After Dance Practice

I Remember You

Himchan finally arrived at TS Entertainment headquarters. He still hasn't managed to figure out what it is that's bothering him so much about you and your name, to him it just seems so familiar..... a bit too familiar, like it has some kind of meaning to one of the members from B.A.P. or something. With you still racing through his mind trying to seek out what actually is the link he reaches the dance studio where the rest of B.A.P. are getting ready and warming up. When Himchan enters the studio he is warmly greeted by Zelo and Jong Up.


"Hey Hyung!" Zelo and Jong Up both said at the same time. They both had big smiles on there faces, as they went to give him a huge group hug.


Bang Yong Guk then entered shortly after Himchan arrived, Zelo and Jong Up did the same greeting towards Bang Yong Guk due to them two being the oldest and there Hyung's. When after the greetings off the other two members DaeHyun and Youngjae, Himchan went to one of the seats on the far right of the room as that's where the seats were. He put his bag on one of the remaining seats and shortly after placing it Bang Yong Guk did the same.


"Hey, How did the interviews go then?"  Bang Yong Guk said with a deep husky voice.


"It went alright. All three are perfect. In fact, I bumped into one of them before the interviews even started and she called me "a filthy ert..... a filthy guy" I don't know, something like that. Anyways, she ended up telling me that she had an interview and she was running late, her interview just so happened to be interviewed by me so I made her pay a little." Himchan finished with a huge smile on his face remembering all those stupid questions he asked you, and made you wait all that time by asking the employees even more questions than needed. Bang Yong Guk just shuck his head from side to side but a smile grew on his lips.


"So how did you make her pay then? It wasn't something naughty was it...??" Bang Yong Guk replied still with his deep husky voice with a hint of cheekiness, whilst he nudged Himchan a little. Himchan just shuck his head side to side at the remark that Bang Yong Guk made and then replied shortly before starting dance practice.


"Nope. Making her do work, in fact a story line for B.A.P. so that we have characters and a story so we can talk about it on shows, extra..."  Himchan paused a little and then added. "That stuff will come later"  and ended his remark with a smile.


Even those you were still racing through his head he seemed to be a little more at ease. After hours at dance practice it was finally time to go home. That's when Himchan got into the same car, as Bang Yong Guk and only them to alone, as Himchan wanted to be alone with him. As Himchan and Bang Yong Guk were in the car heading towards there house. Himchan then started to make conversation.


"Bang Yong Guk..." After Himchan said Bang Yong Guk name, he just simply looked at him as to say 'what'. That's when Himchan took a deep breath and then continued.


"Do you still think about that ggiirrlll....?"  Himchan dragged out the word 'girl' as he was a bit nervous to talk about this subject because he knew that Bang Yong Guk gets very upset and even aggressive. But it seemed today he was calm and willing to talk about it.


"You mean. The one that broke my heart nearly over two years ago?" Bang Yong Guk said in his deep husky voice, whilst looking at Himchan. Himchan just simply nodded and Bang Yong Guk continued to speak.


"I would be lying if I said that I didn't. I loved her. Well I still am in love with her. If I could see her again and hold her in my arms I would. I don't know why... even those she hurt me by cheating it just seems like there's more to the story" Bang Yong Guk talked with a low but still in his deep voice, trying to hide his emotions to prevent himself from crying. Yes he still was emotional about your break up even after two years. In fact, if you were to appear in front of him again, he would probably take you back right there and then. He just doesn't believe the fact that you cheated on him with his brother..... just unthinkable...... Before Himchan could reassure Bang Yong Guk they arrived at there house, as it was only a short drive away from the Entertainment, more like walking distance but because they have scary fan girls they have to go by car. Himchan got out of the car first giving Bang Yong Guk time to dry his eyes and a couple moments later he then too got out of the car. They all ordered take away and were hanging out in the living... well all apart from one and that was Himchan, as he was in his room thinking about what Bang Yong Guk said and about you... just what is his gut feeling and brain trying to tell him....???



The colours:

Bang Yong Guk is in the red, Himchan is in the dark blue, Jong Up is purple and Zelo is green.


Sorry if this is short compared to the other three chapters but this is going to start to get more interesting well that's if it wasn't already.....  Anyways yes you probably hate yourself right now, as you did in fact cheat on Bang Yong Guk with his brother but there is a reason for that and a good one!!! Bang Yong Guk is right there is totally more to the story but is he sure he wants to find out the whole truth?? Is Himchan going to listen to his gut feeling and nose about some more... who knows???


Also going to be starting another story soon but it is going to based on you and Tao, also a few other members of EXO :) so look out for that!!! xD


Thank you to the subscribers and to any silent readers!!!!  :)



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Promise the next chapter will be updated soon!! I'm sssooo sorry for not updating!!!


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Chapter 7: oh god...Bang Yong Nam is so evil...
kakashi69 #2
skysky #3
Chapter 11: aww~
omg ihope bangyongguk believs her....urggg his brother is a jerk!!!!!
i think you should do the humchan and bangyongnam fighting!!
i wanna seee bangyongnam's ___
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 11: Yay you updated :)) . I was moved with this chap. Made me cry :)) i felt i was her hahha update soon ;)
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Chapter 11: Oh snaps! Byg needs to get it together! No byn or himchan
Firstly himchan and byg are basically brothers and byn doesn't deserve a girl. Pft.
skysky #6
Chapter 10: wooo bangyonguk ad _______
reunited again!!!!
update soon!
MissPandaRawr #7
Chapter 6: pls update!
skysky #8
Chapter 6: new reader...!!
i'm hooked!
your story is amazing!
update soon!
MissPandaRawr #9
update soon