
You're My Drug


“Taeyeon” I heard her angelic voice calling me.

“Kim Taeyeon” I felt a soft hand shaking my shoulder.

“Wake up” Her beautiful face appeared blurry as I opened my eyes slowly.




I smiled seeing her breathtaking eyesmile.

She’s perfect in every way.



My heart start racing as she leans her body closer to mine, her face is next to mine.

Her breath tickling the side of my nick.

“Taeyeon-ah”  She whispered in my ear slowly and my heart skipped a beat.


Her hand Slowly caress my left cheek, slapping it softly.

“Taeyeon” she whispered again.


I’m in heaven


I moved my hand lazily to wrap it around her slim waist, enjoying our close proximity.




“Kim Damn Taeyeon WAKE UP!”.


What the heck!


I jumped off the bed startled by the sudden yell, landing on my bum.



“What the hell Soyeon?” I rubbed my glaring at her.

I felt angry and disappointed at the same time.


What happened to Tiffany?


Soyeon slumped on my bed fixing the pillow, preparing herself to sleep.

“Your Mum told me to wake you up, Today’s your first day at school remember?” Soyeon said covering herself with my covers.

I stood up glaring at her.

“Do it more gently next time” I hissed grabbing my towel making my way to the bathroom.

“I did, but you were day dreaming about your ‘Tiffany’” Soyeon said sarcastically.

“’Tiffany? … I’m in heaven’” Soyeon said like if she was madly in love, making fun of me.


That’s embarrassing.


 I mentally face palmed myself and ran to the bathroom.

“Taeyeon and Tiffany sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~”.


Aish that annoying brat, I shouldn' have told her about my crush on Tiffany.
















It’s been three years now.

I’ve never believed in Love, because I’ve never fell in love with anyone before.

But when I met her, I started to believe in a lot of things, one of the things I believed in is ‘Love’.

Every second pass without her make me feel lonely and lost, I just want her to be by my side.

Call me ‘Selfish’ but I want her to be mine, I want her to be my property.

I know a lot of people would be disgusted about ‘Me in Love with another girl’. But I can’t change the fact that I’m falling for her.


She sees me as a ‘Best friend & Soul mate’. But I see her as my whole life, my breath, my everything.

I would do anything for her, even if she wants me to drown myself in our pool.

I can’t imagine my life without her.


My heart and body aches for her. She’s my Drug.

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woo hoo~ nice chapter :D
kkaptured #2
nice!!! hahaha

i like this :)
i just hope fany's gonna know about hahaha :D
Greencol #3
Update more please
EMT0304 #4
Cinderella127 #5
interesting...nice first chapter :D, i'll be looking forward the next one :D.
I wannna read this story :D
Yoo chingu-yah~
I have a perfect solution for Tae: just kill Fany and save her corpse for yourself. I will do that too if I ever meet her, fufufu~

All Hail TaeNy~