Chapter 2 - Synchronicity ( 동시성 )

Unbreakable Locks ; Inseperable Love

► AN:

By the way, part of this chapter is inspired by Wooyoung's Annyeong Virtual Tour. If you haven't watched it already, you can watch it here [


I promise the next chapter will be better. Please don't kill me...


- This chapter begins in author's POV/Narration then proceeds with Wooyoung's POV/DREAM -



Are you foolish for dreaming, or are you foolish for assuming that your dreams are foolish?

They say dreams are but a figment of your imagination along with a drop of reality.

But some say... "Reality is a product of our dreams."

So does that mean reality is a dream?





I strolled slowly beside him, our strides and footsteps mirroring each other in perfect harmony. We walked along the pebbled path, the ground beneath us crackling with every steep we took. I stopped to catch my breath as we had finally come to a stop after the continuous touring. I looked up as I felt a warm hand around my own. He interlocked, both sliding together perfectly, like the last piece of a puzzle. I stared into his deep chocolate orbs that seemed to glimmer in the warm distant sunlight.


"You look tired, let me hold your hand." Nickhun said giving me his warm and rather captivating smile. I blushed and nodded.


Taking khun on a tour through Gyeongbokgung Palace seemed surreal. It was almost as if it was a ... date?


I sighed as I took a seat on the conveniently located benches. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the tree's that towered above me, it's pink petals slowly being carried by the wind then gently dancing and floating upon the vast pond before me. I smiled, elated as intook the relaxing and aromatic fragrance. 





"How beautiful..."


I brought myself to my feet, walking with no sense of thought or direction whatsoever. In the matter of what seemed to be seconds, I found myself standing in the middle of a bridge that seemed to touch the surface of the pond. I stood there amazed, marveling at the sight before me. I bent down touching the surface of the cold water, the fish swimming away in response, I smiled.




But something was missing ...


"Khun -"

"Wooyoung-ah" I turned around coming face to face with what I thought to was an angel.




Our faces slowly came together, closing the gap between us. My heart raced as we came closer, inch by tantalizing inch.










As if by fate, I had been once again ripped from a perfect but but this time I had awakened to what seemed to be a more pleasant one. I opened my slowly, revealing a smiling Thai inches from my face.




He gave a gentle smile as be brushed the excess hair our of my face. My heart skipped a beat at his touch.


"Good morning beautiful." he said half whispering.


I blushed.


Did he really just say that? Beautiful? Does me too?! NO. NO. Snap out of it Wooyoung!


I shook my head.


He doesn't like you! Khun is straight! S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T !! Just play along..


Gathering enough energy to move, I had finally moved from the dangerous position I was in.


"Get away you weird ert!" I said laughing as I pushed him off of my bed. I ran towards the door before Nichkhun could do anything else to make me think...weirdly. But before I could turn the door knob and escape from the suffocating room, In the blink of an eye I was lifted off of my feet and over his bulky shoulders.


"You're not going anywhere Woodongie~" Nichkhun mocked as he spun around in circles causing me to scream in terror. And boy was I terrified. If he wasn't Nichkhun, I would've probably done off with him by now.




"Tch, and what? Let you run away?" he laughed




Meanwhile in the living room . . .


The four boys had left Nichkhun to wake the 'Morning Witch' and had oh-so-casually sat themselves on the living room couch along with Taecyeon who was now watching yet another horrible re-run of Nichkhun's "We got married". Truthfully the boys had thought Victoria was a decent person but ultimately if they had to choose which couple to spare, It'd be their very own Khunyoung couple.

The members sat scowling at the excessive aegyo that the woman was showing on TV.

Junho massaged his temples "I'm already having a headache watching her...This why I'd much rather have -"





"- Khunyoung" The members laughed in unison as they overheard the "couple" bickering.


"Sure took him long enough." Junsu said rubbing his eyes tiredly


Chansung instinctively had grabbed the remote and turned the TV off as the 'couple' had come out of their room. Wooyoung, who was hoisted over Nichkhun's shoulders had given up trying to escape and stayed there dangling helplessly. Nichkhun set him down.


"So why are we all gathered here in the living room?" Wooyoung said puffing his cheeks "And why are you all still not ready?"


Nichkhun ruffled the boys already disheveled hair and pinched his cheeks "That's why I brought you here. We all wanted to tell you the news that -"


"WE HAVE THE HOLIDAY OFF~!!!" The maknae shouted interrupting the Thai.


Nichkhun continued. "...Yes, and we're all going to decide where to go today. Together!"


"Actually..." Taecyeon said scratching the back of his head "Me and Su are going to rest today. He's pretty tired...Sorry! Maybe you can take Chan and Junho with you! With that, Taecyeon carried Junsu who was asleep for the third time today back to their shared room.


"AW! We can't do anything fun without all of us" Chansung whined


"Yeah, I think me and Channie are going to stay home today as well." Junho said as he walked back to his room "But maybe you and Woo can go have fun. If you know what I mean." And so the two went to their rooms as well, leaving two confused boys in their tracks.


The two stood their silent as none had no idea whatsoever, what to say to the other.


"You don't have to take me if you don't want too..." Wooyoung said as he twiddled his thumbs. "I-I can stay home by mysel-"


"Let's go! It can be a date!" Nichkhun said enthusiastically. Wooyoung blushed.


"But where?..."


The two stood in deep thought. The Thai tapped his foot impatiently waiting for an answer while the still-blushing boy had already made up his mind. Nickhun smiled as an idea crossed his mind. He fixated his gaze on the smaller boy.


"Made up your mind?" Nichkhun asked as he ruffled the boy's hair. He nodded.


"On the count of three we'll say it out loud at the same time, alright?"


















And as if they shared the same mind and heart they both shouted in sync.


"Namsan Tower!"  


If possible, Wooyoung's face had gotten even more red while Nichkhun only stood there smiling like an idiot


Wooyoung winced as he felt two hands pinching his cheeks


"Alright..." Nichkhun smiled, his heart racing and his eyes glimmering




"Let's begin our date"





► AN:

OMG THIS WAS CRAP COMPARED TO THE FIRST CHAPTER! Sorry guys...I rushed to write this since I promised an update this week ᅲᅲ I promise the next chapter will be better and with more Khunyoung action.

Please comment and subcribe! I love constructive criticism!

Tell me what you think what will happen next or what you think about this chapter in general in the comments below

Continue reading and enjoy ~




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Chapter 2: Update this story please!! It's really nice!
sharfawoo #2
Chapter 2: Lol. Even the members themselves preferred khunyoung over khuntoria!! XD now that i likee. Hee! Awww update this please!! Twas such a cute storyy! :D i love how gentle khun was to woo, caressing his cheeks in the early morning. So kayyuteee XD
khunyoung987654321 #3
I love this so much :D okay, the first chapter was a bit better, because.. well, it was damn well written *-*
But this one was also awesome.
I really loved all those khunyoung moments and especially that they all like khunyoung better XD

love it <3
@paint1982 Thank you! Please continue to read and enjoy! The next chapter will be better!
paint1982 #5
Ohhh.. this is so cute! I hope they just confess and be together already. >_< Thanks for sharing this. It's so sweet and Woo dreams of Khun! :P He should just kiss Khun when he had the chance instead of try to run away.. hehe.. :P Thanks again. I like it.
i supposed to leave a comment yesterday~ but yeah~ it's happen today and... "your writing skill are good, and I love how you make wooyoung hard to wake up and he just want to be aroused by nichkhun :D i think it was adorable. and may I say, the font is kinda small. try to make it bigger :D"
@melonsss6: Already started the 2nd chap. Glad you like it ^^
Very descriptive writing!
Keep it up ^^
@Nanydh: Thanks. Please follow along with the story and continue reading. Enjoy.
Love It