Week Two: EXO-K

Daisuki Desu (大好きです)

A week later, on Saturday, I met up with Sehun in front of a cafe in Myeongdong. He was wearing a mask and a hood.

"Sehun, why are you wearing a mask? And take off your hood! I think your hair looks just fine." I said.

"W-well," he scratched his head, "wearing a hood and a mask is a... uhhh... a famous style in Korea."

"Really? Okay then. Where do you wanna go?"

"I'm supposed to be the one asking you that, since you're a visitor of this country." He laughed softly, but I couldn't see his cute smile behind his mask. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, actually. But isn't Myeongdong a famous place for shopping?"

"Right! So where do you want to shop?"

I looked around and saw a store with a lot of cute clothes and other cute stuff on the display window.

"There!" I pointed at that store. "Let's go over there!" I dragged him inside the store.

"Wait, but it's a-"

I entered the shop and saw a lot of couples shopping and trying out clothes. The store turned out to be a shop for couples.

"Oh." I said, feeling like a complete idiot. "This is a shop for couples... I-I didn't know."

"Yeah, I was trying to te-"

"Hello, young couple!" A saleslady cut Sehun off. "Would you like to try our new couple shirts?"

Sehun blushed. "Uhhm, n-no, I think you got the wrong idea."

I tugged his jacket. "Let's leave now." I whispered.


"Whoa, that was crazy." I said, shaking my head in shame.

"Where do you want to go next?" Sehun asked.

"Let's just continue shopping, shall we? At normal shops, of course."


We went to five different fashion shops. I bought some stuff, which Sehun offered to carry for me.

"We should go to a photo booth! I need to take a picture with my first ever Korean buddy." I said. Actually, if I ever got a picture with him, I'd want to put it inside my wallet.

"It's this way," he pointed to the right with his finger. "I remember going here before."

Finally, we were inside the photo booth.

"Mr. Oh Sehun, you have to smile, okay?" I said, patting his head.


Next, we went to get some drinks from a nearby vending machine.

"What do you want? My treat." Sehun offered.

"I'll try a banana milk."

"Okay, hold on. I'll just get some coins from my pocket."

"Wait, Sehun, I need to go to the restroom really quick."

It was kind of embarrassing to tell him that I had to go to the "restroom", but we were friends already, weren't we?

"The restroom is next to that music store in that corner. Don't get lost, okay?"

Ahh, Sehun, I'm not a kid.

"Yeah, I won't! I'll be back real quick."


After I went to the restroom, I walked by a music store and looked at the display window. There were a bunch of posters of Korean idols.

Wow, Korean idols are so good looking, but I barely know any of them. Maybe I should go inside and look around. I'm sure Sehun won't mind waiting for a few minutes...

When I walked inside, I saw different kinds of cutout stands of Korean idols, next to their very own albums. One of the cutouts caught my attention. They were a group of six guys called EXO-K, and their album was called MAMA.

EXO-K? Didn't Sehun mention them before?

I looked at each one of the members. I probably looked stupid staring at cutout stands, but I noticed that one of the guys looked exactly like Sehun.

Could that be him? Nah, he wouldn't be with me right now if that IS him. But they do look alike.

I continued to look at the cutout stands, and noticed that the guys' names were on it. I read their names one by one in my mind.

D.O., Kai, Baekhyun, Suho, Chanyeol, and... Sehun...


I ran back to the vending machine, where Sehun was waiting for me.

"Here's your banana milk and a straw." He handed my cold drink to me.

"Thanks. Uhhhmmm, Sehun?"

"Yes?" He said, sliding a straw inside his mask.

Now I know why you're hiding your face...

"After we finish our drinks, can we go to that music store over there?"

"Oh yeah, sure."


We went inside the store and I hurried to that aisle where I saw the EXO-K cutouts, along with their album.

"Sehun, can you stand next to this cutout?" I pointed at his own cutout stand.

He looked at me in a weird way. "Why?"

"Just do it."

He stood next to the cutout stand. He avoided looking into my eyes. I compared his face to his own cutout.

100% sure this is him.

Then, I looked around to see if no one was there. The coast was clear, so I took off his mask.

He nervously smiled at me. "I guess you found out, huh?"


"Are you mad at me for not telling you?"

"No, not really, but kind of disappointed. Why didn't you tell me?"

He sighed. "I was just scared that you won't treat me like a normal person anymore."

"Well, I admit, it would be kind of awkward if you told me that you're actually an idol on the day I met you, but now that I know you more, I'm still going to treat you like a normal friend."

"Thanks." He smiled softly.

"You know what? I think I wanna buy an EXO-K album." I grinned.

"You don't really have to..."

"But I really want one. I am now a fan of EXO-K!"


Our last destination was the Han River. It was already night and we had a long day. We leaned on the railings and looked over the river.

"It's really nice here." I said.

"It really is. I haven't been here in a while."

"Sehun, are you even allowed to go out in public?"

"Well, I sneaked out of my dorm this morning. My manager left to take care of something, so my hyungs and I were stuck at the dorm. They usually wake up late, so no one noticed that I left. I just left them a note saying not to worry about me, and I also left my phone so they won't keep on calling me."

I pouted. I felt bad for him. "I'm sorry if you get in trouble. It's all my fault."

He shook his head. "No, don't say that. Don't worry about me."

He suddenly turned to me, and looked at me straight in the eyes. "How do you say 'I like you' in Japanese? I only know the greetings and such, but not that phrase."

"Why?" I asked. "Are you gonna say that to your girlfriend?"

"Maybe?... I just want to know."

"The casual way to say it is 'daisuki desu'."

Oh my gosh. Is he going to say that to me now? I blushed, but I hope he didn't notice.

"Ahh, I see."

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Mr. Oh Sehun."

"Maybe. Do YOU have a boyfriend?"

Ugghhh, what is he trying to do? Is he trying to trick me or something? But I guess he already has a girlfriend... That's too bad because I really liked him.

"I can't have a boyfriend yet. I don't know. I haven't really thought of it."

He chuckled. "You're so innocent."

I chuckled too.

"Honestly, I haven't thought of it either." He said.

"Ha! You lied. I thought you had a girlfriend."

"I was just kidding. I'm not allowed to be in a relationship yet, just like you."

"But are you allowed to like someone?"

"Of course. Why not?"

"I don't know. I just felt like asking that."

The refreshing breeze kept us quiet for a while, until I broke the silence with a sad news.

"Oh yeah, I'll be leaving next week on Friday."

"Already? Actually, I have something to tell you. I won't be at school for the whole week because I have to go to several photoshoots and interviews, plus I have a fansigning event next week on Thursday in Myeongdong, so..."

"Ah, is that so? So that means I won't be able to say goodbye to you anymore?"

He sighed. "I don't know for sure."

"Well, I just want to thank you for everything... for being my friend. Visit me in Japan if you can, okay?"

"Of course I will."

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Chapter 3: cries because this is so cute ;;;;;;
and we need a sequel B|
That's so cute!! Do a sequel!! :)
That's so cute!! Do a sequel!! :)
Awww~ This definitely deserves a sequel~~~~ Please do write it~ Sehuna needs to be love~~~~~~~~ Oh and 5 years later sounds good!
@-Yoshi Thanks for the suggestion~! I'll try to consider it when I have time and a nice plot in my head~ But yeah, thanks for the "5 years later" suggestion! You just gave me a great idea~
Awww, Sehun~ <333 The ending is so bittersweet! How about a sequel? Like if they meet again 5 years later or something :3
i'm really looking forward to the next update!! ^^ update soon~ sehun's too cute!