"I'll Get You Back"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Ahlis's POV)

I stared outside the window of mine and Siwon's house into the rainy night. Siwon Oppa hasn't been coming home to me lately. Oppa says that he has to stay over at the office to finish work. It doesn't bother me, I can always be out having fun. Ahlis! Don't make a fool of yourself. If Siwon Oppa doesn't want you anymore.. then theres no need to be here. There are so much better people out there waiting for you. The man who will always have time for me not always work work work! I thought to myself. Plus I can always go back to Yukwon Oppa. I know that he hasn't gotten over me even though its been so many years.Oppa loves me too much. I bet he is married to that girl because he was forced by his parents. Oppa's parents always gets in our way! I hate them! Yes, this is all their plan.. for him to forget about me. He doesn't love her one bit and I'm sure of it. As soon as he returns home, I'll get Oppa back. I'll be by Yukwon Oppa's side once again. He will surely be happy and so will I. Just the thought of it made be feel satisfied.

(Your POV)
*Boom* I was awaken by the sound of thunder and my palms were getting sweaty. I began to feel scared once again. The memory of Uncle Choi came back into my mind. I sat up on the bed and hugged my knees as I started to cry. The thunder struck and I covered my ears. The scene of when I was 14 years old the first night I moved into Uncle Choi's house was still haunting me. He has already taken my parents away from me like he said he would... now he's after me. He isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants. And I know it. My sobbings began to get louder.

(Yukwon's POV)

During my sleep, I heard sobbings. I woke up to check on Hunni and it was her who was crying. I ran to Hunni to see what's wrong. As I got closer to her she backed away.

"Get away from me!" She yelled at me. I was taken aback with what she just said. Why is she so scared.

"Hunni, what's wrong? Its me... Yukwon." I tried to calm her down. I leaned in to hug her, but she tried to push me away.

"Stop!!! Leave me alone!! Stop hurting me! Haven't you hurted me enough?" She cried out and she was fighting to get out of my hug. I didn't want to let her go. I was worried. I don't know why she's like this.

"Hunni, I'm not going to hurt you.." I said while getting her hair out of her face and wiping her tears. Did I really hurt her that much? I thought to myself.

"Umma... Appa... where are you?" She asked out loud. I froze for a bit. I didn't want to make her feel even worse so I kept quiet. I just hugged her tighter.

"Hunni.. I'm here for you. I won't leave you. I promise." I told her.

"You really promise that?" She asked looking up at me. Hunni started to calm down. Each time the thunder or lightning struck, she would told onto me tighter and hide her face on my chest. I was giggling at how cute this was inside. I patted her head and held onto her hand as she began to fall asleep on my chest. I took the blanket and covered it over us. Soon Hunni fell asleep. I looked down at her and she looked so tired. She was so innocent and cute. I've never noticed how beautiful she was. I quickly gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Hunni.. my lovely wife." I said with a smile and let her sleep on my chest the whole night as I fell asleep while sitting up.

(Jiho's POV)

I'm so glad that Yukwon is now married to Hunni. She seems like a very good person. I'm working at the Dreams Resort with our friends. We are the managers there now because we are all like family to the Kims family. I am the manager at the hotel room areas. I am incharge of the employees there. What ever I tell them to do they have to follow. Everyone has been doing a good job with organizing and cleaning the hotel rooms. The person whos very good a it is Mali. Wahh.. she's so adorable. She acts so tough like she's the boss. She isn't like any other girls here. She catches my attention. As I was telling an employee what to do, Mali walks by. I told the employee to go hurry and do it and I handed him the list of things he needed to do. I ran after Mali.

"Goodmorning Mali!" I said with a bright smile.

"Goodmorning sir." She said without looking at me as she kept on walking.

"How are you doing today?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me.

"I'm fine thank you. And yourself?" She asked me. I smiled.

"Well, I'm doing fine that I get to talk to a beautiful girl like you, thank you." I said with a big smile. Mali puffed out her cheeks and stomped away.

"Wait! Where are you going?! Thats a compliment!" I said. I didn't follow her though... I just smiled as she walk out of my sight. Ah.. she makes my heartbeat beat faster everytime I see her. Soon I was shaken out of my dream world by P.O.

"Hey Hyung.. I see someone's in love~" P.O. sang.

"Yah! Shut up!" I said and walked away with a smile.

(Mali's POV)

Wahh!! Am I dreaming?! Jiho Oppa just spoke to me! I must be dreaming... I was screaming inside. Since Jiho Oppa has started working here, he's made everyday I good day for me. He's so handsome and does a good work as a leader in the hotel room areas. I admire him. But I can't let him know that. I can't be like all those girls who fall for him so easily. Ahh.. Oppa just called me beautiful.. I felt myself blush. My heart was melting.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)