

He didn’t know when their relationship started to tear up but it wasn’t one of those relationships he could easily let go off. He knew she was the one for him, no matter how many times he cried because of her. Or how many times he has to prove himself to her and her friends.. Or how many times he has to endure the pain caused by her. No matter what, he was sure she was the only one and a commitment he’s willing to take.

Her on the other hand had no real feelings towards the boy. None whatsoever. He was merely just a type of shoulder to be there for her when she’s down. Or someone to blame for all the bad things that has been happening in her life. Or the boy that was just a distraction in her life to be successful. He was just a commitment she can’t commit to. Love to her was nothing but a feeling of pure weakness. Pure bull. No amount of arguing by her friends can change her idea of love. She was drawn to the idea of having someone there, just to be there for her without the attachment that most women would want. All this was just a game for her and she would win one way over the other. Because this is what she deemed the right thing to do for her and the way to be successful, let go of all distractions and live on by yourself without the company of a man. Her mother had done it when she was raising her and she could to. No one wins in love anyway. But that was that she wasn’t in love and never will be.

He’s in his room crying his heart out. It hurts for him. All the words she let out that night runs through his mind. All the words sounds like a stab in the chest. Very painful words. Words he never thought he’d hear. He was too into the game of love to actually realize it was just a game. A game that’s fully bull. A game that ruins whoever plays it. Everything his friends said was true. Not one of them would be this stupid like him to focus their whole world on a woman who was just like her. A woman who hasn’t done the same thing he has done. A woman who won’t love and commit to him.
Flashback of 1 hour ago:
“I think we need to talk.” she told him icily. He nodded and led her outside to the rooftop of his apartment building. “What do we need to talk about my love?” he asked as soon as they got there. “I’m breaking up with you. You were nothing but someone I can count on until I’ve decided that I’m done with. I never loved you and this was all nothing but a game to me. Bye.” she said in a monotone voice with no sound of hurt or sadness. And just liked that she walked away back to her own world not even waiting for his answer and his reaction.
End Flashback

She’s satisfied with what she has done. She didn’t need him anymore. Her life is going to be be all hers and there’s no more distraction that can stop her from success. She feels good but a sudden longing in her chest hits the week after she got rid of her distraction. The longing of having him by her side. Of having his dark toned and well defined arms around her waist. Of having his kissable lips on her own. Of having him to herself. It was a different feeling to her and she would never admit that it was love. It wasn’t love and it can never be love.
Because love was stupid. Love is nothing but pain. And that’s exactly what she experiences now.

He can move on and find someone better and he will. She lets go because she hurt him and herself and she knows he deserves someone better.

The one you call your distraction is

merely the one who you need

in your life.

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Wait, I remembered that I commented here X_X

Nevermind, I just stumbled here (thankfully) and I wanted to say how this story is perfectly sadistic. It's not always about the happy stories :)

Correct, correct, correct!
The things/people we disregard are probably the ones we should value. Well, yeah, that's life.
1004Diamond #2
Aaaawww this is so painful yet so good T.T
I hope you'll make more SeoKai :D hehehe
Finally you reposted it again :)
Sobs. This is so sad but so true too :'(

I hope you can make other SeoKai's stories :)
Love it^^
Eycha_sk11 #4
Seohyun-ah... Kai is the one for u !

Make more seokai plsss :D