The First Two Characters!!

♥LOVE Me, ♥ love me not (Love Me, Love Me Not)

These first two belong to me so hope you guys like them  

And By The Way these Two Are Twins


Park  Saito  Ryu




stagename: Ryuu (Dragon in japanese)

Ethnicity: Half Korean (appa)  and Japanese (umma)

Age: 16

Birth date: August 19, 1994

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Languages Spoken: Korean, Japanese, English, and Some tagalong and mandarin

Weight: 54 kg

Height:  5’ 9”

Personality: Cool and collected he sticks to walls and behind the scenes listening in on things that might be useful for him. He is good at any game that is put into his hands and loves to fight.Has a black belt in karate and mixed martial arts.. and is licensed to hold any type of weapon with a blade and a gun, he carries his around more than Saehae does in order to protect her. Ever since their parents died he’s been protective of Saehae and will only let her date guys he approves of.

Likes: , sweets, comics/manga, FOOD!, fighting, and dancing

Dislikes: s trying to get in his pants, guys hitting on Saehae, fake people, and obsessive fan-girls

Hobbies: relaxing, listening to music, writing lyrics, playing games and pulling tricks

Habits: dozing off listening to music, wearing glasses to cover his eyes, getting in an overprotective mode when a guy flirts with Saehae, distracting Saehae then doing something she wont like

Family Background: always isolated look her took care of Saehae everytime their parent left out of town. When they were 13 their parents died in a plane crash on the way back to surprise them for their birthday. Saehae never got over and lost her memories about her parents from being depressed. Since then Saito kept her on her toes and upbeat even if she forgot he still reminds her on their birthday.

Where did you have your training? T.O.P

Persona: Mysterious/Cool

Position: main dancer ; lead vocals

Partner/love: Eun-kyo

Sub-Group: ♥ME not

where did you do your training?: T.O.P

Style: boyish and scene looking, he saito sticks to dark color and likes the dark mysterious look even though his looks make him aegyo and hot

Any secrets of the OC?: shares a bed with his twin still, and calms her to sleep when she has a bad nightmare 

Best friend: C.A.P and L.Joe of Teen Top



Park  Saehae Rin



stage name: Rinnie, but mostly calls herself C.M.D [Call Me a Demon]

Ethnicity: Half Korean (appa)  and Japanese (umma)

Age: 16 (7 seconds younger than Saito)

Birth date: August 19, 1994

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Languages Spoken: Korean, Japanese, English, and Some tagalong and mandarin

Weight: 42 kg

Height:  5’ 3”

Personality:  Although she's talkative, sometimes she had her moment which she loves to be alone under a shaded tree or in her room. Don't believe in love and has never been in love. she hates to see people pretend to be something else just for the sake of impressing people. She is a carefree girl that doesn't really care what people think of her as long as her friends will always be there for her. When she is sad or angry, she tends to automatically play with her hair. She is a very innocent and adorable looking girl, however, contrary to her looks Saehae is a tomboy who could use a little help with anger management which is what she calls her ‘Dark Mode’ that’s when she’s mischevious, erted and bluntly bold her complete opposite. She is snarky, sarcastic, short-tempered, and easy to annoy. Just because she's small, doesn't mean she won't go all ninja on you. She is a girl that is easily angered and relies on violence as a solution to many of her problems. She won't hesitate to maim those who get on her nerves. She's blunt and brutally honest, saying whatever is on her mind no matter if it would hurt people's feelings. She keeps her true feelings hidden deep inside, under those harsh words. Little things get to her and touch her deeply. After getting to know someone.. she will be able to tell if they are worth having as a friend, or an enemy, or a frenemy… she is very protective when it comes to those she loves. if someone dares to threaten anyone she cares for, her personality changes instantly. she may seem innocent but when threatened.. she can get pretty badass.. she can defend herself really well..  she has a black belt in karate and mixed martial arts.. and is licensed to hold any type of weapon with a blade and a gun.. although she doesn’t like using one.. Unless she really has too... because she doesn’t like punishing people with death.. she believes everyone should have a second chance in life instead.. her parents required her to have one so when they are out of the country and she is left with her older brother while they are away.. they rather have her prepared than dead.. She may give off a vibe of being innocent and sweet, which she is, but she is also very tough and crazy a yandere/tsundere type, in other words uncousiouly aegyo with out knowing it. She loves kids.. they are always soo cute to her.. even if they are mean.. just playing with kids gives her joy... she has a caring heart.. almost everything she does.. is out of love..

Likes: sweets, manga/anime, vocaloid, listening to music, plushies, drawing, dancing, and being with friends

Dislikes: spicy food, people who fake who they really are to get to others, people who stereo other, s, short skirts, and obnoxious wanna-be’s

Hobbies: designing cosplays and clothes, shopping, drawing down her ideas and designs, feading manga/watching anime, joining her brother in pulling pranks,

Habits:Fussing with her hair when nervous, digging her nails into her palms to calm herself, blasting music to block out people at times, Bringing her sketch pad where ever she goes to draw/jot down her ideas, has a mini laptop that she brings out of habit in her messenger bag to type stuff when lazy to write

Family Background:she used to be an out going girl and would go out all the time. Her whole family was a prodigy in music. thank god she has an amazing love for music or her parents would have quickly disowned her.. well she became the more caring  girl she is now when her grandmother died.. she was really close to her.. closer than her own parents..she was the one who had awaken her dream of being a dancer and musician.. she taught her how to play the piano.. she would be strict when it can to the piano but you knew that those slaps she gave her were out of love and that she never enjoyed giving them.. Besides her parents, she was one of the few people who gave her any real love besides the unconditional love she got from her older twin brother..and now that she is gone.. she feels all alone..she secluded herself from the world..and stayed within the safe confines of her music.. but thanks to her brother, he has helped her get back on to the path of music and music has helped her keep grandmas memory alive. She still keeps in touch with her love for music and dance because she knew grandma would be proud of her. Soon she became a tomboy, not knowing anything about the world of fashion and what not.

Where did you have your training? : T.O.P

Persona: Trickster/Split personality (Strained in self-defense and loves to wreck havoc)

Position: visual maknae ; lead dancer (sometimes raps when they need it or she just wants to)

Partner/love: ChangJo

Sub-Group: ♥ME not

Style: sort of going with a scene-anime look Saehae likes to show her taste in things that’s somewhat like an anime characters that’s cool boyish and cute

Any secrets of the OC?: sleeps with a bunny plushie she named kuro-pyon (the bunny below), when around any alchohol or sugar she can get out of control going into a erted and mishicevious state that no one can tell what she might do , sometimes she drags Saito into it and they are even worse when it's both of them

Best friend: Revealed later on, All of SHINee (mostly Key), and Amber of F(x)

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@ PopCandii33 : LMFAO. thank you! <3<br />
i feel like a bad co author. i only helped out with the forewords T^T
Ooohhh~ TOTALLY LOVE!!! xDD<br />
No serioussly I was just kidding!<br />
LOVE THE UPDATE!!~ ♥ And her personality is Awesome!!
Congrats to all :)
Just applied as Lee SoonYeon~<br />
Hope its stillll notttt tooooo lateee ^^
hope not too late...<br />
applied as Jung Ae Rin...
__eccedentesiast_ #6
R-A-V-E #7
__eccedentesiast_ #8
Congrats to everyone who made it! (:
__eccedentesiast_ #9
WHO IS HE?!?!?!
TiHae4ever #10
OMO!! is that GD oppa??<br />
Kyaaa!! Love the teaser as always..<br />
Update soon chingu..<br />
HWaiting!!<br />