"If It Makes You Happy, I'll Accept"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

After an hour of my Umma and the Kim's catching up, the Kim's finally left because they had to get back to their party. They insisted on staying but Umma wouldn't let them. After they left, Umma gave me the talk that I never thought that I'd hear. I laid my head on Umma's stomach and she softly brushed my hair with her fingers.

"Umma... do I really have to get married to Mr. and Mrs. Kim's son?" I asked Umma not wanting to. Umma took a deep breath before she began to speak.

"Yes Hunni. Please do this for Umma and Appa please. The Kim's are very good people." Umma said. I sighed softly at the thought of having to marry someone that I don't even know.

"Umma..." I whined.

"Hunni, be good." Umma told me as she tucked my hair away from my face.

"Hunni, promise Umma that you will behave. You must listen to them well. Don't cause them trouble. Make them happy." Umma begged.

"Okay. Fine Umma.. for you and Appa I will. Don't worry about it. I won't cause them any trouble. I promise I will behave. I'll be a good girl and listen." I reassured Umma. I couldn't believe the words that came out my mouth. I accepted it. *sight~* I did say that I'll do anything to make Umma and Appa happy once again... They will also get their business back and have their old life back. I'm thankful that Mr. and Mrs. Kim are so nice to my family and I and are willing to help Umma and Appa. Umma's eyes began to get teary. Umma pulled me in for a hug. I began to cry as Umma hugged me.

"Umma, why are you crying? Please don't cry." I whispered.

"I'm just so happy that I have you. Remember, no matter what happens Umma loves you." Umma said through her cries.

"Umma, I love you too." I told Umma.

"Yes I will. But you have to get some rest as well. You'll be leaving to the Kim's resident tomorrow morning." Umma informed me.

"What? Umma why? Why so early? Can't I stay with you and Appa? I asked Umma.

"No, Hunni. Listen to Umma. Don't ask questions. You promised Umma that you'll listen to me." Umma said.

"Umma~ I don't want to leave you and Appa." I cried. Hearing that I have to leave my parents felt as if my world just crashed. I can't leave them. They need me and I need them. We've never been apart no matter how bad things get. Why do they want me to leave now? I thought to myself as I cried.

"Hunni... your not going to keep your promise?" Umma asked.

"Umma, y-ou know I'll keep it. B--ut why now?" I asked.

"Hunni I said no asking questions. Its better for all of us." Umma said. Umma was also crying. If Umma doesn't want me to leave, then why is she pushing me?

"Yes Umma.. I'm sorry. I'll go." I said in between my cries. Umma patted my head.

"Thats my good daughter that I love." Umma said. After all the crying, I stepped to Appa's side and let Umma rest.

"Appa can you hear me? It's me, Hunni. Appa do you really agree with Umma that I have to get married into the Kim's family? Is Appa going to make me leave too? Appa, please. I don't want to leave you and Umma. Appa please wake up and stop Umma." I shooked Appa a little.

"Appa! Why don't you wake up!" I asked hoping that he will wake up before I leave. I wanted to talk to Appa. I needed Appa's warm hug. I cried silently by Appa's side until I fell asleep.

*At the Kim's Resident*


(Yukwon's POV)

The party has finally ended and Yunah was upset. She couldn't find the person that she wanted me to meet any where. Umma and Appa was also no where to be found. Yunah and I was waiting for Umma and Appa at their office, but they never came. After a while of waiting, Umma and Appa called me.

"Hello? Yukwon?" Appa said over the phone.

"Yes, Hello Appa?" I answered.

"Your Umma and I will be home a little late, Don't wait for us just go home arraso?" He told me. I sighed.

"Yes Appa." I said and hung up.

"Yunah, lets go home. Umma and Appa will meet us at home okay?" I told her.

"Okay Oppa." Yunah said and we walked to the car and the driver drove us home.

As soon as we got home, Yunah went straight to her room and locked the door. She stayed in her room all night after returning home. She was very dissapointed. After Yunah closed her bedroom door, Umma and Appa came home. They entered the house with big smiles on their faces. I love to see their smile.

"Ah, Yukwon son, sit down. We have good news to tell you." Appa told me. I did as I was told and sat down on the couch.

"First of all son, your Umma and I are glad that your finally home!" Appa told me. I smiled.

"Thank you Appa & Umma. I'm glad to finally be back home as well." I said with a smile.

"Next... Yukwon, we finally met our old friends that we havent seen in a very long time. It made our day!" Umma said.

"Thats great! I'm happy for you guys. It's great to see you guys happy." I said with full happiness for my parents.

"Well, its not all that great son, they got into an accident. They are in the hospital right now." Appa said and thats when everyone's smile faded.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." Was the only thing I could say.

"Yes we are too. But, would found out that they had a daughter.. And we are keeping our promise that the four of us made to each other when we were younger." Umma said. A part of me felt as if I wasnt going to like what they are going to say after this.

"What promise is that?" I asked.

"Well son. The promise we made was to if we had a son and they had a daughter, we'll get the two of you guys to marry." Appa said. I stood up off my seat as soon as I heard that.

"WHAT! APPA! UMMA!!!! You can't do this to me!" I told them.

"Son! Don't tell like that! I never raised you to behave like this!" Appa yelled.

"Sorry." I said

"But Appa! You can't make me do that. I don't want to marry that girl! I just got back!" I told them.

"Your going to have to marry her either way. It will help you. Yukwon, she's a wonderful and sweet girl." Umma said.

"Sweet? Wonderful! She probably just wants our money!" I yelled once again.

"KIM YUKWON!!!!! STOP! YOUR GOING TO MARRY HER AND THATS FINAL!" Appa yelled out. Umma started to cry.

"Yukwon please, sweetheart. Please be nice to this young girl. Her family isn't like what you think. It will make Umma happy.. Please do this for Umma." Umma begged as she began to cry. I began to feel guilty for acting this way towards my parents. I rushed to Umma's side. And I said what I didn't want to say.

"I'm sorry Umma. I'll behave. *sigh* I'll marry that girl." I told Umma, because I was worried about her health. Umma hugged me.

"Aw! Thank you so much Yukwon." Umma said. I became even more angrier, I hate that girl! She hasen't even came into this house yet and she has already caused me to argue with my parents. I hate her.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)