her up and led her to a large rock where they placed her chest. She closed her eyes as the man with the glowing cutlass came closer. He slowly brought it down to her neck, and instantly a deafening scream from mama’s throat ripped through the night air. I could see her flesh cooking as the blistering blade slowly cut through her neck. Before they went halfway, a pair of soft hands grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. My face was pressed against a soft chest, and a soft sob escaped my throat.

My mother was killed. Right before my eyes. And it was all because of me and my foolishness. Why hadn’t I listened to her? If I hadn’t been so stubborn she would still be here with us and perhaps my sister would not be in the situation she was in now. My muffled ringtone brought me out my reverie, and I quickly got out of the tub and fetched my phone from my towel. I wiped the tears streaming down my cheeks and took several breaths before answering the phone.

“He-- *ahem* Hello?” I answered, trying to sound calm.

“Baby what’s wrong? Where you crying?” I smiled a little.

“No, I’m alright. I’m fine.” He chuckled and sighed.

That’s good. Well I’m coming over soon so get ready okay.”


“Oh and one more thing?”


“I love you.”

“I love you too.” He made kissing sounds, which I responded to with my own. He chuckled and soon I heard the dial tone. I glanced at my screen and sighed dreamily. He was such an amazing guy. How I got lucky well, only God knows. I rushed back into the shower and took a speedy shower. I got out and got dressed, then went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. I had just put the cover on my coffee when there was a knock at the door. I was met by Akira’s beautiful smile when I opened the door. He held up a paper bag and a cup of Starbucks coffee. I stepped aside to let him in. He planted a small kiss on my lips before heading to the kitchen.

“Where’s Kelly?” he asked, placing the bag and cup on the counter.

“She’s sleeping.” I was in the kitchen now, and I took the cup of coffee I made and handed it to Akira. He took a sip from it and hummed quietly while looking around.

“So…how is it?” He hummed again before approaching me with a serious face. He kissed me lightly a again before speaking.

“How do you always make such perfect coffee? You would give Starbucks a run for their money.” I sighed in relief and put my hand to my chest. My eyes drifted to the clock on the wall behind him.

“And we would probably have to run to class if we stay any longer. Come on let’s go.” We grabbed our breakfast and headed for his car. The drive to school was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. We ate our breakfast in the cafeteria, although it wasn’t necessary, and walked around when we finished. Finally we started walking to our classes and when we were close to his Akira stopped and turned to face me. He put his hands on my hips and looked at me with a small smile.

“I’m going to miss you so much Dimu. I don’t want you to go.” I stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. I giggled and kissed his nose.

“We’ll meet again later Akira. Don’t be a baby, hmm?” I took his hands off my hips and kissed each of his palms. I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. We pulled apart and I watched him to go his class. I began heading to my class two hallways over when I heard familiar catcalls and whistles. I ignored them and continued to walking. I sped up and soon I got to my classroom. That was the only way I could avoid that rowdy gang of misfits. I went to my seat at the back of the classroom and got ready for class. I looked towards the door and one of the misfits entered the classroom. He looked around before his eyes landed on me as he winked with a smirk on his face. I quickly looked away. Today was going to be a long day.


Sorry for the awkward ending and the extended delay in the update >.< I had to think long and hard for this chapter. Once again if you’re reading this…



It means a lot to me when people find my stories interesting enough to subscribe. Please don’t forget to comment and leave feedback; it is greatly appreciated and needed (and wanted.)

Thanks again ^_^

Special Note:

dada wakubwa - big sister

kidogo dada - little sister

baba watoto - husband

Hebu yake ya kuishi maisha yake - let her live her young life

Tafadhali - please


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very ish forward >^< I kind of rushed through this and I wasn't exactly thinking about it. the story will be worth your time though. I promise.


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First chapter was really cute!!
Second chapter was quit sad.

Loving it this story. Please do update! :)))
Chapter 2: Wow that was intense. I'm sitting here in tears. Your writing is so vivid that I could picture what she saw as if it were happening in front of me. Can not wait for the next update, please don't keep us waiting.
Chapter 1: AWWW!!! This is so cute so far. I definitely want more! Taecyeon and his fine self, I love their relationship. You should absolutely update soon!!
AbriMathos #4
Chapter 1: Awww Taec! He is such a kid! Mr. Phillips...I can already tell this fool is gonna be a problem.
Eeeekkkkk cant wait!!!!!!! :DDDD
AbriMathos #6
Awww cute! I would love to see another ambw couple just like my future one~ relationships are so beautiful ❤