Chapter 1

You & I

Ema's POV

I rolled over and pushed the snooze button on my alarm with a tired hand before sighing and rolling over once more. I had originally planned on sleeping a bit more, but when i saw his face all traces of sleep were washed away. My heart still beat at the sight of his sleeping face even after almost 5 years. Every detail was exactly the same it had been etched into my mind the day i first saw him on that rainy evening. I gently caressed his cheek and rubbed my thumb against his eyelashes. His eye twitched and he smiled. I laughed quietly and playfully hit him.

"You weren't sleeping."

"Good morning to you too beautiful." He pulled me closer to him and gave me a light peck on my lips before resting his chin on my head.

"As tempting as this is Taec baby, we have to get out of bed. I have classes and you have to go to work. Now up you big baby." I struggled but i finally got out of his grip, even though i regretted it immediately. I wanted to be back in his strong embrace, but i knew that if we stayed like that, we would end up not doing anything that whole day except cuddling. Even during our bath. That had happened one too many times before, and we'd gotten scolded by my professors and his boss. Taecyeon finally got out of bed, but he was pouting the whole time. I wasn't swayed but how cute his pout was, but by how cute and baby-like he was, wanting to cuddle, so to make it up to him, i suggested he take a bath together. His face lit up immediately. 

"Yay! Yay!" He picked me up and spun me. "This is why i love you so much. You understand me so well." I giggled. 

"Okay big baby. Let's go before we are late again. Come on." I pulled him out of bed and he stumbled, but he managed to keep his balance enough to hug me. I smile to myself. I could never get enough of his love. We took a 10 minute bath, surprisingly the shortest we'd ever taken, and were ready within 20 minutes. I didn't put on mkaeup, mostly because it got me some unwanted attention from unwanted people. We left the house and drove quickly to my school. 

"See you later," I said, getting out of the car.

"Wait aren't you forgetting something?"

"No, i think I have everything," I replied, stopping to search my bag and pockets. He got out of the car and walked to where I was standing.

"You forgot my departure kiss." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and rested my hands on his well-toned chest.

"I guess I did." He bent his head and kissed me powerfully. It was a kiss full of love, a kiss that told me he loved me. Unwillingly, i broke the kiss.

"Baby I have to go to class now."

"Aw, okay. See you later jagiya." We hugged each other and shared a quick kiss before I walked away, Taecyeon still leaning on the car. I walked into the building and as I was turning the corner, a familiar sight caught my attention. I turned and what I witnessed made my heart swell with joy. 

"I love you koibita."

"I love you too kolhat." The couple shared a passionate but loving kiss before going their separate ways. I walked away smiling. It made me happy to see another Asian man and African American woman together.

After stopping by the cafeteria to grab a quick bite, I decided nothing was worth my time and money and i rushed to my class with exactly a minute to spare. When I walked into class a familiar face caused me to turn my head. It was the girl from earlier this morning. I went and sat by her.


"Hi," she responded with a thick African accent. 

"My name is Ema. What's your name?" I extended my hand, but instead she bowed her head slowly.

"I am Adimu Turay. It is a pleasure to meet you as well." The bell rang and the professor walked in, followed by a chorus of squeals from girls. I cocked my eyebrows. This wasn't the professor I signed up with. This wasn't the guy that had been teaching me for a month now. Was he absent?

"Class, settle down," he began with a booming voice that immediately quieted the class. 

"Good morning, I am Professor Phillips, Professor P. for short." Now I was really confused. The old guy wasn't professor P.? As if reading my thoughts, he answered, "I haven't been here for a month due to personal business, and Mr. Bart was wonderful enough to sub in for me. I am here now, and since I don't know you all we should introduce ourselves. We'll go from left to right. Let's start" With that he pointed at me. I stood up and cleared my throat.

"Hi, my name is Ema Moore, I'm 25 years old." I ended awkwardly and sat down. Professor P. flashed a brilliant smile at me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Moore. I hope we can get to know each other more." I froze in my seat. Did he really just say that? As the introductions finished, the bell rang and I slowly got out of my seat. I looked toward the door and saw Adimu, and decided to walk with her. As I approached the door, Professor P. approached me as well and unless my eyes were playing tricks on me, he winked and flashed that brilliant, now slightly flirtatious smile again. I shuddered and quickly walked out the door to find Kessie. 

"Hey Adimu." She turned around and smiled a warm smile. 

"Hello Ema." 

"Where are you going now?"

"I am going to my modeling class."

"You take modeling classes?" She nodded and I mentally smacked myself. Well duh she would take modeling class. I mean look at the girl. Everything about her was gorgeous. Her eyes, her smile, even the way she walked was model-like. 

"Ema, I have to go now. My class is here. Goodbye. And it was nice meeting you." With that, she walked into her classroom. I don't know why I lingered, but I'm glad I did. I watched as she snuck up to a guy who was intensely focused on his camera, and hugged his back. He wasn't startled, and instead calmly put his camera down and turned to hug her with a big smile on his face. They seemed to exchange greetings before sharing a kiss. She smiled widely as they shared an eskimo kiss, and he kissed her forehead, nose and once again her lips, before they walked farther into the classroom, hand in hand. I walked to my next class with a huge smile on my face. Seeing them reminded me of Taec and I, and all of a sudden I missed him so much. I stopped by the restroom and dialed his number.

"Jagi!" He answered quickly and excitedly. I giggled before I spoke.

"Hey baby."

I done the first chapter. How is it? Constructive criticism is accepted/appreciated. I didn't know how to end so i ended it yeah. Enjoy ^^

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very ish forward >^< I kind of rushed through this and I wasn't exactly thinking about it. the story will be worth your time though. I promise.


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First chapter was really cute!!
Second chapter was quit sad.

Loving it this story. Please do update! :)))
Chapter 2: Wow that was intense. I'm sitting here in tears. Your writing is so vivid that I could picture what she saw as if it were happening in front of me. Can not wait for the next update, please don't keep us waiting.
Chapter 1: AWWW!!! This is so cute so far. I definitely want more! Taecyeon and his fine self, I love their relationship. You should absolutely update soon!!
AbriMathos #4
Chapter 1: Awww Taec! He is such a kid! Mr. Phillips...I can already tell this fool is gonna be a problem.
Eeeekkkkk cant wait!!!!!!! :DDDD
AbriMathos #6
Awww cute! I would love to see another ambw couple just like my future one~ relationships are so beautiful ❤