"Happy New Years!"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

The city lights shone through the night as cars pulled up at the enterance of The Dreams Resort Cameras were flashing from all angles and news reporters were everywhere in The Dreams Resort with microphones and cameras on. The Dreams Resort was filled with people in the dance room (Ballroom). There were two huge party being held there by the owners one was to welcome back their son and the other was a new years party. Everyone was well dressed. Woman wore dresses and man wore tuxedos. Music filled the room as everyone danced to the beat. Today was also the 31st of December. It was 11:55 p.m. The big chandalier shined brightly above everyone in the middle of the room. A big digital clock was shown above the stage. Everyone was counting down for New Years. Some danced with drinks in their hands and was having the time of their life. The room was filled with laughter and joy. Mali and I were enjoying the night. I was trying to leave all the pain and stress behind. Just as the music came to an end, the door began to open and in walked a handsome young man. He was well dressed in a black suit. His smile brightened up the room even more, along with his adorable dimples. Everyone froze once he opened the door. Four guards were standing with him. Two in front and two in the back. The spot light shone on him, every girl in the room had their eyes on him. Then the host of the party began to speak as the young man walked up on stage.

"Hello, I'm Kim Jungin, I want to thank everyone so much for coming here tonight. It's an honor to have all of you wonderful people here. Let's give a warm welcome to my dear son, Kim Yukwon!" Everyone in the room clapped and cheered for his return. The young man walked up the stage and gave his father a hug. Then he stood beside him and gave the crowd a bow. Still smiling, like an angel as he stood beside his father.

"Welcome back son." Mr. Kim patted his son on the back as they hugged. Then they broke the hug and Mr. Kim began his speech again.

"As we all know, in exactly two mintues, the clock will strike 12. New Years is near. I would like everyone to please step outside as we do a count down. The Dream Hotel and I have a surprise for everyone. Please exit this room and carefully head outside. Thank you." Mr. Kim finished his speech.

With that being said, everyone did as they were told. Everyone seemed to have a lover beside them. The couples held hands as they stared up into the stary night sky. I looked down after seeing so many couples. Mali and I stood side by side staring into the sky as the count down began.

"10...9...8.." Everyone began the count down.

"Make a wish!" Mr. Kim said into his microphone. Everything that is happening tonight is being recorded by the news reporter. It was a big party of the year.

"7...6..." They kept going. Mali and I closed our eyes and put our hands in a prayer. We made a quick wish before the clock striked 12.

Mali's wish: "I wish for this year to be a good year!"

My wish: "I wish that this year will bring happiness and clear all the pain. I wish my family got everything back."

"5...4..3...2....1!!" Everyone started to smile and there was a loud bang!

"Whoa!!" people around started saying.

"Wow" Others said.

"Ohh, so beautiful"

"That gave me a shock!"

"What a wonderful surprise!" Everyone started commenting and clapped. The crowd started cheering and whistling as the bright lights shined above them. As soon as Mali and I heard the bang, we immediately opened our eyes. I opened eyes to the beautiful fire works. Everyone was smiling and clapping as they watched the fire work show.

"Happy New Years!" Everyone in the crowd shouted to each other. Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Yukwon raised their glass of wine to make a toast. Everyone raised their glass and followed.

"Happy New Years Everyone! I hope you guys all have a wonderful year." Mr. Kim announced.

"May all the luck in the world come rushing into your life and the bad luck go away!" Mrs. Kim said with a huge smile. Yunah was standing beside her bother and her parents. They look like a very happy family. Perfect to be exact. How I wish I had that back..

"Cheers!!" Everyone said as they banged their glass and drank. I don't drink so I set my glass back on the platter. The party is now continuing outside. The music played and everyone began to dance again. The pool had candels lit around it and there was flower pedals in the pool floating around. It looked very beautiful. Over the pool, there was a little bridge to walk across. Everything looked so perfect. I some how lost Mali. I don't know where she is. She must be dancing the night away, I don't want to bother her. As I was walking back to the building, I bumped into someone and I heard the sound of glass shattering.

I looked up and infront of me, I see a woman dressed in a really short mini dress. But she looked pretty. She looked mad though.

"I'm very sorry!" I apologized and bowed to her.

"Why don't you watch where you're going! You made me drop my drink! Are you blind or something?!" She yelled at me. I was surprised. I didn't expect that from her.

"I'm sorry.." I said once again with my head still down.

"Go get me another glass!" She demanded me. Everyone around me seemed to be staring and talking. I felt so embrassed.

"No." I simply said and I was going to walk away. But she stopped me. She grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"What?!" She asked in a harsh voice.

"I said no. It wasn't all my fault. Your half to blame too. I said sorry already, but you didn't. I'm not going to get you another glass because you don't deserve it." I said. I yanked my arms away from her and began to walk away.

She became even more angrier than she was before. She rushed pass me and pushed me in the pool. I fell into the pool and I was afraid. I couldn't swim.

"Oops, sorry. It was an accident." She laughed.

I really wanted to call out for help, but I couldn't. I couldn't breathe. My eyes stung. Is this how my life was going to end. There was so many people that surrounded me.. but no one could help me? I must really be invisable. Out of over 500 people, not even one person can see me. I must really be nothing. I am now tired. I have no more energy to fight. I slowly closed my eyes and everything went blank.


-Authors Note-

Yay! I just finished 2 chapters in a day! I'll try to go for three. Thank you for reading. I hope you guys enjoy it. Please don't forget to comment.



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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)