"Please, Give Him Back To Me"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Ahlis's POV)

Oppa stormed out of the bakery. Has he really fallen in love with that stupid girl?! I couldn't even talk to her in any bad way. He stood up for that girl!! Oppa changed... I'll get him back to how he was before. I have to meet that girl. I have be her "friend.." I needed to shop to keep he calm. I paid for my drink and headed to the mall. Shopping always helps me. As I was walking around, I recieved a message.

"Baby, where are you?" It was from Siwon Oppa. I ignored it and kept shopping. I was looking around and bought some dresses. I needed another drink. I went to the food court and bought hot coco. As soon as I got my drink and was walking away from the court, I bumped into someone. I spilled my coffee on that someone.

"Ouch!!" She screamed in pain. The coffee was hot.

"Watch where your going!!! You made me spill my coffee!!" I yelled at the girl. I looked up and I couldn't believe it.. It was that girl! Yukwon Oppa's wife! She was wiping the coffee off her wrist. Her wrist was all red.

"I'm sorry.. Oh, it's you again." she said and was going to walk away. I grabbed onto her wrist that was red.

"Wait! I'm sorry." I said choking on my words.

"What?" She asked as if she couldn't believe her own ears.

"I said I'm sorry.." I told her.

"You win..." I said. She looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"You win.. You won Yukwon Oppa from me." I said and put on a sad face.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked me.

"You married.. my boyfriend... Now that you've married him, Oppa hasn't even talked to me anymore. He ignors me like he doesn't even know me." I pretended to cry. She looked at me with a sad face.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I should get going now." She said and was going to walk away. But I grabbed onto her wrist harder.

"Ouch!" She said. Oh yea.. she got burned. I was laughing inside.

"Oh sorry.. I forgot. But I feel so alone right now.. I need someone to talk to. Can I talk to you?" I told her. She just looked at me.

"Please.. I'm going crazy.. I'm so lonely.." I said pretending to cry.

"Okay okay.. let's sit down and talk." She said and we sat down at the food court and started talking. She is so stupid.. This is so much easier than I thought it would be. I laughed inside.

(Your POV)

Its her again.. The same girl that nearly killed me.. now she burns me with coffee. Now she's telling me that I stole her boyfriend away from her? Really? Oppa had a girlfriend the whole time? Is heaven playing a trick on me? We sat down at a little booth and began to talk. My wrist was burning and my head was pounding.. why is my head hurting to badly? I thought to myself.

"Your name is Hunni right?" She asked. I nodded.

"My name is Ahlis.." She told me. I just nodded.

"Hunni.. my heart hurts so bad. Knowing that Oppa had to get married to someone other than me, my heart shattered into little pieces. Oppa and I've been together for so long and we were so happy. When he found out that he had to get married to you, he was mad. He changed... he ignors me. He doesn't talk to me. He's always angry with every little thing." She told me and began to cry. My heart was hurting as well. Knowing that I did ruin his life.. his and Ahlis's love life. I took their love away from eachother. That's why Oppa hates me so much. That's why he's always acting like this.

"Please Hunni.. is there a way that you can help me? Do you know how much pain I had to go through? I know Oppa is hurt as well. He's just hiding it." Ahlis said.

"Did you know how happy Oppa was when he was with me? Did you know how deeply we were in love?" Ahlis said. My tears began to run down my face. She took my hand in hers.

"Hunni.. I know you understand and I know your a good person. But can you please.. give him back to me?" Ahlis asked while crying. I began to cry too. I feel like an idiot.. standing in the way of their love. How can I do this to them?!

"Please don't tell Oppa about this.. He will be more sad and dissapointed in me.." Ahlis begged.

"Hmm.. I promise I won't say a word." I told her and tried to hold back my tears.

"Thank you.. thank you so much Hunni!" She said and hugged me. I didn't hug her back.

"I'm glad I can talk to you. Can I have your number..? In case I need someone to talk to again?" She asked me. I nodded and wrote down my number and gave it to her. My head started to pound even more. I couldn't stay here. There was too much people. I felt restless. I needed to go home.

"I got to go." I said and left Ahlis sitting there. I walked out of the mall and waited for a taxi. I should of never came to the mall and just gone straight home like I was telling Umma. The taxi driver pulled up and I got inside. I told him my address and he brought me home. I paid him and I was finally home.. I'm home.. I was standing right infront of my house. The house that Umma and Appa have built together. I missed this house.

"Umma.. Appa... I'll work very hard to get our house back. I promise. I'll come back to our house.. I'll make it look nice and lovely again." I said out loud and began to cry.

"Umma.. what should I do?! I stole Oppa away from her?" I cried.

"Appa... I'm such a bad person, I ruined their love life." I cried. Looking at the house, memories of me and my family came rushing back to me. Our house was filled with happiness and love. We were such a happy family.. until that "Uncle Choi" ruined everything. Then I suddenly remembered what Umma said.

"Hunni.. don't go out alone.. it's dangerous.. He's on the loose" The words that Umma told me.. scared me. I had to get back to my other home. I walked as fast as I could. It was getting dark. I didn't want to face Oppa.. but I knew I had to. I walked in the door, and Oppa was sitting outside waiting for me.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)