Walk Away

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This story is dedicated to nielsgurl859.

I saw her blog post about wanting a songfic for this song by Olivia called Walk Away.

So this one shot is of the same name and inspired by that song.

So I'm pretty sure I did not plagiarize another story, as I drew everything from the said song and added in my own little twist and ideas.

I just borrowed some of the feelings, some words, and what not to help me come up with this one shot.

So major credits to Olivia's Walk Away for the inspiration.

Now without further ado, please click next to read the actual story featuring B.A.P's Yoo Youngjae and an Original Character by the name of Amanda...

And another, but minor, very minor, Original Character by the name of Isabella.


Also, this is not the first time I've done a songfic story~

But this is the first one that I wrote fairly fast and easily than the others I have.

Maybe I was just inspired and couldn't let it go and just had to complete it as I really do like the song and just kept floating around in my head.


The stories within this account of [ilovepeachbooboo] -along with other usernames that I go by- is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.

© [ilovepeachbooboo] 2012. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [ilovepeachbooboo].



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Chapter 1: He is my bias ;)
and you done a great job!!
i love the ending! touched by his words ;(
aww, thank you!!
and as for that line, it came out of no where,
but because of the song, and that i would rather have a more happy, good ending, that just seemed to fit. =]
thanks for reading!!
ShinSeoRae #4
'if i were to lose you, i would rather lose you when we grow old.'
--waaa..you made me cry.. T_T how could you write this with so much feels? ;'<
hehe you're super welcome!! =]
omg i love it so much!!!!! Thank you again^^