"The Past Still Hurts"

"If You Had A Heart, You'd Know How Much It Hurts"

(Your POV)

The time to say my goodbyes with my parents has arrived. I never thought that I'd be saying goodbye to them and leaving them. I gave Appa and Umma one last hug before I left.

"Umma.. Appa please take good care of yourselfs. I'll be back to visit you." I told them, tears wouldn't stop coming. Umma was crying and Appa was acutally crying too!

"Hunni don't worry we will. You must take care as well and behave." Umma said.

"Thank you Umma I will, I promise.

"Yes, Hunni take good care dear. If anyone hurts you. Just tell Appa and Appa will rush to your side and beat them up for you!" Appa said as he cried. Umma hugged Appa and they cried together. If they dont want me to leave then why are they pushing me away? I thought once again.

"Goodbye Umma... Goodbye Appa I love you very much.." I said and they kissed me goodbye. Yunah took my hand.

"Dont worry, we will all take good care of Hunni Jinhee and Junsu." Mr. Kim said. My parents nodded and waved goodbye. We started walking out the door and as the door closed, I saw my parents still crying as they waved goodbye. The whole ride to the Kim's resident. I kept quiet and didn't speak to anyone. I was lost in my own thoughts.

About an hour later, we finally arrived to their house. The driver pulled up to the enterance of the house and a male servent came rushing out. He opened the car door and everyone stepped out one by one. Mr. Kim helped Mrs. Kim out and Yukwon helped Yunah out. I stepped out slowly. I took a good look at the big mansion. Yunah smiled.

"Welcome home, Unnie! This is where your going to be living." Yunah said with a smile. I smiled back.

"Welcome to your new home sweetheart. Let's go inside." Mrs. Kim said and we all followed them inside. When we entered the house, we were greeted by all the servents there. The house is very big. The stairway looks so long.

"Come on, I'll show you around!" Yunah said.

"Yunah.. Hunni Unnie is tired. Let her rest a bit?" Mrs. Kim said.

"No, Mrs. Ki-" I was about to finish but she gave me a look.

"No, Umma. It's okay." I said and she smiled.

"Okay then, dinner should be ready soon arraso?" she said.

"Yes Umma." We both said. Yunah hooked her arms around mine and we looked around the house. We walked up the long flight of stairs. When we finally reached the top, I was thankful that I didn't trip or fall down the stairs! While we were walking, I remembered that I still got to thank Yukwon Oppa for everything.

(Yukwon's POV)

Wow, she walks into the house and now she's looks around the house like its her house! I can see she'll take everything we own already! I wont let that happen. Ah I hate this girl!

"I'll be in my room." I told Umma and Appa and left them standing there.


"Past Relationship"


*In the Living Room*

(No One's POV)

"What's wrong with Yukwon?" Mrs. Kim asked her husband with worry in her eyes.

"His ex girlfriend's problem is what's wrong with him." Mr. Kim said.

"Still!?! He isn't over her yet? After all this time! She's too much!" Mrs. Kim was getting frustrated. Mr. Kim held his wife's hand in his hand and hugged her.

"Don't worry about it. It will surely end soon." Mr. Kim reassured his wife.

(Yukwon's POV)

I sat in my room and the past came back to haunt me.


The music was blasted loudly and the lights were flashing like crazy. Everyone was dancing to the loud music in the club. I sat alone at the bar counter. At 11:20 pm, I recieved a phone call from my close friend Jiho.

"Hello?" I answered over the loud music.

"Yah! Yukwon, where are you? I just saw Ahlis going into her appartment with Siwon." Jiho said straight forwardly. With that said, I hung up my phone and paid for my drink and left the club angry. I didnt want to believe Jiho's words, I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I drove to Ahlis's apartment. Her car was parked outside. I stared up into her window, the light in her bedroom was . There was a figure moving infront of the window. One figure became two. Jiho was right. She was cheating. I slammed my hand on the steering wheel and wouldn't help but cry. We've been together for so long, how could she do this to me? I thought to myself. The tears streamed down my face like running water. This was the second time I cried for anyone. This is going to be the last. Memories of us together ran through my mind. We were once so happy together. But she began to play games. I pulled myself together and headed home. That image.. burnt into my head. It's a memory that will he hard to erase.

I thought about the situation all night. When the clock stricked 2:00am, I decided to call her.

"I'll be at your place in five minutes." I said as soon as she answred. I didn't give her a chance to reply. I hung up the phone and drove her Ahlis's apartment. Rushing to her place, I rang the door bell as soon as I got there. Ahlis opened the door and hugged me. I stood there like a stone, not moving. She pulled herself off of me and looked at me. She gave me a smile that I used to love so much. But now I know it's all fake. Looking at her beautiufl face, I couldn't bare the pain.

"Tell me the truth about you and Siwon." I demanded her. She looked at me as her eyes widened.

"How did you find you?" she asked.

"You want to know the truth?!" She fired back at me.

"Yes, I'm with Siwon. He is way better than you are. More richer and famous than you will ever be." Her answers shot me like a bullet. I coulnd't believe what she was saying.

"I'll give you another chance Ahlis. Do you choose me or Siwon?" I asked, hoping she'll choose me.

"I'm sorry Yukwon. I choose Siwon. Thank you for everything. Goodbye." Ahlis said as she handed me the key to the apartment that I bought her. With that being said and done, she left me. i couldn't hold her back. She was gone.. I was alone in the room. As much as I wanted to hold her back from leaving, I had to let her go. She abandoned me in love, just like that. When she left, she shut off all the lights and colors in my life. All I could do was watch her back, leaving. Ahlish left me with scars that you can't see and pain that was hard to bare. I am now left with no light in my life. I'm no longer the warm hearted Yukwon. No longer the loving Yukwon. The only thing left of me is the coldness who has no more warmth.

--end of flashback--

I closed the photo album and put it back in the nightstand. Stop thinkg about her! I told myself over and over again. She is no longer in love with you. All woman are the same! They are no different! I told myself. They have no heart.

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190 streak #1
Songsong123 #2
Chapter 49: Wow author do u even know how many times u made me cry??? This was a great story though :D
ilabya16 #3
Haruchanie #4
Chapter 49: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ d(^.^)b
rukehna #5
Chapter 49: love the story
Chapter 49: woahh~ daebakk. i really love this story. this story is my favourite and best ever~!! good job author-nim. keep it up! fighting~!! i will always support you. *wink wink*
Chapter 49: This is a nice fic daebak author nim
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 49: Awww I love this fanfic so much!
greenwam #9
Chapter 49: Second time reading this :)