The Witch Strikes Again....

Fire in the Dance Studio
And the drama begins...
A/N: heeey guys dinosaurr here, thanks so much for subscribing and commenting. 
it gives us encouragement to write more throughout our writing journey lol
and thanks to theBBCkitty for wanting to collab with me in this fic
Your hair that was slightly damp thanks to the sweat- hanged loosely down your back as you tried to catch your breath. It was a Saturday morning meaning that it was the day that you and Kai would practice your dance routine for the Seoul Dance Competition. Kai handed you his water bottle and with no hesitation you chugged your life away. Once you were done, you handed him the empty bottle with a sheepish grin while he sent you a look. You collapsed on the ground with your arms and legs stretched out. You and Kai have been practicing since 6AM causing your arms and legs to feel like jello. Thank goodness Kai called for a break because If you'd continue any longer your body would already give out.
"Yah." You looked to your right and a small gasp escaped your lips. You didn't realize Kai was laying next to you, his arms supporting his head. The two of you met eyes sending your heart into a fluttering frenzy.
"Hwayoung-ah~ What's been bothering you? You haven't seemed focus since we started rehearsing." Just when you thought you could avoid what happened yesterday between you and Lay. Kai stared at you waiting for an answer. You cleared your throat and avoided his gaze.
"I-It's nothing, I'm just tired that's all. I'll try to focus more." You forgot that Kai has been your boyfriend for four years and he could easily see through your lies. Sending you a skeptical look, he sat up causing you to do the same.
"If it's nothing prove to me that you're focused now." You chewed the inside of your cheek nervously as you stood up. Everyone- including Kai knew you loved a challenge and you loved the urge of proving people wrong. Kai used the remote to control the sound system. 'Outta Your Mind' by LMFAO started blasting from the speaking. Out the corner of your eye you saw how he wore a smirk on his lips. This sorta pissed you off and he knew it. Jumping in your stance, your body began to feel its way through the music. You hair swayed in the same motion as your body. You eyed Kai through the mirror and chuckled lightly to yourself. His eyes were the size of Kyungsoo's while his mouth formed the perfect O. 'Who's smirking now?', you thought devilishly. Once the song faded, you panted a bit right before turning your gaze to Kai.
"You were saying?" You spoke cockily, crossing your arms against your chest. Kai snapped himself out of the trance.
"P-Psh, you got lucky." Before you could utter a word your stomach beat you to it, making a loud growl. You sent Kai a look and he understood what you meant.
"I'll go buy us some ramen. Are you gonna be okay being here alone?" You shook your head. Kai smiled at you and ruffled your hair. Once he was out of sight, you strutted towards the mirror like a model but ended up falling on your .
"Are you serious?" A familiar voice asked, snorting. Averting your attention to the person you gagged.
"What are you doing here witch? Didn't you cause enough problems?" You spat harshly. Jiyeon did a fake gasp and placed a hand over her chest dramatically.
"Oh no! This isn't about Yixing is it?" Every enemy knew the way to their enemy's head. They know what's their weakness and what gets them aggravated the most. As for you, you hated when Jiyeon acted oblivious and idiotic. She noticed the annoyance written over your face and continued her act. Having the urge to slap her, you kept your hands behind your back and went to the restroom. You splashed some cold water on your face to wake you up from this nightmare you were having but then came reality- telling you that this wasn't a dream. But real life. Once you were done drying your hands- you patted your sweatpants pocket to find your phone. You desperately wanted to tell Kai to run the opposite direction of the dance studio. You did not want to ruin your Saturday due to an annoying 'queenka', it was bad enough you saw her five days a week.
"Crap. I left my phone on the desk." You muttered angrily to yourself. Ruffling your hair and groaning you walked back to the studio. While you walked over to the desk Jiyeon stopped stretching. Her full-attention was all on you. You sent her this look but her eyes still remained the same. Avoiding her gaze you finally found your phone and before you had the chance to text Kai, he walked in. Angry?!
"Why are you still here then?" Kai spoke harshly towards you, making you jump at the sudden tone in his voice.
"What are you ta-"
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS TO ME. IT'S IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AND YOU TELL ME THIS LAST MINUTE? YOU'RE SO FREAKING SELFISH CHOI HWAYOUNG!" Kai barked at you causing tears to well up in your eyes. Jiyeon started to snicker but automatically stopped once Kai sent her a glare. He turned his attention back to you and held his hand up before you could get a word in. Your big brown eyes became slightly blurry once he said those words you thought you'd never hear again.
"You're not allowed to come back to my dance studio and I mean it. I'm banning you." Tears fell down your cheeks as you ran out of the studio. You ran far, far, away from the studio and ended up in the park. You took a seat on the bench and sobbed loudly grabbing attention from those who walked by. You were confused and sad but most of all upset. You were upset at the fact that you didn't get a chance to fend for yourself- especially since you had no idea what he was talking about. Anger bubbled inside of you causing you to wipe away your tears. You stood up with a sudden change of attitude. You were going to confront Kai; one way or another. As you muttered unnecessary words under your breath you walked endlessly in the park. Not paying attention you collided into a body.
"I'm so sor-" You stop mid-sentence once you got a look at the person's face. Your face turned into a scowl earning one in return from Lay.
"Oh. Its you." You hissed venomously. He chuckled sarcastically as the two of you just stared at each other. Your eyes never left each others making the air between you tense.
"Shouldn't you be with that witch right now?"
"Why can't you just be happy for me? Can't you be a good friend and support me?" Lay pleaded. You thought for a minute and looked at him.
"Hell no."


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AyyoExoTics #1
Chapter 8: *ouch* they broke up ...".. WAE..." author nim its ok for me that they broke up but if you can umm can you make hwayoung to be cold at kai pleasee but in the end they' ll be a couple hehe i hope you can undrestand me hehe i want some actions though ahaha well author nim i really love u for making this haha saranghae ^_^
tinecrust #2
Chapter 7: huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! oww...
sarah04 #3
Chapter 7: Nooooo! Why?!? Update soon!
ohsehtan #4
Chapter 7: WHAAAAAAATTTT???!!! WAAEEE??? >.< so sad! Kai whYY??? Lol *.* update soon ~~
tinecrust #5
waaah~ update soon! it was getting fuuuN!
100percentASIAN #6
Please update soon~
tinecrust #7
looool. cool! update! :D
tinecrust #8
gooooosh! keep updating! :DD
ohsehtan #9
Omfg jiyeon :o
Please update soon <3